Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

Showroom Complete Kit


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50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser

This showroom kit will allow you to build any size showroom you wish to house as many ships as you like, its very easy to do just like the hangar kit, its panels are also same size as the hangar kit so you can even easily decorate the outside walls of your hangar with this kit or even be creative and mix and match, everything you see in the pictures of these buildings are in this kit the only thing you have to do is fill the empty space on roof and make your own link from the balcony curve which is all very easy, also comes with a detailed floor panel 50 x 50 voxles in size for very easy placement which you can use in any of your other buildings you may own. you can with a bit of time change the mats of all the panels to suit your colour of choice endless possibility, you will also find what i call end caps to finish off parts that are left open from your build

can view in VR search loaded industries showroom

any questions please dm me on discord loaded#2378

Created 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

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3 years ago


great kit of parts, having the honeycomb for the kits available on site is a superb idea, and is excellently priced. well done to Loaded and Shiromar.

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)
  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Ground
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint