Thank you to everyone who was interested in this project. This has been sold to Fyrestrider. Please reach out to him in-game with any questions. This was sold as a one-time piece, DRM-Free Core BP and token. I do not have the ability to make another, only Fyrestrider does.
Perso is a shore-based fixed mining platform. Originally designed for The Wendence Bauxite Meganode on Feli by the now-defunct Cracker Barrel Org. Construction started 12478 and completed early 12482, it reached peak production in 12490. Decommissioned in 12501 and transported via VTOL to its current position at Satrion Corporation's Feli Restoration Plant. ::pos{0,5,10.4711,-153.5337,18431.2520}
Surrogate VR - Perso
The restoration of Perso has seen multiple setbacks. Lack of interest and funds to restore the mining relic has led Satrion Corp [RION] Board of Directors to fund simple upgrades, such as auto-mining units, fuel refining, and a converted second-floor executive lounge for ore production and repair parts. Other restorations include all new lights throughout, upgraded safety barriers for NQSHA compliance, as well as all-new gas-filled windows in all areas for a comfortable mining experience. "We believe the current upgrades will more than suffice for today's demanding mining needs." Said Armand Reed, CEO and head of product development at Satrion Corp.
Both lower-level and rooftop cranes are non-functioning. Stairs from first-floor offices to the second-floor executive lounge have been removed, as well as stairs to rooftop access. Elevators have been retrofitted in these areas for more dynamic access to second-floor ore refining and rooftop storage. Ground level access to fuel refining with large amounts of Nitron storage. Detection zones to auto open and close doors. A force field to the executive lounge catwalk to ensure pressurization allowing this rig to be transported to moons for non-atmospheric applications. All new electrical for the upgraded areas. Fully compliant with the current Novean Institute of Standards. All concrete sub straights have passed all inspections for compressive strength. All metal girders have received full restoration and a fresh coat of Rooster Red Paint from the Sinnen Paint Company. (Certification Available upon request)
Note: This was not designed for habitation. Does not include bathroom facilities or sleeping quarters. Please check system-wide and local planetary authorities before converting for such uses. Any unauthorized conversions will be at the new owner's full expenses and liabilities. Satrion Corp [RION] is not liable for any future fines. Check with your local authorities.
Five Auto-Mining Units (With equipped hyperdiamond core-bits, Non-Cason Compliant)
Five ore refinery stations. (Room for more, electrical not included)
One Nitron Refining.
One X4 Refining. (Compatible for X1, X2, X3 - Tank scrubbing required for fuel type change)
All New LIghts
All New Windows
Upgrade pressurized doors and locks.
Safety barriers installed
Emergency Exit ladders have been installed.
Redecking of the rooftop landing pad (NQSHA Compliant Lighting added)
Satrion Corp [RION] is selling Perso as-is and does not include any warranty. It will be a DRM-free one-of-a-kind token. We will hand out our only Core Blueprint as well as the tokenized construct at the time of sale. It is recommended a certified NQSHA inspection is complete before attempted use of any lower-level or rooftop crane. You will need to make arrangements with a rigging company of your choice if you do not have the means to transport this yourself.
((This is a one-of-a-kind piece. I will not replicate this after this piece sells. I am also not keeping a copy of any blueprint or core blueprint after the sale. It will be the only one in existence unless you decide to make more blueprints))
- ✓ S
Env- ✓ Ground
Sold As- ✓ Token
Role- ✓ Hangar
- ✓ Factory
- ✓ Office