A combination of all the weird shit I have made over the years. DRM free, Use, reuse, copy, sell whatever you want, you owe me nothing once you buy it except to have fun using it!
This includes both "Armand's Randomness" and "Armand's Supports & Ducts" plus a bunch of new extras never before released.
VR: Armands Complete Randomness
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Armand Reed
Updated the VR:Armand's Complete Randomness
Armand Reed
I moved this and forgot to setup a VR... You can VR:SatOne and it to your left.
Armand Reed
New Dispenser and position posted and VR has been setup for it.
Armand Reed
Sorry man I am remodeling at my base and didn't setup this dispenser. Glad we could meet up and get you taken care of. I will update this posting today when I get a new dispenser setup.
Hello, I'm looking for a BP of this around your base. I see a different one sitting in the grass I'd like to get a BP of. ING Ruperthon
Armand Reed
All good man glad we got it fixed. Someone else has some voxel stuff near that tile.
Maybe i should have had you drop them off im still having issues finding anything with BP is it haha
You're just 90km away, ill swing buy :) Thanks for the response.
Armand Reed
Its on Alioth. I update my channel in DU Creators Discord sorry.
There is no dispensor, it's just all access containers to anyone that goes there. I don't charge so no reason for people to steal them all.Where are you at and I'll swing by and give you the BP
Flew all the way to Feli, couldn't even find the dispenser.
- ✓ M
Type- ✓ Dynamic
Role- ✓ Decoration
- ✓ Furniture
- ✓ Library