Cargo Lift:
4,000 t
Welcome to the "Kestrel X". Inspired by the original Kestrel FTL, the Kestrel X steps it up a notch to bring the classic design into the post- Demeter era! An all new sleek style n spacious interior including new n improved cockpit, sleeping quarters, Anti-Gravity-Generating ability, and all direction freedom in space! Featuring:
-Anti-Gravity Generator
-Directional Thrusters
-Additional fuel tanks
-Atmospheric Radar
-Space Radar
-Resurrection node and Surrogate VR station n pod
-Damage n fuel hud
-Archaegeo Hud
-Automatic doors n ramps with manual inputs
*Atmospheric Brakes outside!
*Nothing Stacked!
*****Advanced Military Atmo Ls x8,Advanced Safe Atmo Ls x2, Rare Military Atmo Ms x2, Rare Military Atmo Ss x4, Advanced Military Space Ls x4, Advanced Safe Space Ls x4, Rare Military Dirrectional Thrusters, and Advanced Military Vertical Boosters x12.
Get your BP today! PM me: Usli310 #7769