Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

X-Wing (small core)


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A must for any star wars fan for your collection this small core X-WING is a fun run around and easily customized to how ever you like, you can make it a warp shuttle with ease a warp drive fits perfectly hidden in the nose of the ship more room for extra fuel tanks if you wised in upper engine bays maybe even add more engines inbetween wings, a pvp version, comes with 3 small containers for quick light market runs, the standard military does around 1000km depending on your skills and with rare military engines it will do around 1200km burning but no damage so has to be limited, you could also remove the space engines and make atmos only version with standard military engines and it will do the 1200km with ease, theres lots of possibility, stats speed shown are from the rare military engine version,

YOU CAN CHECK-OUT IN VR seacrh loaded industries showroom, do not buy bp's in vr

Created 4 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

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2 years ago


removed the seat, DRM properties, reconfigured and the engines started working

2 years ago


Hello. Yesterday I bought the blueprint. Today I collected it, but it does not take off. The engines are not running. in game ::pos{0,2,32.6403,112.1566,104.8138} 20 km from Loaded Industries, please, help.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Hello, nice ship, but i have little problem for go in space, for out atmo is hard

3 years ago


Just taken delivery of one of these from Loaded, what a ship, first flight was vertical to 25KM just for fun :). ship handles like a Ferrari on steroids, another winner from Loaded. As always Loaded was super helpful and courteous during the transaction.

4 years ago


A seriously impressive and highly detailed piece of art from Loaded. A must for any DU player even if you're not a fan of starwars. Smooth enough to be safe and fast enough to be fun. Highly recommended

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Dry Weight:

102 t

Cargo Space:

33 kL


Max Speed:

1,250 km/h

Atmo Hover:

12.8 MN

Sustentation Speed:

158 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

9.67 MN

Atmo Brake:

42.3 MN


Space Thrust:

1.81 MN

Space Brake:

7.62 MN

Space Hover:

12.78 MN

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint