We are happy to announce that our new (and slightly updated) voxel set is available to public ! Here at CCU ( Crazy Crew Universe ) we believe at sharing is caring. We did this with our first Voxel Magic Set, and now again with our brand new and more advanced set.
About 85% of this set is 100% made in house by our own voxel mancy expert(s). A few other pieces are donated to the set and we are happy to be able to share them with u.
As always we hope u will enjoy this new set and create a lot of awesome cool things with it. There are quite a lot of interesting pieces and more advanced voxel mancy on here, and we are curious what ppl can create with em. Feel free to send any creations via DM on discord.
Credits to people that have donated or agreed whit sharing some of there work (witch u find in this set):
Watanka (not playing anymore)
BP and/or Honeycombs available at your favorite voxel guy ;)
Visit us trow VR : CCU Voxel library
Or come in person, location ::pos{0,2,34.7581,72.5932,-0.0001} (Alioth)
Take care and enjoy Noveans!
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best library
Original creators are credited , its a combined set , organized by CCU as far i can see , very helpful tools to build with.
Dumboiz United
CCU is our go-to librarian and honeycomb manufacturer. We learned everything we know thanks to their libraries!
voxelmancy at its best
Proud to be the first owner of this new set, great work Henky!!
- ✓ M
Type- ✓ Dynamic
Role- ✓ Library