Outer Rim Exploration
Outer Rim Exploration
PUBLIC VR NOW OPEN (Work in progress!)
VR: Outer Rim Black Market
Our ships are a collection of projects by our small build team. We like to bring to life and DU ships from Eve Online and Star Citizen, among others. These are, of course, our own interpretations. All credit for the original designs remains with the games the ships originated from. Our current showroom and dispensers are located on Alioth at Market 12 (Can't miss the tower, but try! xD)
Venture Hybrid
Outer Rim Exploration

PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Explo Black Market (Under Construction) Visit us at the OR3 Command Tower on Alioth near Market 12 (You can see it as you land!) The Venture Hybrid is an S-Core atmo/space runner. The design is slightly modified from the Space Only version to allow for atmo elements. Nothing is stacked, she's a fun little beast and balanced well. The design is meant to be more of a replica and is not designed to haul a ton of cargo. We have other Eve ships for that. (Hulk, Skiff...Rorqual!) She is the workhorse of our starter fleet Post-Launch and has served us well. Features other than listed: Res Node, VR In and Out, DamageControl Script, Albatross HUD. All of our Hybrid and Space Only ships have full XYZ navigation engines in space. There is a space-only version, and two combat versions based on the Prospect from Eve Online. You are welcome to request custom tokens done in specific colors. The Blue/yellow is true to the Eve original color scheme, however, I have prospect blue and all the variants of steel for other colors. ** Please note the photos above are from Beta. Launch Version is Carbon Fiber and Yellow Plastic to reduce weight greatly.
ORE Explorer
Outer Rim Exploration

TiWill33 and Mirantha from ORE bring you yet another creation from Star Citizen! VR: Outer Rim Black Market, or fly to Market 12, you can't miss our tower! This is our interpretation of the Freelancer MAX from Star Citizen. This ship comes with a collection of toys, including warp drive, gunner seats with S Railguns,, Albatross HUD, AR Damage Report, and an Advanced Shield Generator S. There can even be an AGG version if you're froggy enough. Token price is the model seen here. Like the original from SC, this ship has a cargo bay, however, we've converted it into a drop bay for your favorite pocket rocket! Yes, you can transport a small PR internally. Conveniently, all the TiWill33 Designed Pocketbikes fit perfectly! There are three versions available - one ultralight (700t Dry) with 538kL Storage, a steel/iron/aluminum, which is the one shown here, and a version with an XL space engine and two more ATMO engines in addition to the 6L Space. More photos coming soon!
Venture SE
Outer Rim Exploration

PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Black Market (Under Construction) The Venture SE is an S-Core space runner. This version has no atmo elements at all, and as a result has 50% more cargo than the Hybrid/Atmo version. Nothing is stacked, she's a fun little beast and balanced well. The design is meant to be more of a replica and is not designed to haul a ton of cargo. We have other Eve ships for that. (Hulk, Skiff...Rorqual!) Features other than listed: Res Node, VR In and Out, DamageControl Script, AlbatrossHUD. All of our ships have full 3D navigation engines in space. ** THIS IS A SPACE ONLY SHIP. There is a hybrid version, and two combat versions based on the Prospect from Eve Online. You are welcome to request custom tokens done in specific colors. The Blue/yellow is true to the Eve original color scheme, however, I have prospect blue and all the variants of steel for other colors.
Hulk SE
Outer Rim Exploration

Live Launch Sale: BP marked down from 15M to 9M, 33% off until December 1st! PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Explo Black Market (Under Construction) The Hulk - One of Eve Online's most popular Exhumers. For our practical use in DU the hulk is a L core medium space transport. Capable of a total of 1848kL of storage, with the option to add up to 6 more L containers inside, this is the ultimate inexpensive transport from moons to space stations. This beast has heavy lift, heavy transport in mind all day. ** Also available in an all-carbon version weighing in at less than 500t! You're welcome to choose the colors for an extra fee. Currently done in aluminum and steel, very light weight for an L core. Features: AlbatrossHUD, DamageControl, slot for M shields. Engines can be ordered as advanced military or advanced maneuver. Specs below show Maneuver. There are no plans for us to make an atmospheric version - the design does not allow for many atmo engines or elements, making it impractical for atmospheric flight. This is a modified version of the Skiff DU hull, by TiWill33, another excellent Outer Rim Exploration builder.
Astero Hybrid
Outer Rim Exploration

PUBLIC VR OPEN! VR: Outer Rim Black Market (Under Construction) Visit us at the OR3 Command Tower on Alioth near Market 12 (You can see it as you land!) The Astero is your little market buddy. Need a BP from somewhere? Need it light and fast? This is your warp shuttle. All of our ships are fully boosted. An Eve Online replica done on an XS Core (and thus snub-nosed, not a perfect replica!) Warp drive capable and preinstalled with res node, atmo and space engines (Atmo Only version available also with 24kL cargo capacity). This ship holds 10.2kl of cargo in hybrid form, or , for your emergency runs and blueprint Jumps. All of our ships have full 3D navigation engines in space. Update: The engines have now been upgraded to Advanced Military across the board (Space/Atmo Engines and Boosters). Should you choose a token, these ships are also now available in any color or theme you like, or any eve-themed skin. You supply the materials and we will build it. Standards are Gold, Red, Yellow, and Blue cell, along with a polished black carbon fiber and more. See new photos. ** There is also a space-only version of this ship. ** There is a tiny version coming with combat ability and shields. The Astero's big brother, the Stratios, is in final development.