In DU I run the solo org 'LightWell Science Academy' or otherwise known as LSA INDUSTRIES. Big sci-fi fan of many series, been playing a little bit of this/that for a few decades and become a genuine gamer-dad.
Everything built is freehand (no virtual projector) from memory, references found online or some original elaboration on my part.
Star Wars Upsilon Class Shuttle

For the most part, Episodes 7-9 were terrible, BUT the places where some us could still find refuge was in the ships, sets, sounds, and heck even I found a FEW moments outside the plot were enjoyable. One in particular was in the beginning of episode 7 where we see this shuttle arrive and Kylo descends the ramp in classic SW badass fashion. Like that ramp everything pretty much went downhill from there.... But despite that I found great potential in this chassis and here it is for your enjoyment - My own take on the Upsilon Shuttle with a fully-flushed interior. This configuration makes a great planet courier: balance between offense/defense, agility, speed, and hauling capacity. FEATURES: -Seating for 16 passengers, 2 Pilots, 1 Gunner -Armament: 4 Cannon S, 2 Laser S (Recommend buffing if planning to use for PvP) -Extra fuel for extended deep space operations
SWG Guild Hall Naboo-themed

This is a FLYING GUILD HALL. For any fans of SWG, player housing stood out even to this day as an amazing system from the technical programming side to the completely unique way players utilized it- so much fun for bringing people together or even being the envy of the server for having the largest, shiniest, most visited, etc. That spirit is very much alive in DU and one of the reasons I felt inspired to bring back a taste of the 'feel-good' content from gaming over the years. This high-accuracy recreation has enhanced use you wish you had 20 years ago, namely, it FLIES now! Create your most fancy halls once again and bring them along where-ever your adventures take you! FEATURES: -Large open spaces perfect for countless uses, make a vendor mall, make a lounge bar, make anything! -5 Large Sub-level rooms: great for storage, bedrooms, trophy-sets, art galleries, etc -2 Side rooms with extra storage room/ staircases to top pad -Top landing pad fits full S-core ships -Full art gallery of hand-picked screenshots featured by Sony Online Entertainment. -Plenty of power and lift if you want to use for common casual hauling. (6 Large Atmo Engines, 4 Large Space) **VERSIONS- Most fans will remember in SWG there were 4 models for Generic, Naboo, Corellia, and Tatooine. Please consult the trading post at LSA Industries HQ to locate them. *Reminder: as with all flying buildings by LSA, these models can be 'buried' or snuggly fit into other static builds and effectively used nearly the same. There are no current plans to copy guild halls to static cores.
SWG Bazaar/Bank - 3 Styles

Original style bazaar/bank from SWG. Has 4 dispensers behind each of the 'bazaar' screens and a central medium container makes for useful storage. Part of the optional dynamic pieces for Tatooine Trading Post Hub/ City Builder Voxel Set. *Blueprints can be purchased from on-display bazaar. 3 Versions available, Bazaar screen image link: *Center medium container is placed below the floor line so when placing bazaar recommend temporarily relocate container to get a clean level placement for the floor
LSA Skydancer Podracer - Model B

New model of the classic 'Skydancer' by LSA. This variant features increases in engine power (2x M Military Atmos, 1x Military Space Engine), and lift. Now you can easily take your racing to new heights or make that courier run in nimble style. Has no cargo capacity, but for quick runs when you need to update mining units around a planet or stop by the market this racer is a great choice! ***DISPENSER LOCATION**** Located inside main tatooine trade hub at LSA Industries HQ on Alioth
LSA Skydancer Podracer - Model A

*SPECIAL PROMOTION - one free podracer blueprint per visitor. An original pocket podracer from Beta, this model uses basic engines all around and is ready for easy upgrade to higher tier engines. Fast, agile, as the name suggests, can dance through the sky (or reconfigure with reduced lift and see how this does on the ground tracks!) Uses an M size fuel tank, if too heavy to pocket reduce onboard fuel to about 70% or until under 20t. ***DISPENSER LOCATION**** Located inside main tatooine trade hub at LSA Industries HQ on Alioth
LSA Broken Arrow

Many times the design for a ship doesn't need to be complicated to be effective and efficient! The Broken Arrow utilizes a sleek traditional shape and clever positioning for elements resulting in an impressive performance for the ship size. 5 small containers provide an excellent hauling capacity (space to add 2 more for 7 total) - she'll carry more than double her own weight in cargo with power to spare and low cost parts mean this ship won't break the bank if you happen to ding into anything during your adventures. FAST- because the weight is low this ship will do around 50k depending on skills and cargo. LOW COST- Uses basic engines all around (1L Atmo, 4M Space) keep the maintenance and fuel extremely low. This was my 'day one' ship, and still preferred daily choice. MISSION RUNNER SPECIALIST: This setup makes a fantastic mission runner ship for the 'Aileron Parts 180k' run. (Round Trip in 9 Min) . With a few pilot skills this missile can climb straight to space at 90 deg from standstill... is very lightweight so will stop on the dime or pull out of dives very easily. Use the 'Boom and Zoom' technique to loop down onto the mission turn-in before bouncing back up into space. Also makes a hilariously fun kamikaze ship for obvious reasons as well. *Ship Inspiration: One of those movies you watch about a hundred times as a kid, Broken Arrow (1996). Featured a unique plot where an air force colonel tries to steal a nuclear bomb. *Specifications listed reflect upgrades made AFTER initial ship/skills deployment. Setup shown here has Uncommon atmo and space engines. BLUEPRINT USES BASIC, so some performance related figures should be considered a bit less than shown here.
LSA Imperial Mining Facility

