Oasis ShipYards
O S Y specializes high quality ships that make no compromise to the appearance of hulls and handling capabilities of Ships that are produced.
Mining Barge
Oasis ShipYards

When you have Mining flowers with ore to collect from what ship are you turning to? heres the answer forget link range fly your hub around with you on the sleek industrial mining barge this agile ship will cut down time and pain while also making the experience more enjoyable when it comes time to collect ore.
Oasis ShipYards

OSY Presents the swordFish a highly capable cargo hauler with the ability to move up to 1kt into space with piloting talents, sporting a massive 2 large container storage capacity while still maintaining the signature OSY aggressive ship design and tight handling characteristics. this ship was designed with long distance space travel in mind perfect for mission running as it has 4 military space engines to get to top speed in a shorter span of time.