Dual Universe Creators
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HONEYCOMB CENTRAL (Alioth branch) is the #1 place for ALL your Honeycomb needs. Just a short hop from Market 6 on Alioth (14km East), we offer the largest range available to view and buy, stock every voxel type available (T1-T5) in Helios. So that's over 1382 dispensers crammed into one construct (covering the really obscure to some truly ridiculous honeycomb!), ready, waiting, and automatically restocked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not just that, we offer highly competitive pricing thanks to our high technical expertise and very thin profit margins to give you the best deals possible. Latest pricing can be seen at our lot at Alioth Exchange and on the huge screens at the shop entrance, and hopefully between the map & the signage, you can find what you're looking for. The location bookmark can also be found in-game at our lot at Alioth Exchange. Come see us ::pos{0,2,37.7106,109.2352,62.5194} and get your honeycomb at a time of your choosing without any of the market frustrations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our "Complete Honeycomb Collection" - all 1382 voxel types in a single batch (0.5L of each) - have your very own honeycomb library in your backyard! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONEYCOMB CENTRAL - it's not glamorous, it's not sexy, but does the job! Visit in person or VR (but of course dont buy in VR) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complementary ship-buffing service (where eligible): Container Optimization - 5 Container Proficiency - 5 Fuel Tank Optimization - 5 Space Fuel Tank Handling - 5 Atmo Fuel Tank Handling - 5 Atmo Element Handling - 5 Atmo Engine Handling - 5 Hover Engine Handling - 5 Airfoil Handling - 5 Flight Element Handling - 5 Adjustor Handling - 5 Vertical Booster Handling - 5 Atmospheric Airbrake Handling - 5 Retro-Engine Handling - 5 Space Element Handling - 5 Space Engine Handling - 5 Rocket Booster Handling - 4 Rocket Booster Fuel Tank Handling - 4 Set build construct rights on RDMS to "Honeycomb Central" org. Buffing occurs within a 24hr window UTC time as announced (as can't guarantee an exact minute!), so please get any ships there by the start of the window. Signage on site will indicate whether the buffing process has been completed.
DU Grotesk
De Overheid

DU Grotesk is my first, completed font for Dual Universe. Large, rectangular but rounded letters with just the right Sci-Fi look and feel to them while maintaining readability. It comes in two variants, one straight and one slanted edged version, you can use both together if you prefer some characters It has reactor markers to quickly select a letter to copy and paste into words and has 4 versions per variant: The reactor where you can see how it is built in one quarter voxel deep. A full voxel deep floating one, a full voxel deep embedded into the wall and my personal favorite, a 2 quarters thick floating variant with luminescent background, makes for good readability at night and looks very nice. It also has a full Uppercase and lowercase set and is included with minimal interpunction characters. Let me know if you want something specific. Uppercase is 8 high and 5 wide, lowercase is 5 high and 3.5 wide. The blueprint is almost for free, the materials included in the token are at ore prices, I rather want more people to use it than make a profit. I'd appreciate a note to a VR location where I can see it used and the only thing I do not want is you selling copies for profit, the rest is all yours to create something with. VR - Overheid's Shoppe - SVEA Location - ::pos{0,2,49.6888,160.3544,52.2589}
Spaceboys mini bar

BP free DRM avec mini bar et arret de bus :)
Stairway to Haven

Stairway to H(e)aven A futuristic Hoverpath Voxellibrary for different heights. (DRM free) Voxelparts: - Hoverpath straight - Hoverpath diagonal - Hoverpath Kink straight to diagonal - Double Foot for the ground - Slanted Foot for the ground - Antigravity Hovering Platform - Rain Protection - Teleporter Positions - Deadends (Round, Short, Barrier Tape) - Hovering Plants - Hanging Cables - Height-Changing Hover Path - Antigravity Hovering Hoverpath straight - Antigravity Hovering Hoverpath diagonal - Arch straight - Arch diagonal - Clean Diagonal Hoverpath for Core Edges
Light Library 2.0

Light Library 2.0 is here! Many new lights to use on your constructs!
Light Library V 1.0

