Dual Universe Creators
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My first real ship I did, It's not much use tbh I was just trying to learn how to build. Let me know your thoughts on it :)
AX / LX Hammer Crest
Arch Tech
Arch Tech's new medium core Safe-Zone Hauler. Designed to the luxury standard that you would expect from all Arch Tech ships, capable of lifting 5KT out of Alioth's atmosphere to get your cargo anywhere in the safe zone. Interior features comfortable room for 4, with room for passengers to entertain. The rear cargo bay features (2) M sized sliding doors to allow support for a AWP of your choice and room for a second pocket ship (depending on scale). Living quarters for all 4 crew members rests on the second floor, while the 3rd floors hosts the bridge; which includes spaces for the sky-lit bar, lounging areas and cockpit area for the crew. Tokens are available upon request. Please contact Slanks on discord or in-game for any inquiries or questions. The Hammer Crest is available in a Advanced Version (AX) and a Rare Version (LX). Blueprints are available on Haven at the location below: ::pos{0,27,-25.6974,-67.2559,93.1825} VR: "Arch Tech Plaza" Please do not buy BPs in VR.
Dralthi (Wing Commander)
NEW LOCATION ON ALIOTH ::pos{0,2,39.3165,100.6868,175.0857} VR - Kyo Ship Shop A Dralthi from wing commander. xs core
ODYe Agatha King 3.0
rework of beta for actual pvp fleet fight
our first 3 gunner exotique saled
Freedom Rock
NEW LOCATION ON ALIOTH ::pos{0,2,39.3165,100.6868,175.0857} VR - Kyo Ship Shop It looks like a VW bus had a baby with a space shuttle from the 90's. It has 10 XS optimized containers. Balanced well and has an M rocket and M rocket tank. VR to Kyo UNSC to check it out
Bullfrog's Brick
Max Atmo speed (1750) Max Space speed (45000) (Total storage 75kl but not recommended) Fuel (8000L) This was my very first attempt at making my own ship I hope you like it :)
Pillar of Democracy
RCG Corporation
FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY!!!! For Helldivers fans! Own your own ship for liberation in DU. Spots pre made for 3 Hadron elevators. More of a space only ship with enough atmo to move around if you need. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
United Empire
Now download for myDU: https://united-empire.de/forum/index.php?thread/8-realbigos-blueprints-for-mydu/ It is a freighter for transport missions. Not suitable for combat. In the ship, the ratio of weight and speed was kept so that you can fly the missions quickly. The blueprint is DRM-free. So you can make your own changes and also copy it. My name in the game is RealBigOS. You are welcome to write me. ::pos{0,27,-31.0350,16.9552,-0.0000} VR: UNE_Base_Haven
The 16t Experience
A Ship just made for public transport, shoping flights with the familie, recalibrate lasers or go fishing. It has got a warp and 3 M size containers. That is more than enough space to warp to another planet where you falsly bought something of the marked. I can boost your new bought Ship up to max stats if you wish.
The 16t Experience
I designed it to do larger shoping trips, move Ore or Buildingparts after salvaging a abandon Base. It has got a Warpdrive, 10 L Containers and a old RV like furnishing. As with all of our Ship´s, i can boost it to max. stats.
"Grand Leed, ("leeds fish") was a giant fish of the Jurassic period" This ship has been created as a serious heavy hauler. There are no Deco elements (there is room to add them if you desire), there are no fancy board rooms or lighting elements and plants and frilly things. The Grand Leed's large top deck can accomodate moving other ships etc, but that is not the intended purpose. There are 10x Expanded Advanced Optimsed Container XXL & 14 Advanced Optimised L Containers across 3 HUBs, with connected Screens for monitoring. The ship has been tested with 35kt of cargo off and on to a 1G planet using SAGA Auto Pilot and AGG *NOT* Powered on!. Space Thrusters are included to make navigation at a space station easy. ATMO thrusters are included to make those fine adjustments during AGG usage. Please take some time to compare the STATS to other ships. Every effort has been made to make the ship hyper efficient and easy to manage. ALL elements on the ship that can be boosted, are boosted to level 5 non-PvP boosts before BP creation. All listed attributes were taken with full fuel and level 5 pilot skills. 3 Command chairs, two with ARCH HUD and one with SAGA HUD. For a view of the ship you can VR directly to the ship @ "Grand Leed POD" The Sales KIOSK can be found at VR: "SBLL Sanctuary Ship Sales" *** DO NOT BUY IN VR! Tokens Sales: - At this time, we have chosen to not supply tokens. NOTE: The Advanced Optimized containers on the ship can be left out at build time, and cheaper alternatives can be easily installed by the buyer.
