Owner, operator of Hilts Independent Contracting
General contractor and ship builder.
Alioth Hyperloop Project

The goal of the Alioth Hyperloop project is to connect various space elevators and towers to the markets via an underground tunnel and train system. Enabling efficient movement of large cargo to and from space and markets. Over 150km of tunnel has already been constructed demonstrating the movement of 1000tons 60km at 500kmhr for 100L of fuel. Now seeking partners, investors, - for - Public Relations and advertising, purchasing or leasing land, and construction of stations and tunnels. Also seeking landowners and tower or elevator operators who would like the convenience and profit of having the Alioth Hyperloop through their territory. VR demonstration track and self driving train - coming soon!

F-22J - aircraft replica Practical light hauler/run about, ready for atmo combat. Fun to fly, highly maneuverable. Complete Cockpit interior. Air and Space, all rare military engines. Length 81 - Width 56 - Height 22 Tokens and BP available at ::pos{0,2,5.1779,91.5441,2.7838}

F-35F - aircraft replica Light fighter, ready for atmo combat. Fun to fly, highly maneuverable. Complete Cockpit interior. Air and Space, all rare military engines. Length 52 Width 38 Height 14 (gear extended) Tokens and BP available at ::pos{0,2,5.1779,91.5441,2.7838}