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“Prowler goes prrrrrrrrrrr!”

These were the first words that the shipwrights of Captains Customs heard when they pried the doors open to Captain Miller’s inner sanctum. He had been in there for 10 days straight…

What they found inside was enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most hardened criminal psychologist. Wall to wall pictures of engines and drafting plans of a new form of space ship… one that was …over-powered, aggressive…. Bestial.

The Prowler was born!

Some say it’s a giant space motorcycle. Some say it's an oversized bank of engines with a cockpit mounted on top. Others still think that Captain Miller has “collected” the genetic code of a space Jaguar to grow this ship… All we know for sure is that this ship is a monster!

Indeed the engineers speak about it in hushed tones… and share stories of interns going missing after being sent to clean Captain’s first Prowler…

With 40 Large Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines churning out 259MN of thrust, the power of the prowler is unrivaled. Capable of muscling 18KT in orbit, the Prowler is more than just a show pony.

The Prowler is Captain Miller’s baby and he’s willing to share it with you. Eager actually! Desperate?... Look, frankly, the wrongful death lawsuits from the interns are piling up and people have stopped applying!

So stop delaying, release your inner beast and buy a Prowler today.

Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR

Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.

Captain’s Customs – The quality justifies the quanta-ty!

Created 4 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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2 years ago


Max cargo weight is 8,000 t, not 18,000 t...
I didn't buy the ship, but I found it in decay. I should say I had to modify it to up the atmos stats to even take it to that cargo weight of 8,000 t. A lot of elements were stacked as well. Pretty ship, but the tech is not that good.

3 years ago


iI've just spent a magical two hours drifting around your ship showroom... I am in awe... !

3 years ago


Dudeeeee <3

3 years ago


An Incredible L Core. Great L core ship. Flys amazing, very powerful, lots of storage, looks amazing, and very well optimized. Captain is great to deal with and has created an epic ship!

3 years ago


Impressive flight experience for such a powerful ship! Happy and no regrets, worth every quanta-penny!

3 years ago


Great Upgrade to my Horizon :)

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago



4 years ago


Awesome ship! Hauls great! Thx cap! Will be recommending this ship to others for sure! Don't buy any other ship but this in my opinion!

4 years ago | Edited 4 years ago


This ship is incredible on all level. It looks great, flies like a jet, and will haul as much as you can pack into it. Captain is also terrific to deal with.

4 years ago


This ship is a beauty and a beast. From performance and visual design, to easy repairs through clever and logical placement of elements there is nothing I can fault about this ship. It is a real masterpiece.

Best bought as a token to guarantee all elements are placed with level 5 skills, which makes a huge difference and she deserves it :)

4 years ago


Great ship, third one from CM, this one is the best of them all.

4 years ago


definnitly worth it , feeling like you are flying with speeder but its l core ^^

4 years ago


Seen what I'm saving for as love your horizon 😁

4 years ago


Oh my.....

Captains Customs - Ship Sales
Not given


Dry Weight:

2,900 t

Cargo Space:

4,608 kL


Cargo Lift:

13,000 t

Max Speed:

2,233 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

259 MN

Atmo Brake:

1,663 MN


Space Thrust:

185 MN

Space Brake:

241 MN

  • Core
    • L

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Token
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier
    • Racer

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp