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BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Lightskipper Courier is a shuttle designed to get you and a handful of cargo anywhere fast. It used to be a warp shuttle - there's a slot where a warp drive can be placed - but balance changes in beta left it too weak to easily carry the now heavier warp drive. It still works well for small market and mission runs, and as a starter ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The entire outer hull of the vessel can be repainted, divided into four sections. You will also be able to easily repaint it yourself using a BP tool I provide with every sale.
Mining Wheelchair
Leni Industries

Version 6.5 is out (The units are sold as token, no dispenser exists. You can contact me by discord) The unit was originally designed for miners and to help them clean up mega nodes. Because the game has changed a lot since this unit was designed and because ground mining on the planet has been removed, the mining plugins have been removed. The design of the unit has been improved to accommodate the "no stacking of elements" rule and more thrust has been added. A hover engine has been added to allow the player to stand still for hours. A new plugin has been added: Harvester. It allows you to store the location in a database with a timer. Very useful for scanning or harvesting. https://wheelchair.leniver.ch Each pack includes the following: - Boosted (lvl4) - Up To 2 Hours Fuel Life On Alioth (up to 250 hours close to the ground) - WASD Controls For Easy Manuevering - Harvester - and much more (see the detail on the website) (TOKENS ONLY) Time is the most valuable resource in life, don't waste any more of yours and get your Wheelchair today! Don't Believe Us? Check Out This Video Review From BrewAndPew and RobRantz: https://youtu.be/9cl43m8Ut8w https://youtu.be/okbWh6pcSCs Thanks to MarkeeDragon for letting me present the device, check out here: https://youtu.be/kNiXX4bjjF4?t=1746 Triangulation Guide: https://youtu.be/-dG060p57Io Pour les francophones, merci à Tekhamon d'être venu me voir pour faire une petite présentation de la chaise. https://youtu.be/y-yO1xkAsEQ&t=3994s
Squire - XS Starter Hauler

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Squire is an inexpensive starter hauler and market runner. Capable of escaping 1g with 200t of cargo - even with zero piloting talents - it's suitable for a new player who wants to kick-start their progress. It also has surplus high altitude lift and braking power to make it easier to fly. With maxed technician and piloting talents the Squire can escape 1g with up to 500t and carry up to 700t in atmo. With an optional warp drive, plenty of fuel, and a cozy interior, the Squire has only one notable drawback: If you intend to use the Squire for mission running, keep in mind that the cargo is only 120kL. This means that you won't be able to carry the 125kL mission package. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Listed stats are with maxed talents. If you're spawning from BP without good technician and piloting talents, it will be weaker.
Vector Voyager

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} The Vector Voyager is a sleek and capable multirole hauler. A colossal amount of work went into making it - about 600 hours - most of it spent on voxels (back when we didn't have the vertex precision tool and we had to modify voxels through arcane methods called 'Voxelmancy'). It has a detailed and pleasant interior and a carefully sculpted outer hull. The Vector also has excellent engineering. It's narrow; less that 400m² forward cross section, allowing it to reach speeds greater than 1600kmh in atmo (if you don't mind a few things exploding). It can haul a substantial amount of cargo; designer testing has achieved 1g escape with 5kt of cargo in the standard basic engines model (with maxed buffs and piloting talents). With higher tier military engines, it can lift up to 8kt for a skilled pilot. Volume capacity is 2.3ML(12 L containers), with external attach points for six additional L containers, allowing expansion up to 3.45ML with only a minor increase in forward cross section. The ship also has a strong and balanced adjustor profile, a small hangar for speeders, and a spacious tech bay to add role-specific elements such as a DSAT, large shield, or AGG. I tried to make the best M-core I possibly could, and I'm proud of the Vector. Thanks for taking the time to look at my cool internet spaceship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Video showcase and review by NeoCrypter: https://youtu.be/taM7d6i571k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURCHASING Dispenser here - ::pos{0,27,6.0299,-73.5286,270.5689} PRICES: Single-use BP - 10M NOTES: •The blue hull plates can also be painted any color/material. You can recolor them when you spawn it by swapping the polished light blue steel for any other material. Or you can repaint it later with a repaint tool BP that will be provided with the ship BP. •Listed stats are with maxed technician and piloting talents. •The Vector can become imbalanced if you place heavy elements in the tech bay. See the info button near the warp drive for instructions on how to rebalance the ship.