Iron Stalwart (Purifier Skin)
Pimp my Stalwart Contest Winner 2econd Place The Iron Stalwart (Purifier Skin) made the second place at the Pimp My Stalwart Contest and is an asymmetrical s core ship with an xl space engine and passive engine imitation. It has the typical black and white purifier design with orange light spots. Specs: - 4x Rare Military Atmospheric Engines - 1x Advanced Safe Space Engine xl - Two-Seated: Hovercraft Seat, Gunner Module m - 2x Advanced Agile Cannons m - 2x Advanced Agile Missiles xs - 1x Advanced Shield Generator xs - 1x Atmospheric Fuel Tank l - 1x Space Fuel Tank l - 1x Basic Container l - Vertical Boosters - Warp Drive - ArchHud - Antigravity Placeholder For Pocketship (Docking) - Surrogate VR Station - Toilet, Shower and Sleepingspace with Ressurection Node
Wyvern Replica
The Wyvern Replica is an Homage to it‘s original. It‘s my most favourit ship in DU and was love on the first sight back in the day, so I rebuild it myself to learn how the nice voxelwork was done. The original post is dead, so you can buy this upgraded version of this really beautiful ship at my BP shop in FenixGate. I addad some special things and little easter eggs to it, for example the passive engine imitation: When you entering the pilot seat, the front airinlets change from fading red fire to active blue plasma. Building time: 3 months in total Specs: - 4x Rare Military Atmospheric Engines - 4x Rare Military Space Engines - 3-5 Seated: Hovercraft Seat, 2-4 Gunner Modules M (Placeholder) - 2x Advanced Agile Railguns m - 2x Advanced Agile Missiles m - 1x Advanced Agile Cannon m - 1x Advanced Agile Railgun s - 1x Advanced Shield Generator m - 1x Atmospheric Fuel Tank l - 1x Space Fuel Tank l - 6x Basic Containers m - Vertical Boosters - Warp Drive - Archhud - Shipinfo Lua Screens - Surrogate VR Station - Captains Bedroom - A Bar for Drinks - Manual Sun Protection Awnings - Classic Purifier Skin Colors (Black and White with Orange Light Spots) Ask for a token ingame for full piloting talents 😉
Piranha PVE-S (9.47 G thrust / 10.5 G brake)
bonjour ! Spaceboys est fier de vous présenter la variante PVE de notre Piranha !!! compatible avec GEFORCE NOW j ai tester en mission S facile, et il me restait 50% de bouclier une fois la mission terminé ! utilisez bien les raccourcie de clavier dans votre menu commande setting pour bien gagner du temps. c'est important. il vous faut les buff niveau 4 au moins et les skill canon operation niveau 3 minimum. Vous ne pouvez pas perdre le vaisseau, meme si vous echouer la mission, le vaisseau reviens a la porte d entré. pensez a faire une deconnexion et reconnexion du jeu, sans fermer le jeu, a chaque fois que vous voulez lancer une mission, ça prends 5 seconde. pour eviter des bug eventuel durant la mission. il y a deux type de mission, soit vous prenez des vagues d ennemies sur vous, soit vous avez 5 ou 6 poche a aller visiter. Vous pouvez farie 5 mission a la chaine avant de devoir retourner a la base pour recharger en carburant et munitions pensez bien a reprendre la gate une fois la mission terminé. ce vaisseau est conçu pour les mission S small easy (petite facile) equipé de moteur spatiaux atypic de manoeuvre. tout confort interieur, y compris un frigidaire ! radar atmo pour approche base spatiale ou lunaire booster vertical et train d atterissage. moteur sur le toit pour atterissage hors gravité 6 canon agile rare 1 bouclier a capacité elargie rare. ecoutille d access sur le toit, automatique pour rentrer. le siege et la telecommande sont sans protection DRM, vous pouvez mettre les script de votre choix sans rien demonter. livrer avec script DeadGunner et Deadremote minimal compatible GEFORCE NOW le poids est donné avec tout l equipement et carburant munitions a bord. PS: ce vaisseau peut etre utiliser en PVP, equipé d un transpondeur et d un periscope. BP dispenser: ::pos{0,26,-2.4601,-77.7112,0.4765} VR: Sanctuaire Spaceboys n'achetez pas en VR !!! mis à jour le 15.01.2025