Just a simple Youtuber and Space game nerd
Oswen Class

The Oswen class is an XS PvP Ship cannon build, a great little fun ship to muck around with your friends dogfighting or just to mess about. Cheap to produce market cost of parts is around the 1 million mark depending up supply and demand of course. Dispensers coming soon to Crash Industries Showroom
GSL Plutus

Proudly on display at the NQ Ship Museum Galactic Shipyards LLC in cooperation with Crash Industries, Is proud to bring you the first in a line of affordable Asteroid Hunter ships. The GSL Plutus is an affordable solution for deep space ore acquisition. A Space Only small core ship with Medium Shield Generator, Warp, and 18.8 G's of thrust and a Low construction cost allows you to travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in search of ore. ::pos{0,2,32.3510,109.1674,140.1219}
GSL Demeter

Galactic Shipyards LLC in cooperation with Crash Industries brings you the premiere Deep space asteroid hunter Back from Beta and ready for the Current Game. The GSL Demeter is Equipped with a DSAT, 5 Advanced Heavy lasers, a Medium Shield, and 18.6 G's of thrust. The Demeter is ready to tackle all your deep space ore acquisition needs. BP Dispenser ::pos{0,2,32.3510,109.1674,140.1219}

The Wonkavator is the ultimate personal utility craft. Part Pocket Rocket part Magic Carpet with some AGG like qualities. Why settle for either having a surfboard or magic carpet when you can have the best of both worlds, with custom scripting that allows the Wonkavator to stay hovering in mid-air without you being in control. The hover mode frees you up to use your tools, build in the sky or on the water, and repair that ship that managed to clip under someone's agg platform or sky tower. The Wonkovator also has a little fancy startup animation on the screen that is used for the platform that allows you to display your name on it while in flight Currently using Albatros hud for main flight hud until i have time to re-work my hud Standard comes in orange and white Blueprints available at DIA Plaza Neo's Shop @ ::pos{0,2,32.3545,109.1669,140.1945} Best contact via Discord DU Creators Discord or My Community Discord linked in any of my videos on YT or my panels on twitch Tokens Comming again soon!
GSL Persephone

Tired of seeing element only Roid Ninja's? Want something cheap to run to asteroids in PvP space and not be out a lot of quanta if it gets destroyed? The GSL Persephone is cheap, fast and gets the job done with a bit of style. All basic elements plenty of thrust and break 4 small containers of space and an optional S shield. Blueprints available at DIA Plaza Neo's Shop @ ::pos{0,2,32.3545,109.1669,140.1945} The 100k BP price includes 5 Blueprints for those un foreseen mishaps
GSL Terrapin - Rescue Salvage

Contact for Token availability The Terrapin by Galactic Shipyards LLC is the perfect Medium-sized Rescue and Salvage Logistics platform. With its powerful VTOL and AGG you can hover mid-air for extended periods of time whether you're below or above 1Km up to rescue ships from Mid air hangs. Utilizing nearly the full M core build width and length the top landing area is perfect to dock several small and extra small ships. Whether they are spoils of war from a PVP fight, rescues or Legitimate Salvage found while exploring; with 226Kl of Organized storage for, fuel, parts, scrap, and more you will always have the right tool for the right job. The custom Lua of the ship's Heads Up Display allows you to toggle the VTOL engines on and off to conserve fuel when they are not needed, as well as indicating the ship's pitch, roll, and bearing. With the Added remote control on the landing deck Tokens ~Ask for Availability ~ Boosts Engines, Brakes, Wings / Ailerons, Adjusters, Vert Boosters Level 5 Fuel Tanks and Cargo Containers Level 4 Capacity and Optimization The HUD is under development and I will happily upgrade* it as I add features. Current Features: ~Toggleable VTOL engine support alt +1 to enable disable ~ agg support /agg height into LUA chat ~Automatic Hover Height ~Locking brakes ~altitude hold Alt+ 2 ~Custom fuel, throttle, pitch, roll and bearing display ~ Dynamic Linking support, change out links such as radars fuel tanks etc without having to re configure the seat or remote. ~Custom color support *Planned features ~custom radar ~custom warp widget ~your suggestion(s)? VR: GSL Terrapin Demo ( Please note you may vr into it while I'm flying I've been using a lot ) *this ship is not designed as a hauler though it dose have room in engineering for at least 6 large containers as well as the ability to used docked container pods to haul with if you really need / want to