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Outrider is a small core light hauler, built for efficiency and elegance. It's powerful enough to carry a modest load, but light enough that warp and fuel costs will also be modest. It can haul a maximum of 300-1000t out of 1g, depending on technician buffs, pilot talents, and engine selection. It has a max cargo volume of 144-216kL as standard. With a small internal tech bay it can house a few additional role-specific elements, such as a M shield, M rocket fuel tank and M rocket engine, or up to three extra M containers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES: • When you spawn the Outrider from BP, to change the color of the blue hull plates, replace the 'Polished Light Blue Steel' and the 'Galvanized Light Blue Steel' materials. The former is the main hull plate material, and the latter is the stripes material. The Outrider will also come with an extra BP for a repainting tool, named 'Outrider Paint Tool' that will allow you to change the color of the ship later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Listed stats are with low talents and basic elements.
Rebellion by Chewie and Hagbard

=== Rebellion === "When an affordable ship actually performs better then most expensive ships out there, it might be a Rebellion... " The Rebellion is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1 using the 2d voxelplaner gifted to the community by jaylebreak. It has includes a warp drive, uncommon Atmo engines and a Shield S. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth. - Atmo/Space/Warp capable - 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents - fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible - Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other usefull features Oct. 20th 22: The DU Player Kukacha created a parts list to help player have an easy overview on which parts to get: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SC6omX1ykK6Aef5Pq0dxvJCkHTPk-JDOBHxrO-BM-_c/edit#gid=0 Update Rebellion 2b ( Oct 14th 22) ==> Updated for DU Release version. No overlapping elements, fully equipped BP, so that you can decide when placing which elements to actually include. You can place it without Warp,Shield,Canopies,Lights,encampment chairs, screens,Lua Board, Database,landing gears to save time and quanta if you prefer. For now we cannot offer this BP for free anymore, so we tried to make it affordable and are offering a "release discount" of only 1.5m Quanta for a limited time. Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported! ==== Some features for the included HUD ==== - Full Autolevel in space and Atmo -- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling -- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orienation will automatically be used for autoleveling - Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude -- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo - Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically - Collision avoidance -- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically -- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed - Can be "flown" underwater. - Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically - can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering - Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on screen clutter -- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed - Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground - Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier The rebellion was build to make it upgradeable. - The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd" - The rebellion has space reserved for a shield generator s == Waypoint Mgmt System ( since 1f) == The Rebellion 1f has >180 built in waypoints included in the LUA. Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection The wapoints are organised in groups. Skrip to the next group using Alt & CursorLeft to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards. == Using custom your own Waypoints == you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD. The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\ Filename has to be poilist.lua Here is the a sample file content: -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" } function poilist.loadLocations() p = {{}} p[1] = {"Hagbard","Showroom", "::pos{0,2,37.9534,63.5323,7.9565}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Chewie Base", "::pos{0,2,9.4456,45.4257,108.8897}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Yobbous Base(must see)", "::pos{0,2,39.3317,21.6829,87.5876}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Hedronic Library Teoma", "::pos{0,8,1.5059,133.7962,99.1187}"} return p end return poilist -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed. The parameter Order is "group","Name","POSstring" The display name in the UI will be Group-Name BP's will be made available again soon(TM)
Brute S-core Freighter

SALES HALTED. NOTICE: Due to my dissatisfaction with this ship's performance and aesthetics, it is now retired. No further tokens will be sold. Cheap DRM-free BPs will be distributed through a soon-to-be-placed dispenser. NOTICE: With some recent changes to obstruction calculation, the brute has lost about 15% of it's total atmo thrust due to the forward atmo engines being more obstructed. It can still do 2kt cargo, but I'm revising the advertised max to 1.75kt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Brute S-core freighter is designed for short solo/duo mining trips and mid-range missions. It has a detailed interior and a shapely exterior with lots of personality. Internal cargo capacity is 384kL(4M containers), with designated external attach points for three additional L containers, allowing expansion up to 996kL for carrying high-volume, low-mass loads such as bauxite. Max cargo mass is around 1.75kt. The ship can also be used for safe zone asteroid mining. A spot has been cleared in the cargo bay to insert a DSAT at coords 0,0,-3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURCHASING Unavailable. PRICES: Single-use BP - N/A
SNS Sentinels

