Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts

Geo Scanner MK1



Atmo Thrust: 9.79 MN

The Geo Scanner MK1 is an atmospheric tile scanning S sized core that can rapidly scan tiles. This tri-scanner features three territory scanners that are conveniently arranged for quick access from inside the ship, saving the pilot time from jumping in and out of the hull to operate scanners. Four T2 Uncommon Maneuver Engines L are installed to take advantage of the four second warmup time, which is two times better than the basic engine L. This allows for the Geo Scanner to be quickly deployed to its next location. Large adjusters are optimally placed to give the ship a faster reaction time when lining up the scanners with the three territories being scanned. Sleek hull design by renowned builder and voxel master, in-game name, Junkai (Discord: Jun #5081) uses a polished white aluminum and luminescent colored glass as his building materials for this ship. Additional options available upon request: Request your favorite Luminescent Color Glass when ordering the token at no additional charge. Warp drive installation. Atmospheric and space hybrid design. Space only design. SALE!!! Through the end of the year, the blueprint and token are more than 33% off! Time frame for the token is usually 48 hours. Normal Pricing after sale is 15 million for blueprint and 35 million for token.

Token: 25 Mħ
BP: 10 Mħ

Dark Guardian

Dark Forges


No attributes :-(

Dark Guardian is a carrier ship! You can use this ship to give your fleet the support it needs when fighting far away. This ship should preferably not be directly into battle, but it should be able to take a few hits and hopefully the rest of the fleet will have time to protect it before it breaks. This is still a work in progress and pls come in VR and see it for you self VR: Dark Guardian more info on the Attributes will come when it is finished


Enyo Variant D

Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Cargo Lift: 100 t

Small Nimble starter ship made of bot shelf parts based on Enyo hull to mine skittles into, shuttle around or run basic missions in. comes in 2 basic variants : Variant D - 2 color scheme hybrid, top speed 924/47.300 68,7m2 frontal cross section Variant B - single color, space only, S shield (5x M space) top speed 48.300 67m2 frontal cross section VR: "Smilin Bazzy Ships"

BP: 1 Mħ

Firespray 32 Prototype 1

Kheras Shipyard


Dry Weight: 260.59 t

Dear Noveans, it is my first ship and it is still not ready yet. It is a prototype and designed to look like a cheap imperial knockoff of the infamouse Firespray 31 aka Slave I, Bobas/Jangos Ship. rare military engines (all sorts, from atmo to space, hover and vertical), small shield, 2 advanced agile railguns s, a pilot and gunner seat with remote control, Warpdrive, Sagas Autopilot Script. It is a gyro ship, however gyro is only used to land and take off in "Fett"-Style :) I will update this entry with time and progress. Feel free to comment and to donate :)

"Dua" Container Hub



No attributes :-(

A dynamic medium core outpost which can accomdate for 20 Expanded XL containers, and a VR/Res spawn hub. As this is a dynamic core, you can move it around accross your tiles to where you need your resources most. 100'000 for a blueprint, token price on request (market price + 10%) How To Buy: - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188

