Dual Universe Creators

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No attributes :-(

Ghasts are large white floating ghost-like hostile mobs that live in the Nether and shoot explosive fireballs at other player. - Max Speed in Space 50.000 km/h BP dispenser located on Alioth at - ::pos{0,2,20.3521,99.5788,18.0258}

BP: 200 Kħ

Mk.1 Pocket Tardis



No attributes :-(

Pocketable and close to real life scale. Fun to fly and very easy to park at Market 6. To fly, stand on the front lip in front of the "doors" and look up. There's a small section of the flight seat poking out of the windows. Hop in the seat and go do stuff.

BP: 500 Kħ

The Enterprise V1 - Compactable

Oasis Shipyards


Max Speed: 568.8 km/h

"I'm givin' her all she's got capt'n but she just isn't designed to go in your pocket" Scotty might not be able to figure it out but we sure did. Fly around in style in your own personal Enterprise, 100% compact-able!

BP: 200 Kħ

Deaths Mercy



Max Speed: 2,372 km/h

**POCKET SHIP** In a hurry? For no practical reason I believe I can help. I offer up Deaths Mercy to appease your atmospheric lead foot so to speak. Ive made this in Multi color w/ matching custom ARCH HUD. Ive witnessed 2657 km/h w/ lvl 4-5 flight skills w/o popping any parts. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BoonDock Custom Ship Sales" ::pos{0,2,48.2103,114.4715,1.1529} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta. **FREE** POCKETABLE SHIP BP With Purchase of 10M Quanta or more.

Token: 3 Mħ
BP: 1 Mħ


Captain Adan


Atmo Thrust: 0.404 MN

there it is, the compactable F2000 with it's 3 military S engines. this little jewel will be yours for 1M quantas... Captain Adan VR tour il est la, le F2000 compactable avec c'est 3 moteurs S militaire. ce petit bijoux sera à vous pour 1M de quantas... visite VR Captain Adan

BP: 1 Mħ

Glob Board

Oasis Shipyards


No attributes :-(

All the fun of a remote controlled plane but with you (or even better.. a friend) on top of it! Honestly, just a cheap nic nac. Nothing more to it really...

BP: 80 Kħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

SMALL CORE ∙ 4 Lg UM Atmos Engines ∙ 4 Lg UM Space Engine ∙ 2.27M CCS ∙ 426 Tonnes ∙ 3.48g / 5.07g A/S Thrust ∙ 22.8g / 16.4g A/S Brake Force ∙ 1,151 km/h / 37,372 km/h Max Speed ∙ 12.7g/14.5g L/H Lift ∙ Radar/Rez/VR Booth/2 Lg Containers + HUB/S Shields Come See this ship at the “GOI Ship Sales HQ” in VR on Alioth or visit ::pos{0,2,39,97,2}!

BP: 2 Mħ

WSS Merchant Prince Mk.4C A5S4



Space Thrust: 2.47 MN

The WSS Merchant Prince Mk.4C A5S4 is a sleek, entry-level courier ship for anyone looking to get started and look good doing it. It sports a fully enclosed flight-deck with extensive electronics, with crew positions for the pilot, a weapons officer, and a mission officer. A six-seat passenger section is well appointed with excellent views, and is secured in flight by a crew-controlled passenger hatch and crew door. Electronics include atmospheric RADAR, 2 space RADARs, ECU, Telemeter, Screen + Programming Board, Emitter and Gyroscope. Additionally, navigation lights, search lights and beauty lights are positioned across the ship, and switch-controlled. The design has been extensively flight tested, and will do full barrel rolls on climb-out with 50T of cargo and six passengers, plus Split-S and full loops above 1500m AGL. As an executive passenger courier with 2.5 tons of cargo per passenger, it will "super cruise" in the top 5% of atmosphere at Mach 3 (3600km/h) for rapid arrival to any global destination. Get there, and look good doing it with the Merchant Prince. (expected part price, based on Alioth Market 06 Averages is 8.5M)

