Dual Universe Creators

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Compact Tie Atmo

SNS Sentinels


Atmo Thrust: 0.132 MN

Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The TIE Fighter, was an starfighter that was part of the TIE line manufactured the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Real cockpit and accessible through a hatch at the top. Sold with 200 l of fuel BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" All Star Wars fans should at least own one ! https://youtu.be/g9l4cbuoh7w No talent max stats : 2.52g MAX THRUST 11g BRAKE FORCE 11.7g Airfoils 25.6m² Frontal cross section

Token: 200 Kħ
BP: 100 Kħ


Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

Final Space Industries' last instrument of war, Atlas is a capital grade gun ship that will not yield any district of space to anyone. Inspired by the Battletech and Mechwarrior Assault class heavy mech Atlas with its giant AC-20 cannon in the front of the ship. Built with current meta materials and layers to complete is lethal form. It comes in 2 loadouts, 20 Missiles or 8 Missiles and 16 Lasers for varied ammo capabilities. This ship was the APEX Predator of Beta and will still hold its own vs any hostile fleet as proven in final end of Beta public battle.

BP: 50 Mħ


Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

Hydra by master shipwright 'Furious' of 'Final Space Industries' is one of the most used and famous PVP ships of Beta, a PVP multi weapon platform that can be outfitted for whatever situation comes your way. Space only with plenty of braking power, its a PVP Gunship, great for newer players looking to get into PVP. Comes in 3 different loadouts -8 Rail Guns (long range) -4 Missiles + 8 Lasers (medium range) -4 Missiles + 8 Cannons (close range) 2-4 person to crew for mission sorties, 10 L containers, 4 XL Ammo containers, 8 XL space engines, T2 Armor, hidden res nodes, Gunner + Remote piloting capable. One of the cheaper warp response type ships in that its around 200 Warpcells to go to any planet

BP: 4 Mħ

The Zealot

Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

Blackbriar Mercenary Inc. is proudly presenting you the The Zealot by 'Bestwaifu' of "Cuddlepuddle Industies" Beta Veteran Premium warship fully tested and built by one of the most experienced pvprs in the game. Old Meta built The ship has everything thought of placement of every module is there for a reason not because it looks nice. This isn't some cute design with guns. Fast, Deadly and Tough.

BP: 5 Mħ


Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

EX- Empire Massive Armored Hauler 12x 10L container Hubs Full RP Command Deck Price Representative of extreme build cost and lack of available photos Only one ever made.

BP: 1 Mħ


Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

Blueprint of The Empires 2nd Flag ship. Massive L core Battleship Only one ever made.

BP: 1 Mħ

Panty Raider

Blackbriar Mercenary Inc


No attributes :-(

Yes Panties! Yes they fly! by 'Bestwaifu' of 'Cuddlepuddle Industies'

BP: 500 Kħ

IWAC Implausible XS

Wicked Wonderland


Cargo Lift: 800 t

“The dream may be implausible, but, as we summon the will, it will become inevitable.” The Implausible Edict The Implausible Hauler XS - or Imp as she is lovingly known - is the first of IWAC’s new flagship line of norm shattering haulers. Named both in honor of the chief designer, and for its performance, the Imp simply outperforms expectation in every department. Sporting IWAC’s signature clean lines, this XS Core Hauler looks reminiscent of an ancient earth Volkswagen, or a space-age tractor. Its clean, functional… charming. But once you get inside… you begin to realise it is so much more. The first thing you notice is the space.. An XS core with a comfortable flight deck, separated by a stairwell from a personal viewing deck (with epic forward and aft views) - simply unheard of! If you hop into the pilot’s chair and spool up the engines, you soon have a terrifying revelation that this charming little space tractor is trying to kill you! Within seconds, you will be screaming across the countryside at 1300 kph - with a fire wreathing your path. But this baby can take it. As you relax and tip the nose up, in minutes you will be thinking… ‘hey, where did the planet go?’ - because, frankly - even with basic engines the power to weight ratio the Imp possesses is unmatched. Somewhere in this tiny little ship, hides two large containers - and the Imp has the brawn to back up that capacity by being able to lift 800t to orbit. All this from a ship that weighs less than 360t and it comes standard with a Warp Drive - making it hugely economical to run. Whether you are starting out, or an experienced player - the Imp is the perfect choice for you… Small, economical, cheap to build and it feels like a speeder to pilot - it's simply a great option for hauling, interplanetary hops, small mission packages, asteroid mining and mining unit runs. It is the best xs hauler you will find… and the last xs core you will ever need. Token price on application - around (7.5 MQ) Pick yours up at WICKED WONDERLAND today! Live life, fly Wicked - visit Wicked Wonderland Ship Shop today ::pos{0,2,34.7992,86.1957,231.5103} or by VR at WICKED WONDERLAND SHIPSHOP Live life, fly Wicked - visit Wicked Wonderland Ship Shop Discord today https://discord.gg/wGzhV45KWz

BP: 550 Kħ

Gunstar One



No attributes :-(

Once the war was done, the Star League decided to repurpose the famous Gunstar! After removing the deathblosom (sorry), they added a medium container and plenty of engines for a smooth, stable ride while maintaining the intimidating stance of her original design. Sporting 1 large atmo and four medium space engines, she’s got plenty of umph to get around. Good for local hauling and prospecting, she can carry 30+ tons out of Atmo with minimal piloting/tech skills. Entire design is based on Tier 1/early obtainable components, making her great starter vessel to get out there and start exploring the dark.

BP: 200 Kħ




Space Thrust: 61.7 MN

Albatross is a Cargo ship for transporting huge things. Dispender Location is on Haven 08 ::pos{0,27,53.3928,-169.2436,78.2220}

BP: 500 Kħ

Deaths Embrace by BDC



Max Speed: 2,753 km/h

In a hurry? For no practical reason I believe I can help. I offer up Deaths Embrace to appease your atmospheric lead foot so to speak. Ive made this in Multi color w/ matching custom ARCH HUD. Made it 2550 km/h w/ lvl 3 flight skills w/o popping any parts. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta. **FREE** POCKETABLE SHIP BP With Purchase of 10M Quanta or more.

BP: 1.5 Mħ

Panamax XLH



Cargo Space: 614 kL

Need to take a load to space and fast? This will do it. Need to reconfigure for different containers? This is the ship for you! Almost complete! Come take a look. Give your input in what you might like to see in it.

BP: 2 Mħ




No attributes :-(

Ghasts are large white floating ghost-like hostile mobs that live in the Nether and shoot explosive fireballs at other player. - Max Speed in Space 50.000 km/h BP dispenser located on Alioth at - ::pos{0,2,20.3521,99.5788,18.0258}

BP: 200 Kħ

Mk.1 Pocket Tardis



No attributes :-(

Pocketable and close to real life scale. Fun to fly and very easy to park at Market 6. To fly, stand on the front lip in front of the "doors" and look up. There's a small section of the flight seat poking out of the windows. Hop in the seat and go do stuff.

BP: 500 Kħ

The Enterprise V1 - Compactable

Oasis Shipyards


Max Speed: 568.8 km/h

"I'm givin' her all she's got capt'n but she just isn't designed to go in your pocket" Scotty might not be able to figure it out but we sure did. Fly around in style in your own personal Enterprise, 100% compact-able!

BP: 200 Kħ
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