Originally called the 'Fortress Refinitorius' in Beta, this Star Wars Inspired build was quite fun to put together. Suited for many terrains or off-shore, this themed mining platform makes a great personal HQ/factory as well. FEATURES: -Height gives options for what level above surface you'd like the main structure -Imposing and intimidating presence of Sith (Vader's) technology built into the outer façade. -Uniquely designed factory floor -Large open cargo container storage area -Personal living quarters -Throne Room -Conference Room -Balcony -Mining Units (at max height, reduce if surface ore fails to spawn after calibration)
LSA Spice Hermit

During beta while watching 'Spaceballs' I speed-built a low cost M-core tribute ship - this was that ship. A mini-bachelor pad/arcade this very handy craft is well-built for efficient UTILITY as well as FUN. HAULER- Main cargo is two basic L containers. Extra cargo is 1 S container (scraps/spare parts), 1 S container (warp cells). 8 L Atmo Engines, 4 L Space Engines, 1 XL Space Engine, basic equipment and parts all around •Meets requirements for large Aphelia missions SCANNER - optimal wide mounting points for rapid deployment of territory scanners. TOW/RESCUE- Comes with upper docking pad (Fits S-Core) or several XS-Cores. *Warp ready: warp drive is not on BP but location for drive is vacant and coordinates can be found on a screen near placement location
LSA Shuttle Type 4

A relic from beta this Star Trek-themed market/mission runner is a very useful tool in ones arsenal: SMALL SIZE: Light weight and designed to be a tight fit for landing on larger craft. Has a whopping 8 XS containers situated in the slimmest configuration possible (you might even have wiggle to get in but there is room for a pilot and passenger!) POCKET: ***Converts to outstanding pocket ship when you remove space engines/tanks and XS containers LOW COST: Using as few engines as possible this capable model fits basic equipment all around but really shines when upgraded! (Uses 1 Med Atmo, 2 Small space engines) *Recommend having a few pilots skills if you plan to regularly break atmo on 1g with full cargo
Star Wars Galaxies City Shuttleport

Another Star Wars Galaxies tribute build dedicated to the countless hours spent waiting for the shuttle. Comes in two versions, dynamic is Tatooine coloring, Static has Imperial (dark). Pairs perfect with the 'Tatooine Trading Post'
SWG Guild Hall Sith-themed

After designing the other guild halls I wanted to try one in a more sinister style. Celebrating the darker, and richer side this blueprint uses upgraded engines, drastically increased lift and cargo capacity (for use as an everyday mission runner) and more elegant texturing in its striking appearance. Blueprint contains all furniture and screens for art gallery shown here. *Like the other guild halls, this is a FLYING BUILDING. FEATURES: -Large open spaces perfect for countless uses, make a vendor mall, make a lounge bar, make anything! -5 Large Sub-level rooms: great for storage, bedrooms, trophy-sets, art galleries, etc -2 Side rooms with extra storage room/ staircases to top pad -Top landing pad fits full S-core ships -Full art gallery of hand-picked screenshots featured by Sony Online Entertainment. -Plenty of power and lift if you want to use for common casual hauling. (8 Large Atmo Engines, 4 Large Space)
SWG Tatooine Trading Post v2.0

Back in beta I began piecing together a static L-core for my large Tatooine city project based on Star Wars Galaxies/Battlefront - Now you can enjoy it as well! Everything is an original version or elaboration based on the old school style. FEATURES: • Main trading hub building • 3 Custom workshops/houses • Speeder/podracer parking • Two XS-sized landing pads • Negotiator's Patio/Lounge • Junkyard • Defense Turret (Has 1 M, 2 S containers within) • Unique decorations: moisture vaporators, display carts full of commodities, (Entry sign reads 'Trading Post' in Aurebesh-font) • Space for additional buildings, alleys, yard decorations, the possibilities are endless! ***SWAPPABLE DYNAMIC PIECES: Blueprint includes most everything shown in the sample pictures but the central 'City Shuttleport', 'Bazaar', and 'Vehicle Garage' are optional sold-separate dynamic (or static) cores. This gives you even greater power over your city as you can change out the look/feel of different areas on the fly without having to copy/paste things. ***Screen images, Art, Logos -Hutt Clan Logo -Flag of Tatooine (twin suns) *Blueprint will include extra 'fluff' details on the carts, dispensers, or additional polishes as they're added. I can't remove dispensers from main hub due to a bug NQ is trying to fix so for now what I have is what everyone else gets but you can choose to not spawn dispensers in now with the optional system.
SWG Guild Hall Tatooine-themed

