Deep Space Corporation
Great ships, great prices!!
Deep Space Corporation offers a well thought out fleet of mining, hauling, freighting and shuttle vehicles, from snappy planetary runs to full load production servicing we have something for you, and if we don't we can build it.
Send us a direct message with your order or request, alternatively feel free to visit our Alioth Showroom at Market 19 and check out our current ongoing projects and see what we have to offer.
We also sell Ship from other Builders with some enhancements to better fit the Industrial need. These Ships are custom only and will only be sold as Token.
And remember, if you by a Token or BP from us, you will get a lifetime buffing service.
The Twister
Deep Space Corporation

Deep Space Corp - Presents "The Twister" The Ultimate M Core Hauler !! With 32x Boosted Large Containers, has a carry capacity of nearly 6000 KL. 3x10 Large Containers for moving what ever is required 1x2 Large Container for storing the Fuel / Warp Cells / Scraps Lifts off from 0 to 1000m on Alioth with 11 KT of total weight. AGG S will assist you in loading more once parked at above 1000M if you need to load up more. The 24x L Military Grade Atmospheric Engine along with 130x Large Atmospheric Brake ensures that you do not stumble when lifting off from any planet. Warp Drive Enables you to haul what ever you have mined or commissioned to the edge of the galaxy. No fancy interiors or bedrooms, as this ship is made for pure hauling and hardcore miners. But has enough space on the inside to decorate it how you want if required. Pure industrial finish & ultra low Dry Weight **Does Not Come With Full Tank Of Fuel** Token Price varies on ressource costs VR & Check it out at: DECO
The Wedge V2
Deep Space Corporation

Introducing - The Wedge V2 New Version of the "Workhorse". The Cargo lift depends on the configuration (e.g. basic/uncommon/advanced Atmos) The Ship inherits 12x L Container - 10x for Cargo & 2x for misc items. There is room for an S Antigrav and an M Shield. Ship is fired by 18X L Atmo Engine and 2X XL Space Engine If you need a different Engine configuration we can support you by doing so. All Engines can be changed easy. The measures are with uncommon military atmos and basic space engines. We are located on Alioth at Market 19 Check it on VR: DECO