Dual Universe Creators

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Belovator XS

Super Powerful Pro Army


Cargo Lift: 450 t

The Belovator is a lightweight shaftless space elevator that flies along a gravity line to transport your cargo and players into space. You can comfortably transport your assets from the planet surface to a space station without having to rely on an annoying AGG tower with an hour-long ascend or fiddly autopilot ships. Load up with cargo, select the target floor, wait, dock - unload! Belovator XS: - 450 tonnes of cargo lift from the surface of Alioth without any piloting skills/talents - 2x Basic Container M - Advanced Maneuver and Military Engines Stats are for unskilled pilots, cargo lift depends heavily on pilot skills. The lifting capability improves dramatically for a pilot with just lvl 2+ talents on atmo engines. The configuration of the elevator is done via Lua parameters and is limited to a few parameters to keep the complexity simple. Control of the elevator via touchscreen and/or HUD with very few buttons. Blueprint Dispensers available at: Alioth Exchange (Red Hall) ::pos{0,0,-18720.8973,113458.7271,-74340.0001} SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3389,111.0206,0.6303} You can also take a look at our space elevators at our WIP Showroom on Alioth. Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Shop If you want to test one of the Belovators in advance, contact us in Discord and we will give you access. If you have any questions or need support, feel free to join our Support Discord. There we provide a FAQ, how to set up your Belovator properly and how to place a spacecore with correct alignment to the elevator. https://discord.gg/MbRPe8GujN

BP: 3.5 Mħ

Dot Liberator

Dot Hack


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

Liberator is your light carrier that can be equipped with a scanner, deep scanner, warp drive and anti-gravity. Ship also has 2 landing pads that can carrier small to extra small ships and more containers. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.

BP: 10 Mħ

Swooping Swallow



Max Speed: 6,200 km/h

The Swooping Swallow is a tailored autopilot mission runner. Carry up to 5 packages for the 160kℏ Ailerons mission. Flight time 4m 30s for a single package, 4m 55s for 5 packages. Pickup, Dropoff, Home, and altitude are customizable and precise. Blueprint available at ::pos{0,2,42.5991,94.4443,189.7354}

BP: 7 Mħ


Dumboiz United


Cargo Space: 179.2 kL

The DBI LASH-1 (Light Atmospheric Scanning Hauler) is an efficient scanning vessel for those players looking to get in to scanning. This Small Core ship comes equipped with a single Basic Container Large and enough power to move it when fully loaded. As an atmospheric ship, the LASH utilizes a very open and minimalistic design aesthetic, reminiscent of construction vehicles once used on Earth. Scan tiles, harvest surface ore to pass the time, and move along to the next scan site. Even if you don't find that T3 ore site, you won't be coming back empty handed! Even if you're not scanning, the single large container allows you to utilize the ship as a handy market runner or flower harvester! Modifying this ship to be space-friendly would be a piece of cake, given the extra room and open design. A few space engines, a few retro-rocket brakes, and you'll be scanning all around Helios in no time. (Listed stats utilize t4/5 talents for handling AND piloting -- message isyron#4015 for stats for a 0-piloting skill player)

Token: 6.6 Mħ
BP: 1.1 Mħ


SNS Sentinels


Space Thrust: 37.4 MN

Build by Akcroma#9718 BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" Designed for tracking asteroids. 36 000 KM/h 1 Uncommon Military Space Engine XL 2 Container L Warp drive slot Shield slot DSAT CCS Capacity 2.29 M Free rebuff (dm Cobqlt#8533)

BP: 5 Mħ

Odin class AES 01



Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

The Odin class AES 01, manufactured with high technician skills, an incredibly strong S-core freighter, easy to pilot. I personally took 775 tons of Hematite from Alioth to space and landed the ship on return with ease on Alioth. It is also a luxurious comfortable home when you're traveling in the vast ocean of space. The ship contains: warp drive, shield generator, possibilities to weaponize and expand storage, elevators, master bedroom, guest room, medical facility, VR facilities, landing gear and more. *************************************************************************************** Please visit our showroom on Alioth. Location ::pos{0,2,38.1670,99.6339,953.7206} Be careful, the showroom is on a glass platform and it might take some time to load when you land there, so land carefully and take your time. *************************************************************************************** This ship was greatly inspired by Damphousse's ship the DIS-07 (Copernicus).

BP: 1.25 Mħ

Nova Shuttle



No attributes :-(

Small Shuttle 100t capacity. VR to "Stingrays Haulers" or come to ::pos{0,2,24.5641,69.9976,100.9678}

BP: 500 Kħ




No attributes :-(

Small Hauler 400t off Alioth. VR to "Stingrays Haulers" or come to ::pos{0,2,24.5641,69.9976,100.9678}

BP: 750 Kħ




No attributes :-(

S core hauler capable of 1.5Kt off Alioth. With Warp drive. VR to "Stingrays Haulers" or come by at ::pos{0,2,24.5641,69.9976,100.9678}

BP: 1.5 Mħ




No attributes :-(

Athena is an M core capable of getting 3.5Kt off Alioth and has a warp drive. VR to "Stingrays Haulers" or come by at ::pos{0,2,24.5641,69.9976,100.9678}

BP: 3 Mħ




No attributes :-(

Raven is capable of 6Kt of Alioth and warp drive. VR to "Stingrays Haulers" or come by at ::pos{0,2,24.5641,69.9976,100.9678}

BP: 4 Mħ

Tie Mining Guild



Cargo Lift: 800 t

Star Wars inspired Tie Mining Guild ship. Small M size core ship With max skills and max boost can lift close to a Kt to 0g. With very low skills can still life 500 to 600 ton to 0g. BP can be found at VR The Ship Shop TWB BP requires all basic elements and T1 voxel. Token NA Max space speed 37 000kh First 10 BP will be sold at 1Mh then going up to 2 Mh

Token: 20 Mħ
BP: 1 Mħ

Corvette S2 DSAT

FMJ Inc.


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

CorvetteS2 DsaT Version Speed : 1417 kmh ( motor + 40 % boost ) empty weight ( with fuel ) : 1380 Tones Cargo Lift : 2 Kt ( without skill pilot ! ) Cargo Space : 3 contenair L + 2 M ( + 50 % capacity boost ) Full handling boost 40 % ! ( airfoil, hover, FuelTank ) & 50% for Atmo Engines Free Rebuff (Dm JohnCurse ingame or Dimitri#1692 on discord) Shield Slot Bp without Dsat Available Vr Station Soon Add in game : Fiftar or johnCurse for more informations

BP: 5 Mħ

300i Plus

Southern Cross High Guard


Cargo Lift: 226 t

Inspired by the classic Star Citizen 300i Warp Shuttle. Warp in style. 6 cells from Alioth to Madis. Do we need to say any more? VR: SCHG Ship Sales - Madis ::pos{0,1,81.7469,5.7865,545.1833}

BP: 1 Mħ


Southern Cross High Guard


No attributes :-(

BP: 2 Mħ
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