DU Creators
Location: About 0.9 su above Alioth Market 6, a bit North. If I'm online I can hop down to pass them to you on the surface.
VR: "Star Wars Station"
Coords: ::pos{0,2,39.4131,97.6308,193235.8438}
Message Deravi#6100 on Discord with questions.
TIE Bomber 1.2kt Hauler
DU Creators

This easy to use go-to 1kt hauler is an improvement on previous versions. This is the most effective small scale hauler I could make, basically 2 large rare military atmo engine housings with foils. On request I can offer lesser engine versions. Meticulous element placement and trial and error have resulted in a very responsive and reliable hybrid that launches steeply out of 1g hauling 1.2 kilotons with mid-range skills. See the dissection pic in the gallery for interior element placement. We offer free skill application on constructs. The entire left pontoon is just a large container. It is designed around crash safety; overpowered vertical boosters, an emergency control unit and several large and excessive atmo brakes mean you can stop a dead-drop quickly. Pilot enters via an elevator on the back rear to a claustrophobic spot in the right tube's front where fuel tanks are accessible, with the warp drive installed behind. AVAILABLE VIA DISPENSER FROM THE STAR WARS STATION OVER ALIOTH MARKET 6 Location: About 0.9 su above Alioth Market 6, a bit North. If I'm online I can hop down to pass them to you on the surface. VR: "Star Wars Station" Coords: ::pos{0,2,39.4131,97.6308,193235.8438} Message Deravi#6100 on Discord with questions. DU Creators customization guarantee: If you customize your ship in a way you prefer we will surrogate in to make you a backup BP lest anything happen to your work.
1:1 Mil Falcon Hauler
DU Creators

All elements including containers placed with tier 5 skills. Due to market element price volatility we are sticking to blueprints for now, 10 million for each of the three versions. This version has lower hauling capacity due to having lesser engines (uncommon military) but easier to scrape up the parts for. It's actually 0.915:1 but it made a shorter title. I put a ton of time making this a perfect shell and even more time into element placement. This version has higher hauling capacity due to rare military large engines. The interior is roughly accurate to the movie ship with some concessions made. All versions include the medium rockets. You can contact Deravi#6100 for drop-off or pick-up. - Basic: Uncommon military engines mean lower token price but wont haul as much out of 1g. - Hauler: Basic + rare military space/atmo large engines. - Smuggler: rare mil engines, exotic radar, rare weapons, steel/gold, solo setup, reduced interior. Cheaper basic engine variant available.
Enterprise D (Mterprise)
DU Creators

The main pic is in the harshest possible light to show any imperfections so you're not getting a MySpace angle. This is my pride and joy, a lovingly created M core Enterprise-D. An L core will follow based on what I learned. Off the bridge is the lush Captain's Quarters with all the modern amenities for any Captain that needs time alone to ponder breaking the Prime Directive. Off the other side is the main corridor which curves forward to an integrated weapons control centre. This can access the rear sides of the embedded forward saucer lasers and their associated ammo containers. Off the main corridor are the lab, then passing the lounge and lavatory as one loops back around the rear saucer to enter the rear-centrally located Main Engineering where M Shield and Warp Drive are accessible. Passing to the other side of the saucer is a large segmented area that is open for your own customization, currently acting as general crew quarters. She has L Military Engines in her nacelles, a pair of M Military on the neck flaps and two more on the rear belly for a surprising amount of 'full impulse'. The saucer is packed with embedded L Adjustors giving her great agility. She can respond to pirates by using her high space thrust to get the enemy within M Laser range, shields up, open fire, close to S Laser range, make a pass, 180, fire rearward missiles. Hopefully by then they are deterred but if it comes to a slugfest you're not out much quanta as if you can screenshot your loss I'll give you another BP copy for free. Our store is at Utopia Station, DM Deravi#6100 to arrange delivery.
TIE Hybrid Mini-Hauler
DU Creators

DM Deravi#6100 on Discord, currently based out of Haven 14. I made this version after launch to be as affordable as possible. It doesn't inspire in any one category but it drags a good weight across a planet's surface and can lug a little over 100 tons into space at an angle. It works in first and third person views and is made from brick and carbon fibre so it's quite light. It ALMOST fits on an XS core but those foils are a bit tall. Has 2 S containers, 3 XS. A TIE Fighter isn't the most efficient design for a primarily atmospheric ship (those scattered S space engines are just enough to brake gravity and not much else) but it looks great and is very safe and fun to fly.
Star Destroyer Shell
DU Creators

We've left the interior fairly open for customization (see pics). We will offer a BP that will allow you to edit and customize but not to copy it onto another BP. If you want your fleet to have more copies of your customized SD we will make BPs for free. We want you to be able to lose a few in pvp and trust you won't resell them. Contact Deravi#6100. Based out of Utopia II Station beside Aegis at ::pos{0,0,13808486.3692,7372041.6865,-273161.0125}, but we can drop off a copy at the core planets & moons with some notice. Made with 10.6k Galvanized Dark Gray Aluminium. Weighs 336t. This DU Creators Org production wouldn't have been possible without the commissioned assistance of Oran Gootan and Xrender.