Banzai Buddies XS Ship Sales
Enjoy crafting XS and sometimes Small Dynamic Core Ships.
Spaceballs RV, Pocket SuV and Garbage Truck in works. Double Decker Big Ben coming soon too.
XS Sunfish
Banzai Buddies XS Ship Sales

Back from Beta the XS Sunfish XS Dynamic Core designed after a Sunfish 1x Medium Atmo Fuel Tank 2x Space Fuel Tank Small 2x XS Containers Linked Orbital Ready can fly into Space just no vertical thrusters to land on space pads. Great for flying around alioth with flair. Capability May Change depending on skills, my flight skills are only mediocre currently. Surrogate Teleporter up to "Banzai Buddies XS Ship Shop" located 16km from Alioth District 6 Market near lake. ::pos{0,2,43.0854,103.3924,206.6535}
Banzai Buddies XS Ship Sales

Swiftlift Quick Hauler found at Banzai Buddies Ship Shop on Alioth Near Market 6, VR Available. Do not buy in VR.
Catamaran XV
Banzai Buddies XS Ship Sales

XS dynamic core Catamaran XV Light Hauler 4x Small Containers Linked Heavy Braking power for size. Capability May Change depending on skills, my flight skills are only mediocre currently. Surrogate Teleporter up to "Banzai Buddies Ship Shop" located 16km from Alioth District 6 Market near lake. ::pos{0,2,43.0854,103.3924,206.6535}