Token: 10.69 Mħ
BP: 250 Kħ

AGS Meridian II



Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

The AGS Meridian II is a M core workhorse for all your general purpose needs, and it has been completely re-worked since launch. Check out the all new interior, complete with a docking bay for two racers (because who doesn't want to be involved in Race Night?). 4L and 1M containers, with additional space for scrap and cells, plus two dispensers in the lobby. This version has basic engines all round, but it's easy to install upgrades if needed. Currently only available as a BP for 3m quanta, tokens to come later. Find us about 10km east of Market 6 (showroom is still WIP, but the Meridian is usually docked there, unless I've taken it out) ::pos{0,2,34.7775,106.8452,212.9722}

BP: 3 Mħ

TSs1(Tri Space scanner)

Dark Forges


No attributes :-(

A new addition to the fleet of Dark Forges. Say hello to the TSs1(Tri Space scanner 1). The TSs1 is design to be a light and fast space scanner ship, for scanning operations in non atmosphere planets and moons.

BP: 500 Kħ

Territory Probe

Dark Forges


No attributes :-(

The Terran Empire are on the prowl again. Now they are coming for you territory! When scouting a territory, you just throw one of the probes out the loading dock of your ship and keep going to the next one. It´s equiped with a container and a surrogate pod. That alllows you to check out hexes that you are waiting for to be up for grabs! Just name the pod, and have a TU in the container and then just wait!

BP: 10 Kħ




Space Thrust: 0.36 MN

This is a basic spaceplane with: 1)Ability to carry 21kL (<100t I guess ) in Atmo, very useful for hauling missions. 2)Low sustention speed and good maneuverability 3)Good space autonomy (an hour at full thrust) 4)Bad atmospheric autonomy(relatively. Full thrust will give you 700 km/h and ~1SU of flight. Can be increased by increasing your height or lowering the speed) 5)Good brakes 6)Maneuver engines for parking (thrust forward and sideways). Those have a separate fuel tank, so if you run out of fuel, just land and pump out of here. Elements: Most of them are basic and can be crafted in your backpack (exceptions are: container hub, M atmo-engine, cockpit, ECU and some decorative materials like luminescent glass) HUD: I'm using Albatross custom HUD for it's simplicity and height managing options (useful for hauling... just hit Alt-3 and you can leave it flying forward at set height). Cons are fuel displays: 50% means that you have run out of fuel for main engines...And only maneuver engines are left. RDMS: didn't touch it at all. Dispenser Located at ::pos{0,27,39.9809,-145.3252,82.8855}

BP: 10 Kħ

RAH 66 Comanche



Max Speed: 1,326 km/h

11G Thrust Fueled 9G brake Pocketable/Compactable 1300kmh Animated Rotor https://gyazo.com/0586140780575dcc5fd8ab4f4c5ef95c Great little ship to carry around in your nano pack for those emergencies. ::pos{0,2,43.8524,89.9132,109.0913} VR: Galactic Cinema

Token: 2 Mħ
BP: 500 Kħ

Stinger [FREE BP]



Atmo Thrust: 1.12 MN

What to be the coolest guy on the block? If so - Stinger is that you need. Made of carbon fiber it's fast, lightweight, cool looking and you can just put it in your pocket and take it anywhere! Characteristics are with my skills applied. I can buff your ship for free if you have lower skills. Now I also have upgraded version with space engines. I don't have a dispenser at the moment. Please message me in discord if you want to purchase. Or you can message me at discord SquareBunny#3589 and I will deliver blueprint to you if you on Alioth.

BP: 1 ħ

F36 Matador

Shinra Shipyards


Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

Introducing the F36 'Matador', a medium core all-purpose hauler. Key features include: Capable of 3KT lift off Alioth Warp drive Shield generator 8 Large Containers Carbon fibre build, with some plastic for light weight frame Excellent handling at full weight, with balanced centre of gravity Easy to swap out rear engines for more space thrust or high-altitude lift if desired VR: F36 Matador Location: ::pos{0,2,61.1961,88.0853,520.3715} Contact: Shredder#5614 Appreciate any and all feedback!

BP: 8.4 Mħ
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