Dual Universe Creators
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Broken Skull Ship Shop
The Husser Originally created by Ragnok Industries.....Currently under a full refit at BSSS and on display without elements atm. First refit is to be a space only version and then an atmo/space version. You can however buy an original BP of the Husser but be warned some elements mainly engines and wings are glitched in together and stacked. This is a really impressive ship made pre launch and being reworked to fly again soon. Check it out @VR to Broken Skull Ship Shop
Arcadia Death Shadow
Captain Harlock
All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server Old beta creation New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Shield script updated and and have rgb Ship info updated still manual rgb Arch hud updated AGG installed AGG controler script Main power switch at the entrance that activates all the functions and screens Gunner seats and ammo containers installed (you may change the weapons and to different sizes) its for decorations now
S12 Spincat
Seawing Hypersonics is proud to release the S12 Spincat to the starter ship market! Built to maximize performance out of a 500k build budget, These small scouts can be quickly assembled for new org mates, new players, or longtime vets looking for a nimble market runner. But just because the S12 is a starter doesn't mean it's slow or lacking in power and endurance! Basic engines push the Spincat to 1500km/h(after placement buffs and talents), and the ship has been built with easy-engine-swap voxel mounts making replacement with higher tier engines doable in under a minute! A Medium space fuel tank provides nearly 600,000km/h of delta V, easily taking this ship on several asteroid or interplanetary trips before refueling becomes necessary! It is fitted with full 3D maneuvering thrusters for operating from space platforms or low/zero G environs. The Spincat is also ready for external cargo loads! Due to using an S core, the Spincat can easily piggyback additional cargo, or xs core ships <500 tons. Armed with a single xs cannon, S12 Scouts can also serve as training platforms for new pilots to learn the fundamentals of gunnery. If that wasn't enough, the S12 features a robust heat protection system, allowing the ship to cruise around Alioth at 4000-8000km/h in upper atmosphere, and withstand reentries at 6000+km/h with minimal or no damage, making it far and away one of the speediest starters on the market.
GSL Persephone
Tired of seeing element only Roid Ninja's? Want something cheap to run to asteroids in PvP space and not be out a lot of quanta if it gets destroyed? The GSL Persephone is cheap, fast and gets the job done with a bit of style. All basic elements plenty of thrust and break 4 small containers of space and an optional S shield. Blueprints available at DIA Plaza Neo's Shop @ ::pos{0,2,32.3545,109.1669,140.1945} The 100k BP price includes 5 Blueprints for those un foreseen mishaps
Essex Class Carrier & Mining Shuttle
Space Only: Perfect for 1-man PVP zone asteroid mining. Park the carrier out of radar range, take the shuttle in for mining and transport ore to the carrier. Pirates get your lander? Respawn back to the carrier and get ore to safety! These ships are intended to be cheap to replace, but powerful enough to get the job done. Carrier: 6 Basic Space Engine M, 2 Basic Container M, 12 Retro-rocket Brake M, Advanced Shield Generator XM, 2 Space fuel tank M, 5 Basic Vertical Boosters, Resurrection Node, Space radar S. Shuttle: 6 Basic Space Engine S, 3 Basic Container S, 11 retro-rocket brake S, 1 space fuel tank S, 4 basic vertical booster S. Carrier blueprint 2 million quanta. Shuttle 1 million quanta. Blueprints only at this time.
Dazzling Gleam
Happy Valentine's day! Limited Time Valentine's Day ship. February only! Pocket Ship. VR: DJ Showroom. ::pos{0,2,22.4361,87.0590,117.7624}
Station Hopper (No DRM)
Highly maneuverable runabout designed for traversing large space stations quickly and efficiently. Starlantis and Utopia II for example. Mult-axis space engines and plenty of adjustors make this easy to fly and navigate in 360 degree space. Dispensers can be found on the Starlantis space station here. ::pos{0,0,-1000011.0777,593180.0550,-1418890.2448}
Captains Customs - Ship Sales
The Tortuga is a budget-focused S core hauler, new from Captains Customs in retail release! It is capable of safely carrying and landing 2.1kt on a 1g planet. The Tortuga boasts 576kl of storage on a hub via 3 basic container L. Most all components are tier 1, which means the ship is very inexpensive to deploy, or replace if those pesky pirates catch you. It's great for running to and from the market, or exploring PvP delivery missions (just add a shield). Taking inspiration from the Mondoshawan in the Fifth Element movie, the Tortuga is sure to be a head turner at your base, and at the market! Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR
The Axel
Captains Customs - Ship Sales
The Axel 1 XL Extended (4 Large) Container - S Core Capable of lifting 2+ KT of cargo off Alioth Very efficient (few hundred atmo fuel to get to space) Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR
A tribute a of Luke's Skywalker Landspeeder X-34 seen in Episode IV A New Hope Enjoy :)
Halberd-class Destroyer ( HALO )
Here is the unfc Halberd-class destroyer from the HALO license. To see it in VR: UNSC Destroyer BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} and on sale in the ship. Token price adapted to the market price. It's a ship of size L that faithfully reproduces the dimensions of the original ship but obviously some parts have been adapted to make it viable for Dual universe. Thanks to its design it obtains a cruising speed in atmosphere of more than 1600 km per hour, this speed is possible thanks to its 18 atypical military atmospheric engines which allow to push the ship with a load of 10KT outside Haven without the help of the antigravity. To take over in space, the ship is equipped with 4 atypical maneuvering XL space engines and if you want to carry more load from a planet at 1g you will be able to rely on the agg elevator integrated in the antigravity. The ship is fully equipped inside to meet all the necessary needs of the players in terms of gameplay and RP but there are also large additional spaces to be equipped for the player's needs such as a huge interior hangar to store additional ships or containers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fr. Voici le unfc Halberd-class destroyer de la licence HALO. Pour le voir en VR: UNSC Destroyer. BP: ::pos{0,27,7.1508,20.1409,236.7263} et en vente dans le vaisseau. Prix du token adapté en fonction du prix du marché. C'est un vaisseau de taille L qui reproduit fidèlement les dimensions du vaisseau original mais bien évidemment certaines parties ont été adaptées pour le rendre viable pour Dual universe. Grâce à son design il obtient une vitesse de croisière en atmosphère de plus de 1600 km heure, cette vitesse est possible grâce à ses 18 moteurs atmosphérique atypique militaire qui permettent de pousser le vaisseau avec une charge de 10KT en dehors de Haven sans l'aide de l'antigravité. Pour prendre le relais dans l'espace, le vaisseau est équipé de 4 moteurs XL spatiaux maneuver atypique et si vous voulez emporter plus de charge à partir d'une planète à 1g vous pourrez vous appuyer sur l'ascenseur agg intégré dans l'antigravité. Le vaisseau est complètement aménagé à l'intérieur pour répondre à tous les besoins nécessaires des joueurs en termes de plaisir de jeu et de RP mais il y a aussi des larges espaces supplémentaires pour pouvoir être aménagé pour les besoins du joueur comme par exemple un immense hangar intérieur pour y ranger des vaisseaux ou des conteneurs supplémentaires.
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