Dual Universe Creators
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Outer Rim Exploration
TiWill33 and Mirantha from ORE bring you yet another creation from Star Citizen! VR: Outer Rim Black Market, or fly to Market 12, you can't miss our tower! This is our interpretation of the Freelancer MAX from Star Citizen. This ship comes with a collection of toys, including warp drive, gunner seats with S Railguns,, Albatross HUD, AR Damage Report, and an Advanced Shield Generator S. There can even be an AGG version if you're froggy enough. Token price is the model seen here. Like the original from SC, this ship has a cargo bay, however, we've converted it into a drop bay for your favorite pocket rocket! Yes, you can transport a small PR internally. Conveniently, all the TiWill33 Designed Pocketbikes fit perfectly! There are three versions available - one ultralight (700t Dry) with 538kL Storage, a steel/iron/aluminum, which is the one shown here, and a version with an XL space engine and two more ATMO engines in addition to the 6L Space. More photos coming soon!
IWAC Warlock Warpshuttle
Wicked Wonderland
Sleek, powerful and efficient... The by-words for an Implausible design. The IWAC Warlock was conceived as an angry response to anemic warp shuttles struggling to carry Mr Implausible to into the heavens. Some say it was his diet, others say it was the hematite in his pockets - whatever the truth of it was, Mr Implausible knew the answer: More Power! Gone, small engines and a focus on efficiency. In its place, 4 Aliothian manufacture Advanced Mil Medium Engines. But here's the kicker, you are barely going to notice any difference warp cell costs (it will still do Jago in 15 cells), and as you soar in to the heavens, the time you save will be endlessly more profitable! So why wait, painfully limping into the sky, if your serious about your interplanetary jaunts, fly in style with the IWAC Warlock today. Live life, fly Wicked - pick yours up at Wicked Wonderland Ship Shop today ::pos{0,2,34.7992,86.1957,231.5103} Visit Wicked Wonderland Ship Shop Discord today https://discord.gg/wGzhV45KWz or by VR at WICKED WONDERLAND SHIPSHOP
IWAC Implausible S
Wicked Wonderland
Wicked Wonderland and IWAC are proud to present the Implausible S, the second in a line of innovative ships that push the boundaries of traditional design logic. Whereas the Implausible XS delivered an incredible micro hauler that defies the constraints of an XS core, the Implausible S seeks to reinvent the quaint S core hauler. With a teeny tiny profile, this ship impossibly, or should we say Implausiblly, mounts 16 Uncommon Military Engines! Stylishly tucked away on the sides of the ship, it maintains a sleek and speedy frame. This design choice gives the ship unrivalled power for its size, capable of lifting 3Kt off Alioth with sufficient piloting talents. This ship will get your cargo where it needs to go.
SNS Sentinels
Hoping to help many groups understand the current PVP meta, 2 model avalaible: Uncommon engines, advanced shield and weapons Advanced engines, rare shield and weapons Full fuel/ammo/core/scrap/pilot skills for rare model: Max thrust: 18.1g Brake force: 27.8g 35.7 Min autonomy 44 707 kmh 6 Rare precision cannon S 2 Ammo containers s 4 Advanced freight L space engine 2 Space Fueltank M 1 Rare Shield M 1 Container S 35m² frontal cross section (without DSAT) 171m² vertical cross section 143m² lateral cross section 116 m3 carbon Fiber Full buff 5/5 (elements/weapons) if you ask for a rebuff PVP handling are banned from BP by NQ so contact us for a rebuff after leaving your ship on our Visitor Pad on Moon4. Keep in mind that we rebuff for free and it can take some time (because of IRL stuff or PVP operations on other planets) Script Gunner seat notice: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cSQkSSAF9uWJlkzI4InmXUa0Y7kxLNY8TGZog1WNqfE/edit?usp=sharing Script Pilot seat/Remote notice: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cf6czjL98jh5tKJIHg0iRNGys7txacB_O7_gIOdW290/edit?usp=sharing Script homemade pilot/gunner (for any problems contact Aranol#4393)
Vortex Geometry
Vortex Geometry is delighted to provide you with this fan machine is for you and for your friends.. Game machine "snake" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Everyone's old favorite - "Snake". Compete with your comrades in the record table - attached to the game, on the top screen. And also has two game modes, in the "LUA parameters" the mode "death against the walls" or "transition to the other side" ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key features: - The game has two modes - The game has a leaderboard ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE!!! * When ordering more than one token, you get a discount 10%(Token). ** Software developer [VG]: SamStrand#1353 If you have any questions, or want make order - please contact me on the discord.