This is a FLYING GUILD HALL. For any fans of SWG, player housing stood out even to this day as an amazing system from the technical programming side to the completely unique way players utilized it- so much fun for bringing people together or even being the envy of the server for having the largest, shiniest, most visited, etc. That spirit is very much alive in DU and one of the reasons I felt inspired to bring back a taste of the 'feel-good' content from gaming over the years. This high-accuracy recreation has enhanced use you wish you had 20 years ago, namely, it FLIES now! Create your most fancy halls once again and bring them along where-ever your adventures take you! FEATURES: -Large open spaces perfect for countless uses, make a vendor mall, make a lounge bar, make anything! -5 Large Sub-level rooms: great for storage, bedrooms, trophy-sets, art galleries, etc -2 Side rooms with extra storage room/ staircases to top pad -Top landing pad fits full S-core ships -Full art gallery of hand-picked screenshots featured by Sony Online Entertainment. -2 Moisture Vaporators to help you stay moist! -Plenty of power and lift if you want to use for common casual hauling. (6 Large Atmo Engines, 4 Large Space) **VERSIONS- This isn't the true TATOOINE guild hall, this is just a tribute. During beta I made the Generic and Naboo versions, then a Sith, then this one. It was easier to just add the mounds on top for my take on this style using the traditional hall. Most fans will remember in SWG there were 4 models for Generic, Naboo, Corellia, and Tatooine but Tatooine had a uniquely different model from the rest. Perhaps I'll get around to making that one too, one day... *Reminder: as with all flying buildings by LSA, these models can be 'buried' or snuggly fit into other static builds and effectively used nearly the same. There are no current plans to copy guild halls to static cores.
Star Wars Flying Cantina

This is the FLYING VERSION with Swoop Garage - *STATIC MODEL available here: During beta I asked myself the question, what hadn't been made yet that people would love to see in the world of DU. I didn't want static limitations for my next creation: the infamous cantina from Star Wars: Episode 4. I'd make a mobile version, and remembered the various mentions of 'Swoop Racing' from the years of playing games, reading extra lore, etc. After looking over nearly every frame of the cantina ever shown on film, every available blueprint online, former cantinas designed in all popular SW games, and the entire PDF for Lego's step-by-step instructions - I felt prepared to bring the iconic location to life. All in all took about a month of casual playing to build/finalize. You can come enjoy 'Lightwells Mos Eisley Cantina' in VR anytime, (Or pick up a copy of your very own!) it and many other builds at LSA INDUSTRIES have been made for the enjoyment of the DU community, Cheers everyone! *Images show the 'bury test' from beta - one consideration people may want to remember is that the unique advantage of DU's terrain allows for realistic application of sand or whatever over top of the build, especially the dynamic version shown in the test- you can effectively bury the flying version, and hollow out a small entrance for the garage. Just one more option for those who may want to dig it out and fly it again in the future.
Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina

Put your favorite cantina song on repeat as you plan your next builds and adventures. All are welcome, but your droids will have to wait outside! During beta I asked myself the question, what hadn't been made yet that people would love to see in the world of DU. After looking over nearly every frame of the cantina ever shown on film, every available blueprint online, former cantinas designed in all popular SW games, and even the entire PDF for Lego's step-by-step instructions - I felt prepared to bring the iconic location to life. All in all took about a month of casual playing to build/finalize. Static Model of the Cantina is on display at LSA Industries HQ, 13Km SE of Alioth Exchange (VR Location 'LSA Industries Alioth') *What is on display is what is on the blueprint, all furnishings, screens, lights, chairs, etc
Tatooine City Builder Voxel Set v1.0 DRM-Free

VERSION: 1.0 One thing that immediately drew me to DU in alpha was its ability to allow players to truly bring UNIVERSES to life! This set features many city structures, decorations, and other useful tools from starter outposts. Fans of classic MMO Star Wars Galaxies and Battlefront should recognize several distinct influences and custom-made favorites for that extra dash of nostalgia! Unique Features: -SWG City Shuttleport (corner pieces allow for easy construction) -SWG City Bazaar -Moisture vaporators! (Comes in 2 sizes) -Rounded walls/doorways -Swoop Bike/Podracer Chassis -Droids! -Color comparison palette (shows many shades of plastic/marble/brick for more cost-effective builds. ***Screen images, Art, Logos -Hutt Clan Logo -Flag of Tatooine (twin suns) *Special thanks to Ryan Pryde for their DRM-free circles library, it helped get this voxel set started back in beta! *Updates will be made and additional versions released as content is built/added.