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le "Pamplemousse" !!!



Cargo Lift: 600 t

gros cargo fabriqué par Alex peut porter 600 tonnes

BP: 1 Mħ

Fondor Haulcraft Mk2



Cargo Lift: 450 t

The same model ship that Luthen Rael prefers in Andor, the Fondor Haulcraft is a small-core hubrid hauler with warp drive. It has the equivalent of 1 1/2 Large containers of cargo space. It can lift around 450 to 600 tons off Alioth. Its meant to be a daily driver. Small enough to warp, large enough to carry a respectable load, and fast enough to get in and out quick. Notice the full detail interior as close to the show ship as I can manage. Round hallways! I build a lot of ships, but I really like this one and its my current daily driver. Its run a dozen small safe-zone special missions already and counting. Buffed to ALL Level 5's. TOKENS: *** Sold Out *** UPDATE: Display ship and dispenser now located at Starlantis Station. Location: ::pos{0,0,-1000375.5509,592091.9329,-1418946.2885}

Token: 14 Mħ
BP: 3.5 Mħ

Seawing S20



Cargo Lift: 800 t

The Seawing S20 is an Old-Earth Hybrid Heavy Lift Long Range Transport Aircraft. Predating the founding of Seawing Hypersonics, the S20 takes a different philosophy to moving payloads to space. Whether empty or hauling a kiloton the massive amalgam wing's custom tuned aerodynamics do all of the work, enabling a steady climb even with the nose NOT raised above the horizon. The wing itself is capable of safely deorbiting payloads up to 3,500t, providing almost 48MN of lifting force. The ship remains highly agile even while hauling its recommended payload of 800t. Designed as a platform for various modules, the dorsal docking port on the S20 supports the attachment of additional cargo pods, the S10 or S32 Scout ships, a DSAT module, or a Tri Scanner. Featuring two crew positions and two jumpseats, the S20 interior is designed to be cozy and make the most of a minimal floorplan with a workhorse aesthetic. The cockpit view is good to excellent, with effort made in ensuring good visibility at all head angles. Modern S20's have been refit with Moltres™ shield technology, enabling them to withstand reentry and atmospheric cruising speeds that would destroy all but the most advanced of its peers. With the refit shield in place, they are capable of hypersonic cruising speeds of 8000+km/h in atmosphere.

BP: 899 Kħ

Spaceballs' Eagle 5



Cargo Lift: 10 t

My tribute to one of the greatest SF movies. Fly with class in this Captain Lone Star's Eagle 5 replica. You can look at it via VR: RedDog Ships but do not buy anything in VR OFC ;)

BP: 750 Kħ




Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

A unique and distinctive design combined with a good average payload. Elements of the ship are well arranged so that there is plenty of space inside, also inside there is a slot for a protective shield, which is easy to install or remove. All elements of the ship are hidden so that there is access for repairs. The hull consists of only 3 types of honeycomb. There are six M containers on the ship. Which provides a very compact appearance. The lifting power consists only of Vertical Boosters, which guarantees the lifting of very heavy cargo for safe transportation around the planet. With the piloting skills I can assure you that the ship can lift up to 1.5kt of cargo from a planet like Aliot

BP: 1.5 Mħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 2,500 t

The Tumata is the Industrial Flagship of Golden Oak Industries! Inspired by Tūmatauenga - "Tūmatauenga (Tū of the angry face) is the primary god (atua) of war and human activities such as hunting, food cultivation, fishing, and cooking in Māori mythology." Equipped with Four Extra Large Space Engines, Tumata has excellent space acceleration and handles easily in Atmos as well. Capable of lifting upwards of 2.5Kt of Cargo from Alioth (more on lesser gravity worlds.) All Doors/Hatches and Gates can be controlled at the individual door locations AND from a control panel on the bridge next to the command chair. There is plenty of information display room including 3 Large Transparent Screens in the cockpit plus an additional cluster of smaller screens available to the Pilot with controls for all systems. Rooms include the Bridge, Cargo Bay, Hangar Bay, Engine Room and Ready Room (below the bridge.) There is plenty of room inside for owner customization or additional cargo capacity to allow for extra volume. FEATURES ∙ Anti-Gravity Generator with 12 Pulsars ∙ Large Shield Generator (Advanced) ∙ Warp Drive ∙ Hangar Bay ∙ Landing Strip ∙ Four (4) VR Booths ∙ VR Pod ∙ Resurrection Node ∙ Multiple Programming Boards and Workstations ∙ Unique Control Console with Hatch/Door Controls ∙ Secured External Elevator

BP: 20 Mħ

Asp Hauler

Dragons Den


Cargo Lift: 758 t

Asp Hauler from Elite Dangerous, able to lift and do the 160k mission no problem at all with a run time of approximately an hour or so dependant on talents before needing to refill. it stays aloft with only 20 percent throttle. Currently located at Obsidian's Showroom and on sale for only 500k it's a great ship to get your feet wet for the smaller missions and skittle mining. ::pos{0,2,16.8131,84.0328,344.6768} please don't buy in VR

BP: 500 Kħ

Rock Hauler (Freighter)

Creator (Rock Raiders)


Cargo Space: 768 kL

The "Rock Hauler" named specifically after it's purpose is an M-Class hauling Frigate. A staple in the Rock Raider's logistic fleet, this commonly seen craft is reliable, sturdy, and affordable. Most rock raiders believe you should fly the ship for the purpose you need. Thus this hauler makes no attempts to visually look like a sports car, but instead is true in aesthetic to its industrialistic function of moving heaving things from point A to point B. Features: - 4 Large Containers - Command & Flight Deck - Docking Space for Crab Courier & Salvage Sprinter Note: Crab Courier & Salvage Sprinter NOT included, and are shown as work in progress! With such design approach the Rock Raiders felt it was unnecessary to create a pressurized cabin and instead created a life support system built into the seat to supply oxygen and regulate temperatures for the hauler pilot.