Tie Bomber
SNS Sentinels
Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The TIE/sa bomber, formally known as the TIE Surface Assault Bomber and also known as the TIE/sa tactical bomber or simply the TIE bomber, was a bombing variant of the TIE line manufactured the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. Contact : Knight-Sevy#6239 It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Real cockpit and accessible through a hatch at the top. Sold with 1600 l of fuel and 800 ammo S. The TIE Bomber is a godd ship for training space combat in Dual Universe with friends. To use the four Missile, you need "Missile S Capacity Handling" (Weapons => Seat Capacity Handling => Gunner Module S Capacity Handling) (Weapons => Missile Capacity Handling => Missile S Capacity Handling) And then apply them on your construct (Right clic => Construct => Reapply talents on construct) BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" https://youtu.be/laLS_bgT_Hw No talent max stats : 5.73g MAX THRUST 7.33g BRAKE FORCE 52.3m² Frontal cross section 48 818 km/h MAX SPEED
Titan Aerospace
The Raven was originally built as a S core, with a low cross section to ensure performance was the best possible. Now moved to an M core, it retains all of its S core performance but adds the ability to dock XS and S ships to it, plus it gave the much needed room at the front of the core to finish the design in the way it was meant to be. The result is a ship that you'll find yourself using time and again, a real daily driver, with just the right blend of every day hauling ability, fuel efficiency and practicality. Lift: 11G of High-altitude lift means the cargo weight is really only limited by the amount you want to spend on engines (and can fit in the 4 L containers). With Advanced military engines close to 3KT is possible, depending on talents and pilot skill. Fuel: A L space tank and L Atmo tank are provided, with a M space tank included for some of the vertical boosters. There is a modest interior with room to make it your own and space at the front to place a warp drive. In the cargo hold, there is room for 1 more L container or other utility items should you need it. Stats listed are with basic engines. I will boost any printed BP's free. ENGINE POSITIONS. Space. 1. X:32.0, Y:-66.0, Z:-0.5 (laid on its side) 2. X:32.0, Y:-66.0, Z:-10.5 (laid on its side) 3. X:44.0, Y:-72.5, Z:-5.5 (upright) Atmo. 1. X:0.0, Y:-73.0, Z:6.5. 2. X:0.0, Y:-73.0, Z:-8.0 Left and right engines placed either side.
Mighty 8Ball
Syndicate Inc.
It can haul and scan! VR: The Syndicate Shop BP can be purchased on Alioth near market 6. ::pos{0,2,31.6129,108.1439,2.4078}
GOI Bodach
Golden Oak Industries
The Bodach is a Small Core Ship, the little brother of the Dagda by Golden Oak Industries. It sports a moderate amount of storage and is built for space travel. Easily able to lift about 750t with no skills from Atmos on a 1G World, more if you have better piloting skills. Cargo on BP is 249.6kL (Tier 3) but can always be updated for a bit more with skills. The ship comes with Space Radar and a Small Advanced Shield Generator.
RZR Corp
Our first public ship, the Starchaser, gives you the best combination of speed, maneuverability and cargo capacity. Sleek lines and a low profile make this small core fast and eye catching. Comes with Damage Report, ShipInfo script and automatic landing gear script. Drop by our VR station "RZR Corp Showroom" to see it in person. Dispensers with Blueprints on site. DM Tethrazor#6730 on Discord for Tokens.
Aurora V3
The time has finally come she is finally finished. The Aurora originally built by Fembot is finally back in action. Don't want to wait for AGG to take you where you need to go this is the ship. She says Fuck you to gravity and will take whatever you feed her to space I have personally done 10kt of cargo off Alioth while streaming so it can be done. I mean just look at how sexy those engines look. The extra bumper in front is on purpose its so the player can choose if they want skinny headlights or big headlights lol. There is also Unc Version which just swaps the engines for Unc instead of Adv. Unc version sales as token 25M give or take depending ore prices or you can get a bp Come to TMO showroom to see her in person.
Rebel Y-Wing BTL
SNS Sentinels
Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The BTL Y-wing starfighter was a modificated fighter-bomber built by the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. Contact : Knight-Sevy#6239 It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Real cockpit. Sold with 400 l of fuel and 320 ammo XS. The Y Wing BTL is a godd ship for training space combat in Dual Universe with friends. You need "Control Unit Capacity Handling" to use the 3 missile (Weapons => Seat Capacity Handling => Control Unit Capacity Handling) (Weapons => Missile Capacity Handling => Missile XS Capacity Handling) And then apply them on your construct (Right clic => Construct => Reapply talents on construct) BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" https://youtu.be/63hyeJ4BYr0 No talent max stats : 5.71g MAX THRUST 6.1g BRAKE FORCE 21.9m² Frontal cross section 50 000 km/h MAX SPEED
Astres 9
Baxton Aeronautics
hi all ;) I present you the Astres 9, hybrid ship ideal to move small loads everywhere in the universe - radar atmo/space - 1 contener L - warpDrive - shieldXs - engine full basique :) - signage system and other Lua tools - cargo : 300 t to 500 t depend your skills U can visit me in VR "baxtonAeronotics" Renember, dont buy in VR !!! BP dispencer available at this position : - ::pos{0,27,13.7133,23.1457,54.8997} Have fun
Who Wants to Be a Noveannaire
Makashima Industries
Feel like you know a lot about Dual Universe? Ever wanted to test your knowledge? Well now you can! With 'Who Wants to Be a Noveannaire?', you can test your knowledge to its limits! Based on the popular TV series, this game comes with 'Fastest Finger' stage to award those who can answer correctly, and fast enough, with 3x 50-50 lifelines. For every wrong answer, you'll forfeit a lifeline, so be careful! The main stage of the game is broken up into 3 difficulties: Easy being questions 1 through 5, medium at question 6 through 10, and hard at question 11 through 15. Each difficulty section has over 10 questions chosen at random and will not repeat. Further, the answers' locations are mixed on every new game. Preventing muscle memory and quick boredom! Further, to increase the experience, a sound pack is available which will play key familiar sounds at every part of the game, to provide a deeper sense of immersion. Are you ready to be a Noveannaire?! Location & VR: Makashima Industries Shop ::pos{0,26,79.6509,-87.6931,99.0025} Download the Soundpack: https://mega.nz/file/cJRhCYrT#E4zFP2vSUfarqvVMz5qw1Krp0nBIOdMuu2dgC-L6cgg
Golden Oak Industries
The Bogdan is an extra small courier shuttle. Ultralight weight with tremendous lift capabilities for its size! Just the right ship for those runs to the moon or down to the planet from a larger ship! Carbon fiber hull and seats 3. Can reach speeds in space up to 47,068km/h. An excellent little grocery getter or for quick trips to the market as well.