Choxie Industries brings you some ships by a nervous and shy builder.
Supported by Sharkey and Wicked Wonderland!
I am located on Haven. Check out the workshop thru VR at "Choxie's workshop".
If you interested in purchasing blueprints, here is a fast way to get to my base (If you're on Alioth):
-Go to any of the Alioth districts with teleporters, and teleport to district 9.
-Take the shuttle to Haven from District 9. This will put you at Haven Market 9.
-My base is about 35km south of Haven District 9.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me!
Hyaku Choxie III B Type

The Hyaku Choxie was featured in the official launch trailer! With considerable screen time, to boot- 10/2023: The Hyaku Choxie is available again on Haven! See my new workshop through VR at "Choxie's workshop" Visit the store on Haven, ( ::pos{0,27,-80.8401,89.2208,241.0850} ) BSW's first commercially successful model, the Hyaku Choxie is a multi-role S-core ship inspired by Quatro Bejeena's MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki mobile suit from Yoshiyuki Tomino's 1985 masterpiece "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam". The original Hyaku Choxie was composed of gold voxel. The III-B type is made of cheaper materials such as polished yellow steel and aluminum, effectively saving on weight and cost without a sacrifice to looks! Features: -Fully detailed luxurious interior with passenger seats and navigator seat. -Quality-of-life LUA scripts including Navigator HUD, Damage Report, Warp Map and Inventory control. -An array of lights, all on toggle switches, set to imitate real-life aircraft; landing lights, indicator lights at the wing tips and tail, headlights, cabin lights etc -1 L-size container (can provide lvl 5 container handling talents), tested with 179kL of hematite (over 750t) -Overtuned with excessive atmospheric and space thrust, as well as lift. Meticulously balanced adjustors and elements by our in-house engineer guarantees a smooth flying experience. -Warp Drive This ship's design philosophy was to cover as many bases as possible, to be an everyday ride and a cost-effective warp-capable shuttle. Able to carry passengers, a moderate amount of cargo, and light enough to be cheap on warp cells, this ship is ideal for solo freelancers or small operations looking for a general purpose machine. Check them both out at VR station: "Choxie's Workshop" Feel free to contact me on Discord, I am in the official DU and DU-creators channels. If you interested in purchasing blueprints, here is a fast way to get to my base (If you're on Alioth): -Go to any of the Alioth districts with teleporters, and teleport to district 9. -Take the shuttle to Haven from District 9. This will put you at Haven Market 9. -My base is about 35km south of Haven District 9.
Diamondface Explorer

10/2023: A workshop has re-opened on Haven and has my old ships for sale. Price dropped to 2 mil per bp. Come check out the ship and my other projects thru VR at "Choxie's workshop". A ship designed for BSW lead engineer dogface. The Diamondface is based on his favorite ship from Elite Dangerous: The Diamondback Explorer. Diamondface is a S-core all-rounder with a single L container and fully equipped for space for atmospheric travel. Safe type Space Engines allow for a rapid warm up and acceleration out of atmosphere. It also features a luxurious interior with bedroom, dinette and bathroom, as well as a respawn node. The design also incorporates a warpdrive which can be excluded on your personal build, if you choose. This ship was designed with aesthetics in mind, but dogface has painstakingly ensured the ship flies, turns, rolls, pitches and yaws smoothly with no overlapping axes, with balanced center of mass and abundant atmospheric lift. We are located on Haven at ::pos{0,27,-80.8347,89.3933,241.4069} If you interested in purchasing blueprints, here is a fast way to get to my base (If you're on Alioth): -Go to any of the Alioth districts with teleporters, and teleport to district 9. -Take the shuttle to Haven from District 9. This will put you at Haven Market 9. -My base is about 35km south of Haven District 9.