A small library of exterior/landing pad lights. DRM Free, of course. No longer for sale - See Light Library 2.0
Orri's Airport Lounge Fixtures

I've been building an airport lounge above my hangar, some have asked for a small library to make their own, so here is my creation, i hope you like it. Please come and view the airport in situ to get some inspiration ideas..... VR to Orri Alioth Base. You will spawn in the airport arrivals area. Visit in person at ::pos{0,2,2.5480,104.8856,1.4524} and take the elevator up into the airport. I generally play with shadows off because I'm a cheapskate when it comes to lighting.. sorry if its too dark. I enjoy having visitors at the base. Blueprints of my own base props and art are available in the blueprint shop HERE ::pos{0,2,2.4627,104.9194,1.7739}, the airport kit is currently spawned behind the rear of the shop for your inspection. Credits: Loaded Industries hangar kit for the main building design, and an unknown creator for the airport walls and windows. (if you know the creator of this please let me know so i can credit them). Included in the kit is:- White Internal door surround. (copies the profile of the in game interior doors), and a matching wall panel for corridors and rooms. (Pictures 1&2) Plinth for information signage, can be resized for your own signs. ( Sorry Lua Screen not included Thanks to Hadron for the screen for my personal use :-) (Picture 3) Security body and luggage scanners. (Picture 4) Baggage carousel and sign holder (Picture 5) Baggage loading dock (Picture 6) Quanta ATM Cash machine... sadly it doesn't give out quanta! (Picture 7) Hologram base plinth, Gate seating area, Bar seating area (Picture 8) Bar frontage and seating and lighting. (Picture 9) Passport Control Booths and desks.) (Picture 10.. needs taking) Sign images can be found on the DU Image share discord or pm me if you can't find the links and i'll forward them. Feel free to message me on discord with any questions or problems. Have fun building your own airport.

Decorative panel 240x240 voxels, can use as a floor or split it up into pieces to have multiple decorative elements to put on your walls/ceilings or whatever you can use it for. I have no fixed price for it, but you are free to donate whatever you want to get a copy.
Block Vault Free Stuff

The BLOCK VAULT contains lots of fonts and core cover BPs - all (but one) made by Metallical. And the best thing about it: EVERYTING IS COMPLETLY FREE! VR: Block Vault Location: ::pos{0,2,17.1686,111.2242,37.0846} If a dispenser is empty, or if you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord!
Tessellation Hallway Kit (COMING SOON)

Coming soon, still work in progress. Modular tessellation hallway kit. Step-by-step DU IT YOURSELF parts for recoloring each part of the hallways as desired. If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord!
Hex Staircase Set

DRM free and build for quick & "easy" assembly. Deployment can be a bit tricky. Read instructions first (see pictures) VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **
Hex Hallway Set

DRM free and build for quick & easy assembly. For a fully deployed preview, VR to "The Shard" at Starlantis and check out the first stage (entrance in the basement). VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **
DUSAF Interior Set

DUSAF Interior Set, inspired by a well-known TV series. Build for M-core ships in the first place. DRM free and build for quick & easy assembly. VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **
CM Hallway Set

CM Hallway Set, inspired by a well-known TV series. DRM free and build for quick & easy assembly. Comes in two pre-defined colors, clean and rusty. VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **
X40 Interior Set MK2

A modular set made for M-sized ships in the first place. First built in Beta, now available as MK2 version. DRM free and build for quick & easy assembly. Coming soon: Different pre-defined colors. VR: Deeh Store (dispenser inside the building, 2nd floor, preview outside) If you have questions, don't be shy - contact me on Discord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** TRUST-BASED USAGE: This is a non-DRM library for one (1) user and/or organization only. I believe in trust as an essential driver for a creative community as we have in Dual Universe. However, it is prohibited to share or resell assets by parts or by whole, unless permission has been explicitly granted by the owner. If you want to include assets in your own constructs for sale, contact me on Discord where we can discuss how to proceed. Copyright infringements will be reported to ingame support, and suspects will be excluded from any future ingame interactions with the owner and its organization(s). **