Build by Akcroma#9718 BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" Designed for hauling mission, stuff or for asteroids (in SafeZone) 2 Uncommon Military Space Engine XL 6 Container L Warp drive slot Shield slot CCS Capacity 6.21 M Free rebuff (dm Cobqlt#8533) Video made on the release with 3kt and atmo handling lvl4, space handling lvl 5 and pilot skills lvl 4: https://youtu.be/dWtwks6hoh8
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

No other ship quite so embodies life in the Helios System. Hardworking, severe, yet beautiful. And, oh so good for those focused on mining and hauling. Captain’s Customs presents the iconic Horizon. Really, it should always be referred to as “The Horizon”. So worshipped by, and so prevalent in the fevered dreams of, miners all over the system The Horizon has reached near-mythical status. It’s the ship that shows you that it’s all worth it – that you are a serious operator! Aside from being a technological marvel and a design masterpiece, the Horizon answers two key questions; “where the hell am I going to all put these rocks?” and “Why the hell am I mining all these rocks?". Hell, this ship is so good it spawned a family tree – from micros, to minis, to the Eclipse – The Horizon’s DNA is all over Captain’s showroom…. …. … Anyway… Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs fine-tuning the engines of the industry with flair! M Core - 12 L Container - Warp Drive Two variants available - AGG and Non-AGG Both have nearly the same capacity from the ground to space (non-AGG has more lift), but the AGG version has unlimited weight into space when operated as an AGG platform ship. Nearly 10KT of total mass to space off the ground of Alioth.
SC Oblivion
Arch Tech

The SC Oblivion: Where Luxury Meets Functionality Looking for a space ship that offers the ultimate in luxury and functionality? Look no further than the SC Oblivion! This remarkable Star Cruiser, equipped with (16) Rare Military Atmospheric Engine Ls and (3) Rare Safe Space Engine XLs, is designed to cater to your every need, with an interior that is elegantly designed and packed with state-of-the-art amenities. Step aboard Arch Tech's SC Oblivion and be transported to a world of luxury and comfort. The ship's interior is bright and spacious, with large windows that offer stunning views of the galaxy. The elegant furnishings, multiple fireplaces, and cozy seating areas create a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for relaxing after a long day of exploring the cosmos. All it takes is a quick punch from the 70 Vertical Booster Ls facing the ground to launch you up to 1,000m above sea level, instantly activating your Anti Gravity Generator M and letting you relax around the ship. But the SC Oblivion is not just about luxury - it's also designed for functionality. With a fully equipped flight deck, four landing pads, and a full-size runway, the ship can accommodate a variety of missions and activities. The conference center, study, and agriculture lab make it easy to conduct business and research while traveling through space. And let's not forget the famous "Sky Bar" - a luxurious lounge that overlooks everything below. It's the perfect place to unwind with a cocktail and take in the stunning views of the galaxy with friends and colleagues. With private quarters for the captain and crew, the SC Oblivion is the ultimate luxury experience for anyone looking to explore the cosmos in style. Book your trip on the SC Oblivion today and discover the perfect combination of luxury and functionality in space. Visit the SC Oblivion today: VR: "SC Oblivion" Parked Location: ::pos{0,2,7.4135,80.7276,278.4241} NOTICE: Arch Tech will support each customer one on one for token sales to achieve the customer's desired accent color(s), provide level 5 buffs, element skins and give demonstration on general operation and maintenance. (eg, Polished Dark Blue Steel can be swapped for Polished Red Steel, etc.). All tokens will include 8 custom pieces of artwork that will be displayed around the ship which will be designed to match the color pallet of the customer's choice. Blueprints will be available in limited quantities at limited times on a FCFS basis for 150 million quanta at special events like Fly-Ins, etc.. (The events will be chosen at our own discretion with no plan to announce the start or close of the temporary sale. Once BPs are depleted from the dispenser, they will be gone for that event and will not return for sale until the next event). Please DM Slanks on discord with questions or concerns.
AMG Condor S

VR: Eternity Showroom The AMG needed a planetary multipurpose craft capable of doing shipment missions and go Asteroid mining. Thus, the Condor was born. It has a large, empty, decorative hangar space that can be filled with additional engines and cargo to increase its lifting capacity. So it can lift far more than the statistics indicate. The basic version can already deliver 1.8 kt into space by using the AGG. as there are still some details I would like to change and add, the purchase of the blueprint comes with lifetime support! It's the second ship I've ever built, so I'm happy to receive any kind of feedback :)
Behemoth V1S

