Gamer, Streamer, Builder, Space Nerd
D4nkWorks Mining Tower

*Updated 11/1/22* Now includes Jericho's MU-Monitor Pre-Installed. Simply add MUs and link them to the programming board to see all info on one screen!! New BPs Available at D4nkWorks Showroom These are Long-Term Mining Towers with space for 8 Auto-Miners Designed to fit ANY terrain. The bottom of the tower can be sunken into the land as far as needed and has ladders for access from the ground. Add a surrogate pad and you can easily VR there to calibrate your off-world tiles. The landing pad on top fits S core ships easily and provides EZ access to all 8 miners and the Hub. Landing activates the screen which shows how much ore is currently available. LUA included. Basic Mining Towers have space for your Org name on the side to let people know who's mining in style!

*UPDATED FOR RELEASE* 12/12/2022 Hera is one of the 12 Olympians and the sister and wife of Zeus. She is the daughter of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. She rules over Mount Olympus as queen of the gods. One of Hera's defining characteristics is her jealous and vengeful nature against Zeus' numerous lovers and illegitimate offspring, as well as the mortals who cross her. Be wary when you see her shadow pass over you... The most detailed Interior I've put into a ship to date. First ship you can buy with a D4nk bar! Lots of buttons to press, some should come with seizure warnings. | Bar | Jacuzzi | Restroom (May be in use) | AI Core | Engineering | Engine Rooms | Crew Bunks | Galley (with the latest appliances, yes... even a replicator thingy from star trek) | Big Table (you have to see it to understand) | Captain's Cabin | Med Bay | Seriously... it's a LOT of stuff Built with mission running as well as hauling in mind. Extra capacity for those extra... ahem... packages. 2 VR Pods and a Surrogate Pad for all your Alt/Friend VR mission running needs. Autopilot/Warp Map/Damage Report pre-installed. "It's awesome... just buy it!" ~RektDad VR= D4NKWORKS SHIPYARDS BPs= ::pos{0,2,35.5383,104.9011,1.5245} IGN: D4nkkn1ght https://discord.gg/uUx47tR DM Me @ Dank#9076 in Discord twitch.tv/d4nkkn1ght
Pocket Rocket Mk V

**BLUEPRINTS AND TOKENS NOW AVAILABLE** VR= D4NKWORKS SHIPYARDS **UPDATED for RELEASE** The body and voxel work has been cleaned up, all smooth lines and angles where and how I want them thanks to the VPT. Logos (screens on wings) can be changed and to w/e u want. Fully Compactable!! Extremely maneuverable. Stops on a dime. Up to 3500KM/H+ depending on skills/engines. Placements all T5 (as soon as available). 😎 The perfect pocket ship to have for emergencies, just to get around in style, or even to race with friends!! Racer Rockets are being tested and redesigned into new atmo racers. Contact me to arrange a pick up in-game! IGN: D4nkkn1ght https://discord.gg/uUx47tR DM Me @ Dank#9076 in Discord twitch.tv/d4nkkn1ght

The culmination of my "practice" throughout beta. This ship packs more into it's tight frame than should be possible, with a level of detail that pictures don't do justice, come put your face right up against it. I detailed every inch of this ship, using every trick I've learned along the way and some new ones you may not have seen yet. Fully detailed and luxurious interior with Med Bay, Sleeping Quarters, Bar, RP Cockpit. Comes with AR Damage Report, (located by Holo Display), a fridge you can open and close (compliments of LeeFall) -Safe Atmo Speed = 1175km/h -Lift = Starts at 1kt and increase with skills and engine upgrades (2x Large Containers) -Engines = 4x Large Atmos (Starts with basics) + 1 XL Space + 2x M Rockets It falls into the category of a true "Multi-Role" ship. 2x L Containers can carry plenty of mission packages, ore, goods, ammo and can be upgraded later to improve performance. Pack in an XL Space engine, 2x Medium Rocket Booster + Tanks as well as a Warp Drive. 'Hardpoints' for up to 8 weapons with 2 Seats and matching ammo boxes give you a wide range of PvP possibilities with space for an M Shield Generator. All squeezed into an S-Core VR = D4nkWorks Showroom and DSAT BPs = ::pos{0,2,35.5556,104.9310,1.2304} Located a few tiles east of Market 6 on Alioth Tokens = Contact Dank#9076 in Discord (Uncommon and Advanced versions available upon request). Tokens will be numbered sequentially on a first come first served basis, contact to reserve yours ASAP. See the Review by Kaneeso = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iAW1nEC778

A Classic from D4NKWORKS. Performance built with the beginner player in mind. Designed to easily handle 7.5kT to 12.5kT depending on skills, placements, and engines. Tested on Alioth to confirm capability anywhere in the solar system. Ship comes with Warp Drive and Scanner. Interior is completely detailed. Crew Cabin/Head/Airlock/Repair and Cargo Bays. VR= "D4NKWORKS SHOWROOM" BPs= ::pos{0,2,35.5383,104.9011,1.5245} Contact info: IGN: D4nkkn1ght Discord: Dank#9076 Twitch: D4nkkn1ght