BP: 100 Kħ

ODYe Hermes



No attributes :-(


Rebellion by Chewie and Hagbard



Cargo Lift: 500 t

=== Rebellion === "When an affordable ship actually performs better then most expensive ships out there, it might be a Rebellion... " The Rebellion is a ship created by Hagbard and Chewie_1. It was one of the most popular ships during Beta. It can be build without having to invest a fortune and is an ideal ship for new and experienced pilots. The ship technology and Lua was done by Hagbard with efficiency and performance in mind The great High Quality Voxelwork was done by Chewie_1 using the 2d voxelplaner gifted to the community by jaylebreak. It has includes a warp drive, uncommon Atmo engines and a Shield S. Free Boost to my placement skills if you visit Hagbard on Alioth. - Atmo/Space/Warp capable - 300-1000 tons of cargo depending on pilot and placement talents - fast, light and designed to be as efficient and easy to fly as possible - Features Hagbard's flight control script with brake assistant Alt hold and tons of other usefull features Oct. 20th 22: The DU Player Kukacha created a parts list to help player have an easy overview on which parts to get: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SC6omX1ykK6Aef5Pq0dxvJCkHTPk-JDOBHxrO-BM-_c/edit#gid=0 Update Rebellion 2b ( Oct 14th 22) ==> Updated for DU Release version. No overlapping elements, fully equipped BP, so that you can decide when placing which elements to actually include. You can place it without Warp,Shield,Canopies,Lights,encampment chairs, screens,Lua Board, Database,landing gears to save time and quanta if you prefer. For now we cannot offer this BP for free anymore, so we tried to make it affordable and are offering a "release discount" of only 1.5m Quanta for a limited time. Important Note: The Lua on this ship was designed for Input Scheme Keyboard and any Mouse controlled input scheme is NOT supported! ==== Some features for the included HUD ==== - Full Autolevel in space and Atmo -- In Space choose to autloevel based on nearest planet gravity or choose your own "reference" by pressing a key combination and keep the current leveling -- when entering the pilot seat in space, the current orienation will automatically be used for autoleveling - Altitude Hold/Orbit Hold seamless transition from alt Hold to orbit Hold just by changing target Altitude -- Fully Automatic re-entry from space to atmo - Adaptive engine thrust. By default fly with ultra fuel efficient Maneuver engine and hovers. When needed (or manually activated), additional military engine and vertical boosters will be activated automatically - Collision avoidance -- when in AltHold and ground is detected, target Alt will be adjusted automatically -- when falling towards ground and descend speed is too high in the last 100m, brakes and vertical boosters will be used automatically to slow down descend speed - Can be "flown" underwater. - Speed Limiter saves you from heat damage automatically - can be flown by using A/D,W/S and throttle controls only. The ship will control the roll axis (Q/E keys) automatically to avoid sideways drift and allow smooth cornering - Non obtrusive HUD avoids visual on screen clutter -- optionally press Shift Alt 4 to display all HUD Widgets when needed - Vertical Boosters present but will not consume any space fuel in low load situations, Boosters will be activated automatically when high descend speeds are detected near ground - Display of brake distance to make your space travel easier The rebellion was build to make it upgradeable. - The 4 main engines can be exchanged with higher tier variants easily. Just make sure that those engines which should be "off" by default get an engine tag "2nd" - The rebellion has space reserved for a shield generator s == Waypoint Mgmt System ( since 1f) == The Rebellion 1f has >180 built in waypoints included in the LUA. Press Alt & Cursor Up/Down to access the Waypoint selection The wapoints are organised in groups. Skrip to the next group using Alt & CursorLeft to go one group forward or Shift additionally for backwards. == Using custom your own Waypoints == you can create a small Lua file on your PC to define your own wapyoints in the HUD. The file has to be placed in <Dual Universe Install Dir>\game\data\lua\ Filename has to be poilist.lua Here is the a sample file content: -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- local poilist = { version = "Poilist 1" } function poilist.loadLocations() p = {{}} p[1] = {"Hagbard","Showroom", "::pos{0,2,37.9534,63.5323,7.9565}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Chewie Base", "::pos{0,2,9.4456,45.4257,108.8897}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Yobbous Base(must see)", "::pos{0,2,39.3317,21.6829,87.5876}"} p[#p+1] = {"Other","Hedronic Library Teoma", "::pos{0,8,1.5059,133.7962,99.1187}"} return p end return poilist -=-=-=-= cut here =-=-=-=- Use that as a template to create your own POI list. Fell free to add more POIs as needed. The parameter Order is "group","Name","POSstring" The display name in the UI will be Group-Name BP's will be made available again soon(TM)

Token: 10 Mħ
BP: 1.5 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 5,000 t

!NOTICE! NQ finally revoked access for unsubbed accounts, thus I no longer will be able to sell you my blueprints, thank you to all that have bought and flew my creations! All attributes corresponds with pilot talents @level 4 and Level 4 Handling on all flight/fuel tank and container elements. Looks fancy, has 10 Large containers, S AGG, floats to the ground with brakes once empty or low cargo weight from high altitude on Alioth. Has space for many more L containers so you can lift as many tons as you want into space off Alioth/any planet. Can fit 3 scanners inside comfortably for scanning. Revisited the voxels/design of this ship as it was my first real build, cleaned things up a bit/made things look nicer. Added ALOT more wings - High Altitude lift = 94.3 MN Come see my ships in VR at "Shu Ship Showroom" If the ship is not at the showroom you can visit it directly in VR at "Mobula Ship"

BP: 10 Mħ

Inquisitor MK1-R

Vega Hex Industries


Space Thrust: 25.9 MN

The Inquisitor MK1-R is Paragon's first PVP ship! It is a stylish and affordable S core part of the Confessor series. The ship comes equipped with 2 remote controllers. You can choose which one to activate depending on your situation: - One has ArchHUD installed when you want to autopilot to your destination - The other comes with Deadrank PVP script for when you get into combat and the PvP zone. You can also swap the M shield for an S and add 2 M container if you want to use the ship as a roid runner. GENERAL INFORMATION - Space ship only - S core - 4 Advanced precision railgun S - 1 advanced space phased-array radar - 1 space radar - 4 advanced freight engine L - 1 Advanced Shield Generator M - 1 M space fuel tank STATS (with level 5 talents) - Thrust: 18.7G - Brake force: 19.8G - Max speed: 44 888 km/h - Delta V: 705 650 km/h CROSS SECTION - Vertical: 304 m2 - Frontal: 65.1 m2 - Lateral: 164 m2 If you need a boost for the ship when you deploy it, contact me and we can set up a time so I can come boost it. Come visit us in VR at Paragon Hex Showroom (Ship is in display at the 2nd level of the complex) or in person near market 6 at ::pos{0,2,35.3441,107.0564,-13.1840} DM if you have any questions on discord: vork

BP: 1 Mħ




Space Thrust: 3.24 MN

The Prospector is your perfect jumping off point for asteroid mining operations, cheap to start but with expandable storage capacity and high thrust to weight ratio, even when loaded and/or with early day skills - now offered completely FREE ! Use a static DSAT to find you target asteroid, then quickly burn across the system to grab that all important ore! The original Prospector ship served our early members well in hauling and market running, but offered little upgrade path. The new Prospector gives players multiple options in both ship upgrades and career paths, with space to exchange main storage to a L container and to upgrade your flight options with a warp drive. All stats are given with no placement and day 1 pilot talents - stats will only improve with talent training.

