Hi I'm Lee I make stuff. Mostly solo building but also work with lgfrcsgo. My first ship was the HMS(USS) Enterprise and have made a lot since including a M core Christmas tree's and L Dynamic Apartment Building (VR - Lakeside).
RAH 66 Comanche

11G Thrust Fueled 9G brake Pocketable/Compactable 1300kmh Animated Rotor https://gyazo.com/0586140780575dcc5fd8ab4f4c5ef95c Great little ship to carry around in your nano pack for those emergencies. ::pos{0,2,43.8524,89.9132,109.0913} VR: Galactic Cinema
DU Jukebox

Dynamic Jukebox Has a playlist of song that can be changed to your taste, anyone with the mp3's and have also activated the board will also hear the song you have selected Sound pack available @ shorturl.at/nuGW9 Download and put in "Documents/NQ/audio" Demo https://youtu.be/T2qB1CL0CJE Contact me on discord for more info or visit "LeeFall Display"
Thomas The Warp Engine

Built to be as fast and as lightweight as possible. Alioth to Jargo in 7 cells. Fitted with 1 Rare Military Engine M, 3 Rare Military S for atmo. 4 Advanced Military S, 2 Rare Military S For space. 1 S Container Can come with or without rockets boosters for that extra choo 3 versions to choochoose @ VR LeeFall Shop