BP: 1 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 6,000 t

Rhino, a true industrial beast, inspired by the stellar mining vessel from BSG. She can lift more then 1100kl of Hematite in one go. She sails the clouds like a true blast furnace. Is fuel efficient , has a big entrance to make access easier, even with all your tools in hand. If you accellerate too fast she will burn the skies around her to be even hotter. She steers like a mercedes. For inquiries, contact Nlundu or SgtWarlock

BP: 2 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 240 t

The sabre A ship first made in beta and now completely overhauled with extra engines and voxel-work. It is a versatile ship that is made for scanning on every planet. It can easily take of from Alioth with basic pilot skills with 200T. i personally took 260T off Alioth with my basic pilot. After the scanning is done, the ship is perfect for hauling ore back from other planets and warping. Able to warp 400T of thades, teoma and jago and warping home for only about 75 warp cells. Perfect for the higher tier ore mining. Cost 24 warp cells to warp to jago fully fueled no cargo. Also good to know the ship is made with all basic engines which makes it pretty cheap to build. Keep in mind that the stats are given with high pilot skills and boosts. Bp available at wicked wonderland showroom location ::pos{0,2,34.7950,86.1437,215.4059} for more info or questions you can join our discord https://discord.gg/Dcc4g2J8

Token: 8 Mħ
BP: 3 Mħ

Puddle Jumper XS Atmo Shuttle



Max Speed: 850 km/h

With its design inspired by Stargate Atlantis, this XS atmospheric shuttle will take you wherever you want. Surrogate Pod available if you want to see it: Federatis Jumper. Dispensers available for blueprints on Haven at ::pos{0,27,14.9695,109.0252,284.4368}. Delivery available with an additionnal cost depending on the destination (no pvp zone). Included a fully custum HUD inspired by screens of the ship from the TV Show with a lof of features: - Translation system, the HUD is currently available in english or french by setting an option, other languages can be easilly added on demand - High Resolution support (2k, 4k, ...) - Bookmark Autopilot (Bookmarks fully customisable, altitude and speed can be changed during the flight) - Custom Waypoint Autopilot (altitude and speed can be changed during the flight) - Damage Control - Cargo total mass - Cargo items list - Autolanding - Underwater Autolanding - Auto Roll (can be switch on and off on demand) - Auto Pitch (can be switch on and off on demand) - Braking Time and Distance calculation - Radar Information (transponder support included) HUD Showcase Video : https://youtu.be/gg-TLAY2ihA Futures HUD updates included. They will be announced on guilded. Customisation on the HUD may be done on demand. Contact Jericho#1060 on discord or join us on Guilded (https://guilded.jericho.dev) for any question or request. Originaly Created By Reckers#7188 and Jericho#1060.

BP: 6 Mħ


United Empire


Cargo Lift: 1,950 t

BP: 100 Kħ


Unskilled One


No attributes :-(

Small Hybrid courier with warp

Token: 500 Kħ


Golden Oak Industries


Cargo Lift: 2,000 t

The Aurora Medium Core Cruise is the perfect vehicle for transporting a space princess! (Or Cargo!) Equipped with 6 Staterooms which you can decorate any way you like, it sports two large cargo containers (with room to add additional containers for extra volume) along with a centralized Hub. The ship also has medium shields and an onboard Resurrection Node and VR Pod + Two VR Booths.

BP: 1.25 Mħ

Bantha mk4

IFO Industries


Cargo Lift: 1.25 t

Christmas Sale for Bantha HAULER and Bantha DSAT! Bantha HAULER : 750,000 ħ Bantha DSAT : 950,000 ħ Bantha SPACE only DSAT : 900,000 ħ The popular Bantha series is back! More POWER, more BRAKES! If you need a reliable multi-tasking ship, then the Bantha Hauler was made for you. Cheap but powerful at the same time. The ship was designed to meet all civilian needs. - If you are interested in the transport of goods, this is not a problem for Bantha HAULER Even with the basic engines, it moves more than 1000 tons with ease. - If you are interested in asteroid mining, you can count on Bantha DSAT for this as well. You just need to put the Shield Generator on it and it is already suitable for safe mining of the deep space. Come to check these out in VR: (IFO Shop and Showroom) our showroom is ready for your presence! Where you also can buy your favorite Bantha! Technical Data: Propulsion: 10 Atmo Engine L 12 Vertical Booster L 8 Space Engine M 4 Space Engine L 1 Warp Drive Extra free slots for: 1 DSAT or XL container 1 Advanced Shield Generator S VR: IFO Shop and Showroom Dispensers : IFO Tower (near Madis Market 5) ::pos{0,1,80.6207,15.0709,612.5245}

BP: 750 Kħ
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