BP: 1 ħ

ZXR Spyder mk III

De Overheid


Cargo Lift: 2,200 t

The third iteration of my daily flyer, a monster of a ship strapped to a small core. Easily takes over 2 kT from Alioth with room to spare. Perfect mission flyer and doing all your daily business barring hauling megaton nodes home. A few highlights: - Absurd flight handling. has a great mass balancing and turns like an XS core. Can do flips in mid-air or brake, turn and take off in the opposite direction without a hitch. (see rotation matrix) - Very low profile. Without resorting to angled engines, the front surface is kept to an absolute minimum. Using Seawing's flush wings and carefully placing engines in a staggered formation creates vey low drag. (See max speed, capped at 1250 to prevent burns) - Depending on your final configuration and load, it has a exceptional acceleration and brake force and takes off and lands like an overgrown pocket rocket. 5G thrust empty, drops to 1G at 2200 tonnes - It may not be your taste but I tried my best to cover the elements with voxels and shape something decent out of it. It even has a cockpit which is extremely rare for utilitarian ships like this. - Excellent storage, the bulk of the ship is shaped by the XL container, it provides enough space for anything you want to carry, it will be too heavy before it is full unless you are transporting Lumi voxels. Easy access from all sides by linkes XS containers in the wings and nose. Weight balanced in the rear by the hub. - Only needs one large space and atmos fuel tank for all engines, flies for days when half full, easy to refill from all sides. Feel free to ask for a spin in one of these, I am more than happy to discuss the final setup. Cost will be depending on your configuration but we have stock to deploy your personal ship in any. Even with basics it will outperform many ships out there, just out of luxury and because I use it daily, I equipped it with over the top rare military and maneuver grade engines, boosters and hovers and put in a rare optimised XL container too boot. Comes fully buffed to lvl 5

BP: 1.8 Mħ

Romulan Roid Camper myDU Export

Walter Penumbra


No attributes :-(

Romulan T Varo L core space ship. Has Dsat and 2 M and one L basic container 4 Rare Pre Laser L 1 Stasis L 1 Capacitor shield converted from Star Trek Online stl to blueprint with du-blueprint tool Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JqpKs6pHNWRvqhABtELBBjc_g6rwRUrB?usp=sharing

BP: 1 ħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 750 t

SMALL CORE ∙ 4 Large Basic Atmospheric Engines ∙ 3 Large Basic Space Engines ∙ 1.95M CCS ∙ 405 Tonnes ∙ 3.66g/4g A/S Thrust ∙ 19.2g/10.4g A/S Brake Force ∙ 1,245 km/h/37,808 km/h Max Speed ∙ 9.32g/5.04g L/H Lift ∙ 2 M + 2 Sm Containers + Hub + Rez Node

BP: 1.25 Mħ

Lightskipper Courier



Cargo Lift: 70 t

BP dispenser located on Haven at - ::pos{0,27,6.9482,-70.8985,249.7016} To view in person, visit VR: "TobiwanKenobi Showroom" The Lightskipper Courier is a shuttle designed to get you and a handful of cargo anywhere fast. It used to be a warp shuttle - there's a slot where a warp drive can be placed - but balance changes in beta left it too weak to easily carry the now heavier warp drive. It still works well for small market and mission runs, and as a starter ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The entire outer hull of the vessel can be repainted, divided into four sections. You will also be able to easily repaint it yourself using a BP tool I provide with every sale.

BP: 200 Kħ

Carl Sagan



No attributes :-(

The "Carl Sagan" class of organically shaped ships that provide cargo and VIP personnel logistics. The ship is versatile. It has a cockpit that can be customized, then there is the passenger area that contains in its current configuration seats for up to 12 VIPs, and then there is its cargo bay which can be configured to hold one or more of the following customer-provided elements: - containers - seats - additional engines - warp drive - scanner - radar This ship, in its original configuration, is a LIGHT-built - mostly lithium, some sodium, small amounts of plastic, but also precious woods. The ship has the ability of uncontrolled soft landing. When having reached sufficient height and minimum speed, the pilot could leave the cockpit and she will glide towards the ground and has a smooth touch-down, provided that there are no obstacles in her way (artificial structures, steep cliffs ). She uses XS landing gear to allow easy access. Strong lights provide good sight when landing in the dark. She's at home on hovers, in the air, and in space. The ship is sold as token, and the sales are limited to a total of 10 ships only to keep her rare. The price is 9 million, but if the buyer provides all materials and elements, the price will be reduced to 7.5 million - a discount of more than 10% and well above the worth of all used elements and materials. When she's stationed on my Sanctuary Moon base, you can check her out with a surrogate (VR), search for "Boca Chica". However, she's often in space or on other planets. Simply contact me.

BP: 2 Mħ
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