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A light courier able to warp from Alioth to Teoma with 7-8 warp cells (no cargo, fuel capacity filled). The ship is able to float pretty easily in upper atmosphere of Sanctuary and other planets should you desire. The ship to build probably is between 3-4.5 million with estimates as of writing this. As always, the ship will most likely work the best with max piloting talents - it might not even be able to reach space without them. Inventory and engine stats are a high priority to reduce mass. Statistics shown are with prior assumption, however, cargo & fuel capacity is base. Contact me via discord (-->), or in game (Mjrlun), to get a BP.
Captains Customs/ adrenix91 Present to you the Nemesis Space only hauler with 30 XL Containers for all your hauling needs, custom made interior through out, including ! Captains quarters , officer quarters x2 and bunks for 12 crew, warp and radar room , med bays , crew lounge, 2x gunner rooms(if wanted) 2x small hangers and Air lock doors for all those RP needs Space engines are 24 L uncommon and 4 Advance XL Visit today at: Captains Customs - Ship Showroom ::pos{0,2,36.7574,108.2818,55.5905} on Alioth (paste into a chat, right click on it and set as destination)
ADMI IDS (industrial scanner) TRI SCANNER!
Gray (GrayLeader)
Tri scanner for lots of scanning i updated it for the brakes update and made it a little more effecient. The IDS has 2 10 packs one of xs and one of small for material territory units and the like. also has 6 seperated xs containers in main haul for seperating scans its very stable with nice vtol and easy to balance. Available at alioth you can vr (admi build store) ill have it up there in a bit for sale again thanks! also has vtol maneuver engines so sustenation is actually zero with 500tons cargo can just hold space bar to leave atmo then punch it foward to fly away into space! small core and i did the intirior too so it looks dope also bunch of stuff for scripts if you use them i dont but i make it easy for the buyer to install. Thanks for looking!
Infinitum Amorem
Ininitum Amorem is an S-core space only asteroid mining/mission ship. It's got good looks, is very maneuverable and with the 2 XL Uncommon Military Engines, it can get going and up to speed pretty darn fast. ArchHUD installed complemented by Equinox Fuel and Damage Report. Interior is spacious with plenty of room for additional flourishes that you may like or a shield. Specs are in G's and based on 3/4 piloting skills. See it in VR at "Czar in Space" or in person here ::pos{0,0,-42004.9319,202233.7259,33629.9593}
Trundler v3
This is the Trundler v3. v1 was the first ship I made, v2 is upgraded styling and v3 has upgraded performance. A step up starter ship with good styling, good handling and easy to fly. See it at my Haven Base or in VR at "Czar on Haven"
Spindler v3
Now on version 3 that includes all the VPT work that wasn't around when I first made it. The Spindler was my second ship that I made and my first to see space. Many moons later I've completely redesigned it with better, prettier voxel work, upgraded engines and really better stats all the way around. While my first space faring ship worked, this one will help you make that transition to space so much easier and with much better style than I had. ArchHUD Check it out at my base or in VR at "Czar on Haven"
X13 MK III compliant with brakes
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
Loaded industries presents the X13 MK III ( small core ) my original x13 1KT ship has now been redesigned and has had a powerful power output update with keeping its sleek design, can now lift 2.5kt+ off alioth with medium pilot skills, perfect for market running, hauling, mission running with 768kl cargo space (4 large containers) comes with medium shield for extra protection and i always build my ship with much more lift and atmos braking power thats needed for much easier control and safer landings ( brakes are fully compliant with what was changed on the PTS when this goes live so this ship is fully future proof. also my vhagar and eros have also been updated with the brake fix. all stats shown are with level 3/4 on 75% of pilot skills, if you have no pilot skills would be best to stick to around 2kt in cargo you can view in VR search for loaded industries showroom ( your find the ship at the end of the runway ) comes fully fitted with.. 6 advanced large military engines 5 advanced large military space engines 2 advanced med military space engines 27 large atmos airbrakes 28 medium wings 14 large retro space brakes warp drive medium shield 4 large containers vr pod full interior redone large fuel tanks all boosted with level 5 talents when buying a token
V2 Reliant (updated) -ADMI
Gray (GrayLeader)
Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol. V2 reliant updated for brake release and has shields now as well as added a light scheme to the bp. has a 3kton capacity on alioth anywhere else 5kton if you are new recommend 2ktons for a while. has 4 large container pack and 10 small container pack easy to balance. plenty of brake power easy to add more if wanted. I take pride in adding all the rooms and gadgets that make it feel like a ship! hope you like it thanks for looking! all of my stuff is available on alioth at ::pos{0,2,-24.6313,16.8071,150.4663} and you can vr admi build store
ODYe Acteon Mk1
ODYe Cronos
ALBA is my first Demeter Compatible M-Core Starship, with no obstructed brakes and retro engines - with a unique style inline with my other ships - this one goes for the "verticality" :) The ship has 10 Large Atmo Engines and a beefy XL Space Engine. It also has a Warp Drive which is nicely incorporated into the silver colored body of the ship. As you can see in the video, I have gone with the nice combination of the crimson red and silver colors. See it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u7yNkYoFWw ***************************************************************************** The blueprint is available for sale on my territory for 5.000.000 Q. The Token (complete ship!) will be available for 55.000.000 Q. Coordinates: ::pos{0,2,1.3180,77.7294,24.1859} *****************************************************************************
Sky "Coquelicot" taxi warp
bonjour petit taxi warp low cost petite soute de stockage BP distributeur: ::pos{0,26,-2.4601,-77.7112,0.4765} VR: Sanctuaire Spaceboys n'achetez pas en VR mise a jour le 15.01.2025
ETA LH 500 MK2
Elite Transport Associates Ship Works
Built for the space trucker. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. The ETA LH 500 is a great ship for new players. This is a cheep market runner or light Hulling missions or tending your mine, you can fill the one large container with any ore up to 500T and still make it out to space with no pilot skills. This ship can grow with you and can be upgraded with warp and engines easily. Ship comes with Equip with: 2 Basic Atmo Engine L 4 Basic Space Engine M 2 Basic Space Engine L 2 Basic Space Engine S For Easy space station docking 500t off Alioth Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers. BP ARE Unbuffed - DM For Buffs
E 14 Eclipse - ADMI
Gray (GrayLeader)
The Eclipse is a cooperative ship design between Emladra and Dothack is first ship among several in the future that will be released. It is very very stable with skills sustain speed is like 70km/h so glides super well it is mainly a warp shuttle but can carry 100tons pretty nicely in 1g. Design is inspired by the RSI Mantis from star citizen are skills are improving. . Ship bp is available for purchase at Alioth vr "admi build store"
Vega Hex Industries
You want to travel in style? Get to your destination rapidly? look no further. The Seraphim is an S core made to be a sporty warp courier and daily driver, beautiful interior, handling like a bird and with enough cargo space to enable you to make good market purchases. The ship has a max speed of 1534 km/h and can withstand the pressure of the atmosphere at high speed without taking significant damage at 1200 km/h. The cargo space will enable you to get out of Alioth atmosphere easily with at least 400t of cargo. You want to see the Seraphim in action? check this review made by RobRantz here: https://youtu.be/8LXz3C8cNwM Come visit us in VR at Paragon Hex Showroom or in person near market 6 at ::pos{0,2,35.3441,107.0564,-13.1840} DM if you have any questions on discord: vork