
A simple HUD for monitoring and managing industry in Dual Universe Open source project, all sources available here : You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : Feature list: - display all your industry status from a single programming board with only one link to the core - Add other boards to remote control all your machines (start/stop/batch/maintain) - easy locate your machine with arrows displayed around when selected on the HUD - fully controlled with Keyboard and can type setted value directly with your keyboard

Open Source project, all sources available here : You can join me on Guilded for help or suggestions or requests by following that link : It's displaying on screens the quantity and the percent fill of containers or hub. It can support up to 9 screens and chose what is display on each (group feature) To add a container to the system, you must rename it following that pattern: <prefix>_<itemName> For a Hub, you must use that pattern: <prefix>_<itemID>_<containserSize>_<amountOfContainers> <prefix>: the prefix that enable monitoring, by default s1_ for the 1st screen, s2_ for the second, and so on, see options to customize it <itemID>: the item id available on <containerSize>: if a hub, the size of the containers linked (default to XS) <amountOfContainers>: if a hub, the amount of containers linked By default, the script is grouping all containers or hub that contains the same items on a single line and add the values. See option if you want to disable it. By default, the list is sorted by item tier and then by name Clicking on the columns permit to sort ascending or descending