Dual Universe Creators

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Lua Scripts

Stairs 1

Fordie Industries


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DRM FREE VR : Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3

BP: 250 Kħ

Industry Box Set



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DRM FREE Resizeable Box to go around your industry to make shelves or whatever you like with them PS: The building is still under construction BPs are sold on the side of the display after entering the front door. Message me with any questions, also I'm looking for any type of design group to work with Discord 2BITTER#7729 VR: 2B DESIGNS

BP: 200 Kħ

I'm Groot

I'm Groot


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Groot Pixel Art DRM Free Please don't re-sell, I hope you like and more to come VR to Pixel Art to see more :)

BP: 1 Mħ

Exended Circle Set



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All uneven radii from 65 voxels to L Core maximum 255 voxels 255 is max whats fit in m Core and also max if you need 1 circle in on 1 L core. If you need Larger Radii , don`t hesitate to ask for it

BP: 11.11 Mħ

DF Redline Library

Dark Forge


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After popular demand a complete library is being created by firestorm for those that want to utilize the aesthetic we made for the XL Space engine casing, Ithicus Lux hauler and the new Rebellion PvP/E M core currently in R&D at our HQ. release date TBD. Keep an eye out on our DU creators page on discord for updates.

Wall 1

Fordie Industries


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DRM FREE VR: Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3

BP: 150 Kħ

Misc 1

Fordie Industries


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DRM FREE VR: Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3 just a random creation

BP: 75 Kħ

old Corridor Library

Fordie Industries


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DRM FREE VR: Fordie Industries Location: 11Km from Haven Market 3

BP: 250 Kħ

Fake Door

Captain Adan


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nice little kit of a false door with or without a sign petit kit sympa d'une fausse porte avec ou sans pancarte

BP: 800 Kħ

CCU Street & stuff



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A new cute little set by CCU. This time we bring u a set for streets, sidewalks and a few more random pieces that fit in. Some of witch we use here at our own base. Everything comes DRM free. Contains: 2 different sets for street. 2 railing or barrier set and a few other random things Feel free to get a copy and add it to your collection or to use for future builds. We love to see what u guys will do whit it. Visit us in VR : CCU Voxel Library Pos : ::pos{0,2,34.8152,72.6351,260.6589} Take care Novean! Greetings from Henky

BP: 1 Mħ

Mass effect clutter kit!

Gray (GrayLeader)


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DRM free! its a clutter kit with highly detailed pieces on it and ready to use. Feel free to use the kit however you desire! you can view it at vr admi pre order kit to see it up close will be moving the display model eventually and organizing it a little better but there ya go!

BP: 30 Mħ

RyanPryde´s Circles and Corners



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-- Availabe at our Alioth base -- Hi everyone, I present you my new circle library. Tons of corners and shapes wait for you to make our world more round! All should be working fine on the new 84 voxel grid. Most parts I checked with polished white titanium for dents and errors. Includes: Standard circles from 1 to 64 radius. (all reworked and checked) Extra vertex circles (extruded extra voxels) from 3 to 12 radius. Cones in 1x0.5 slopes from 1 to 14 radius. Convex and concave rings (inside and outside curved) from 2.5 to 15 radius. Extruded outside curves from 2 to 15 radius. 1x1 corners with different radii. (0.5, 0.75, 1 voxel radius) 1x1 to 1x4 circle slopes. (not increasing in diameter) Corner variations from 1x1 to 8x8. Mini pipes from 0.10 to 1 voxel diameter. 3 L Screens with Lua circles to make your own curves or railings. "some assembly required" ;-) Just kidding, but working with circles require you to manually adjust some joints, so pull out the vertex precision tool and get started. Credits to BIA for the original circles and all the people who helped me in testing this library. Available in our showroom (Hadron HQ Alioth) for 5000 quanta! Version 0.31.3 - Release (Check out my update feed for future additions) If you have something to contribute, call me on discord. VR: Hadron HQ Alioth

BP: 5 Kħ

Hadron Stairs and Catwalk Set



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Hadron Stairs and Catwalk Set Created by Chewie1, adjusted and expanded by T4kler to the 84 step voxel grid, this stair and catwalk set has everything you need to create access wherever you want it. Intended for creating an optimal elevation in the Hadron showroom, we used this set to create nice observation spots all around our HQ. Now we’re proud to release it DRM free for all to utilize in your own structures and ships! Our prefab set provides straight and 45 degree (diagonal) catwalks and junctions to ensure you find the right path for your elevated walkways. By default, the set uses T1 materials only for easy deployment and has a checkerboard design for easy understanding and manipulation of the voxels.

BP: 5 Mħ

Hadron Air Props



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Hadron Air Conditioning Set Spruce up your base with this highly detailed and comprehensive air conditioning prefab kit. From industrial units to commercial home cooling, this set has everything you need to give your constructs that extra level of authenticity and immersion. Included in the set: 6x6 air ducts (straight, curved and 45 degree variants) 6x14 air ducts (straight and curved variants) Brackets and wall mounts for realistic mounting of the ducts Multiple vents for internal and external usage (flush and protruding versions) Vented fans in various sizes and styles Dissected fans for recolour and customization Industrial air conditioning units Inlet and outlet pipes for realistic coolant flow Commercial air conditioning units Appropriate signs for added realism Straight and 1x4 diagonal louvers for custom venting Square and round chimney cap variants Office air outlets round and square I built this set for use at Hadron HQ but I’m releasing it because I know a lot of people build voxel props for decorating their own bases and ships. Now you can save time building and move on to placing these decorations hassle free. I hope you all enjoy!

BP: 10 Mħ

Seripis Hall Set MK2



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A microvoxel hallway set designed to create a small interior for M and S core ships. Or a labrynth for a L core construct. All Blueprints and Tokenized Ships located on Alioth at Castle D4rkMoon ::pos{0,2,67.6500,91.2477,72.4814} you can Also VR to "Seripis Castle" Hit me up on discord to make a purchase! Seripis#0466

BP: 500 Kħ
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