Ikara Industries
Architecture designer
I speak german and english
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Ikara Tower M1 - only Voxel
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Tower M1". You need space for your guild members, then the Ikara Tower M1 is just what you need. BP has only voxel, in the near feature it includes - 20 apartments with large glass windows - Elevators in the center of the building (space for more elevators available, as an example, some were inserted. - 3 vending machines - Seating inside and outside (without chairs, put some where you want) - Welcome screen at the entrance, Door in the information center. What else you need to know: - The apartments have no walls, floors or doors. Why ? Everyone has his own ideas. Simply draw the walls on the white lines and install a door. - Insert your own floor in the recess provided. - Almost all living levels were created with 2 layers so that each resident can have his own style. - All screens must be manually turned on once. Window modules can be replaced with future panels to create your own style. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Midori Estate
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries present the "Ikara Midori Estate" This lovely outpost was build for the NQ Build Your Legacy contest. You are new to the world of Dual Universe. After a hard day of mining, you want to relax, enjoy the sunrise or sunset on the balcony, or work on your speeder in the workshop, then the Ikara Midori Estate is just right for you. The Outpost comes with living room, work area, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, workshop and parking space for the speeder. Question? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Panel KIT S01 (DRM Free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Panel KIT S01". The walls should look not only consist of a straight voxels. then the "Ikara Panel KIT S01" is just right for you. With this panel KIT you can create buildings, beautify and so on. The KIT includes: - 20 different panels - 1 panel for the entrance - 1 corner - 2 different slopes - dynamic S-core - Two screens to view all 20 panels before having to go in build mode VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (in the Yellow Hall at Alioth Exchange) Any questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on Discord.
Ikara Street KIT S01 (DRM free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Steet KIT S01". Paths look boring and are not safe because you're about to fall on the road. You need a protective wall, then the "Ikara Street KIT S01" is just what you need. This Street KIT can be used to create streets and highways / elevated roads. The KIT includes: - 9 different modules to design the curbs - 2 different modules for designing the elevated road - Corners for intersections - 5 different lanterns - Modules to customize the length of the curbs. - dynamic S core VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (in the Yellow Hall of Alioth Exchange) Any questions? - Message to @Ikara2184#2629 on Discord.
Ikara Fuel Tower S01 (DRM)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Fuel Tower S01". You need fuel, but don't want to build a fuel station at your place because it doesn't fit into the cityscape Then the "Ikara Fuel Tower S01" is just the thing for you. With this Fuel Tower all fuels can be produced. The Tower includes: - 6 separate units to produce fuel for Nitron, Xeron, Kergon-X1 to X4. - 2 L container for pure ore - 4 L containers for each fuel - container script (du-storage-monitoring) provided by Jericho1060 - door script (RestrictedAccessDoor) provided by Davemane42 - S Core What else you should know: - The scripts have DRM, but can easily be replaced with your own (upper keyboard is the container script, lower the door script) - All screens must be turned on once manually. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Landing Pad KIT T1 (DRM Free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Landing Pad KIT T1 (DRM Free)". You have a nice ship but you don't want to land on earth. Then the Ikara Landing Pad KIT T1 is just what you need. The landing pad kit includes - DRM Free - Staircase to the landing pad - 2 different designs - Recess for two screens Placement rules: Hold SHIFT, If you set the modules. What else you should know: Examples: Building a S Core version 4 x Modules Variant 1 Building a M Core version (one side) 4 x Module Variant 1 (4 voxels remain, just move the panels by 2 voxels in each direction) to Buy, Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Factory M1 (DRM)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Factory M1" - Elemetns and Script Rework. Produce and rest, then the Ikara Factory M1 is for you. The M core includes - 5 floors for space up to XL machines - 1 basement with the possibility to integrate up to 84 L containers - 1 factory control center with 4 L screen - Door script (RestrictedAccessDoor) provided by Davemane42 - Light Control (ScreenLightControl) script provided by DU_ASTco - Screen Script to set Text to the Lounge and Entry Screen - Large window front - 2 lounges with benches and snack machines. When the production takes longer. - 15 L screens with the Entropy Effect to chill on the top. What else you should know: - Building has DRM - All screens must be turned on once manually. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Static Cores Factory
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Static Cores Factory". You want to build something, but you don't have the cores. The way to the market is too far for you! Then the "Ikara Static Cores Factory" is just what you need. With this Cell Tower factory you can produce the following cores per day depending on talents. XS up to 847 S up to 384 M up to 34 L up to 16 (tested with level 4 talents on all parts) The tower contains: - 9 L container for pure ore - 2 L containers for core output - Container script (ContainerMonitoring) provided by DU_ASTco - Schematics Monitor provided by GcGoat - S-Core - 1 to 4 per core production - Open and light flooding design - Exterior walls can be added with a little customization using the Ikara Panel Kit S01, sold separately What else you should know: - All signs can be activated with the manual button next to the elevator - To ensure efficient and uninterrupted core production, the factory should run 24 hours without main core schemes. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy? Ikara Industries Any questions? - Message to @Ikara2184 on Discord
Landing Pad KIT T2 (DRM Free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Landing Pad KIT T2 (DRM Free)". The larger version of the Landing Pad KIT T1, with the possibility to integrate containers. The landing pad kit contains - DRM-free - Stairs to the landing pad and to the storage room - 2 different layouts - Recess for two screens - Different layouts available (e.g. door panels) Placement rules: Hold SHIFT when placing the modules. What else you should know: Examples: Building an S Core version 4 x corner modules (63 voxels each) Building an M core version (one side) - 2 x corner modules, 2 stair modules (4 voxels remain, move the panels 2 voxels inward and in each direction). - The M version can hold up to 48 L containers VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries present the "Ikara Assembly line KIT M 01 (DRM Free) The KIT contains different modules (XS to XL) to create an assembly line. The larger modules (M to XL) have slopes to reduce the height of the assembly line to M size. Furthermore a color changing KIT is included. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy ? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (on the Alioth Exchange Yellow Hall) Questions? - Message @Ikara2184#2629 on discord.
Ikara Warp Cell Tower S01 V2 (DRM)
Ikara Industries

Ikara Industries presents the "Ikara Warp Cell Tower S01 V2". Optimized Version of the "Ikara Warp Cell Tower S01 " You want to visit distant planets, but flying takes too long? Then the "Ikara Warp Cell Tower S01 V2" is just the thing for you. With this Warp Cell Tower you can produce up to 528 Warp Cells per day depending on your talents. (testet with level 4 talents on all parts) The Tower includes: - 9 L container for pure ore - 1 L container for the warp cells - Container script (ContainerMonitoring) provided by DU_ASTco - Schematics monitor provided by GcGoat - S core - 2 to 8 units each for the production of the Warp Cell intermediate parts - 16 Uncommon glass furnaces for manufacturing the warp cells. - The outer walls can be replaced with the separately available Ikara Panel Kit S01. What else you should know: - All signs can activate with the manual button underneath the main screens - For efficient and uninterrupted warp cell production, the factory should run for 24 hours without warp cell schematics. VR: Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange Where to buy? Ikara Industries or Ikara Industries Exchange (in the Yellow Hall of Alioth Exchange) Any questions? - Message to @Ikara2184#2629 on Discord.