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Titan Class

Mobile outpost - Fleet Carrier - Central Command - Mega Hauler

Over 120 Large container capacity. Can take off from the ground with atmospheric engines alone while empty, or at up to 25 KT of weight with rockets and atmos.

L core, with 2 medium cores extensions added to it.

All elements boosted to level 5 in every way. (flight, container, fuel)

Just over 100 fully built interior rooms: You name it, and this ship has it.

-jail cells
-interrogation/torture rooms
-officer quarters
-isolation rooms
-control area
-surgery rooms
-containment rooms
-main medical room
-Cryostasis tubes
-officer quarters
-waiting room
-general clinic
-critical care
-DNA/cloning room
-psychiatric ward
-long-term care ward
-physical therapy facilities
-X-ray/CAT scanner/other diagnostic graphing tools
-blood/samples testing
-training deck
-firing range
-officer quarters
-containment rooms
-science labs
-testing rooms
-officer quarters
-shield generator
-power generators
-power capacitors
-main engineering
-officer quarters
-life support
-cargo bay
-external access cargo bay
-plex storage bay
-main hangar
-vehicle bay
-construction bay
-repair bay
-drone bay
-officer quarters
-civilian docking
-refueling depot
-crew quarters[bathrooms included]
-Mess Hall
-guest quarters[bathrooms included]
-VIP quarters
-Astrometrics/Navigation room
-captain's ready room
-conference room/Diplomacy room
-hangar control
-fleet control
-command rooms (security grid control etc.)
-captain's quarters
-transporter room
-escape pods
-observation deck
-spare rooms
-Mobius chair docking
-Computer core (logic)/Central server room
-drop pod bay
-Exercise room/gym
-Armory on every deck
-security checkpoints
-security HQ
-missile/ammo storage
-weapon calibration room
-main hall
-main elevator
-Hot tubs

Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR

Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast.

Created 4 years ago
Updated 10 months ago

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4 years ago


@eKyNox I assume they aren't selling the BP because it's not a single-core ship. They have to assemble it from multiple cores in a special way - not something the average buyer can do. It's a L-core with two M-cores attached.

4 years ago


Hello there, could you consider giving the possibility to sell the BP? Thanks in advance

4 years ago


Ah, but does it have a Starbucks?

4 years ago


I just got mine... honestly amazing...
flies well
Very crazy how little lag it makes
Loads of containers for all your needs
Crazy amount of space to put ships
And just a general cool look and feel to this great ship.. keep up the good work guys.. your smashing it :)

4 years ago


This thing is huge. It probably has the same amount of interior space 3 other L Core ships combined.

Captains Customs - Ship Sales
Not given


Dry Weight:

9,130 t

Cargo Space:

23,040 kL


Cargo Lift:

25,000 t


Space Thrust:

392 MN

Space Brake:

363 MN

  • Core
    • L

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Carrier

  • Features
    • AntiGrav
    • Scanner
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp
    • Rockets