Gray (GrayLeader)

V1 Reliant


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Will be updating store location for release in weekish atm emladra#8532 is available if you wish to purchase anything. Hoping to be setup with new store on madis in a week possibly 2 depending on resources lol. Update 2.0 also i trade for ore on bps so if you dont want to use your quanta i trade for ore. UPDATE ALL SHIP SALES FOR ADMI ARE NOW AT ::pos{0,1,-53.2259,-47.4236,827.1160} ON MADIS. REMODELED FOR UPDATE>The V1 Reliant is a new xs core ship designed to feel more like an actual ship and it very nice on the inside too! Comes with plenty of storage and great response time and lift also. Has buttons! also if you purchase the ship you may contact me to get the light schema used in the build. Using a more realistic feel it has flood lights, landing lights, 2 seperate entry points one main and one aux. features a small rocket and tank for that added kick. We advice getting skills for the print or put down as it flies very nicely with them its a little pricey but take a chance and you'll see why it uses polished white chromium for it was really pretty! also theres a place for more breaks if you like having a lot of breaks shoot me a message and i can add if you provide parts to make it pretty

Created 3 years ago
Updated 7 months ago

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3 years ago


I grabbed this ship from the automated dispenser, and fell in love with the design! This ship handles like a personal transport, but really looks, and shows like a crew mover. The attention to detail is fantastic, and the utility of it is spot on. So easy to get out of atmo, From Alioth, I basically aim up, and go! Good on fuel, and just right for regular market runs, and going out on missions. Super easy to fly and land, good amount of storage, and well lit.

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


Beautiful voxel work.

3 years ago


flight video link

3 years ago | Edited 3 years ago


3 years ago


oh and bp comes with the voxels

3 years ago


changed sales core location to market 6 too many ppl asked for it to be on alioth so when sales floor on madis is done ill move them to madis again lol for now its the m core cube with admi on the side there is an elevator on top thanks!

3 years ago


admi ship sales to see in vr thanks

3 years ago


will be available this weekend unless you want to come to madis when im on during the week for a bp

Gray (GrayLeader)
Alioth away from lag land #6


Dry Weight:

163.5 t

Cargo Space:

84 kL


Cargo Lift:

450 t

Max Speed:

1,366 km/h

Atmo Hover:

6.9 MN

Sustentation Speed:

327 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

9.24 MN

Atmo Brake:

12.7 MN

Wing Lift:

6.6 MN

Atmo Fuel:

3,200 kL


Space Thrust:

10.7 MN

Space Brake:

8.7 MN

Space Hover:

6.9 MN

Space Fuel:

3,000 kL

  • Core
    • XS

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space
    • Ground

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Warp
    • Rockets