NOTE: the token cost reflects the current best market value of all the elements as of 11/4/2022 Infinity Corporation's first ship of our upcoming product line of freighters and haulers, the Behemoth 1S is a space-only super freighter. Capable of being armed with with 8 Large Railguns and 2 Large Lasers, and large shields (optional cost) and armored with up to 7 meters of air-spaced armor in important areas, you can safely transport up to 7680 kL / 20000 tones through space with 40 basic large containers. The Behemoth also (optionally) comes with 2 StarScream drop ships (extra 10 million quanta each) that fit neatly into the drop hanger in the bottom rear of the ship (See photos) Your tokenized ship will come with all elements upgraded to tier 4, please allow up to 30 days for delivery. The IC logos can be replaced with a logo of your choice, or just removed.
Starscream MK5 Pocketable

This is the pocketable (compatible) atmo only version of the Starscream, no storage containers or space elements. This version has a basic medium atmo engine, an small atmo radar, and small hovers for easy placement of the blueprint.
Nephilym AGG

The Nephilym is the "little brother" to the Infinity Corporation Behemoth hauler. Armed with 8 medium railguns, and 1-3 meters of steel armor, you can safely transport up to 5000 tones from the ground to space. Large Rockets will get you to AGG minimum height on Alioth with up to 5000 tones. This ship makes a great Missions runner! NOTE: the token cost reflects the current best market value of all the elements as of 11/4/2022
Wyvern LX

***Price Reduction through the Holidays*** VR: Anvilworks Showroom The Anvilworks "Wyvern" is a medium core luxury light hauler. If you want a ship to show off your wealth then look no further. This baby turns heads wherever you go. This is my personal daily driver. If you are looking for a ship that can haul multi kilotons of cargo then this is NOT the ship for you. This is not a workhorse. This is a piece of art. This ship was based on a 3D model which can be seen in the pics. This ship was built to scale as the model had human models built in. I had to highly modify the back end and add nacels in order to facilitate as much thrust as I could due to the unfortunate size of DU's engine models. I have tested this with 1KT of cargo leaving both entering and leaving Alioth with Level 4 talents. It is doable but it is not fun. I would say that this ship's happy place is around 800 tons. The top "hood" took many hours to nail down moving point by point to get the slope and lines just right. I would have loved to add more detail however I was limited by chunk complexity in most areas. Features: - Fuel Efficient - Bar has been built in in the main hall - Privacy glass (button in the cockpit) (spawns blue you will need the skin unlocked in order to change) - Sun shades on both sides of the lounge windows - Numerous extra screens and programming boards to run your favorite scripts. - Room for improvements (upgraded Engines, more weapons etc.) 4 x Large Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines 4 x Large Advanced Military Space Engines 2 x Medium Advanced Precision Railguns (additional mounting locations for additional weapons) 1 x Large Space Fuel tank 1 x Large Atmospheric Fuel tank 1 x Medium Shield 1 x Medium Space Radar 1 x Small Space Radar 1 x Warp Drive *upgrades I would do in the future to make it sing* -change the large military space engines to maneuvers. -upgrade vertical boosters to advanced military -change from 6 basic medium container to 4 medium advanced optimized containers -upgrade from basic medium radar If you would like to change materials/colors the honeycomb listed below can be used as reference for the main pieces. Exterior: Primary (Upper Hull)- Glossy white Plastic Secondary (Lower Hull) - Polished Gray Steel Rear wing and engine cover - Glossy Aluminum Vents - Matte Dark gray carbon fiber Lumi - White Interior: Main wood flooring - Stained Brown pattern wood 1 Secondary wood - Matte dark grey wood lumi - Luminescent icy blue glass Primary walls - Glossy White carbon fiber Secondary walls - Stained beige pattern plastic (cold) Tertiary walls - Glossy gray plastic My personal loadout has the following: 3 x Medium Advanced Precision Railguns attached to Gunner Seat Medium 3 x Medium Advanced Precision Cannons attached to Gunner Seat Medium 3 x Small Advanced Precision Cannons attached to Gunner Seat Small *Required crew to run the above setup is 3.* *note* When adding additional weapons you can modify the ship to allow the pilot to have weapons as well. There is a remote button in the cockpit. Replace the hover seat controller with a Gunner Seat and use the remote button to fly the ship. The numbers in the Attribute section are based off of mostly Level 4 technician talents