RCG Corporation
Trinity-S3 & Trinity-C
RCG Corporation

After 2 Months building and testing, its finally time to release our new Ship the Trinity! It comes in 2 Versions, a Tri Core Scanner and a Cargo Only Version. Both Versions have got a medium Shield Generator and a Warpcore. The Trinity S3 is a Outpost Deployment Ship. It has three Territory Scanners and some space for cargo for all the Elements you need for your Outposts. So right after finding your super worthy tile, you could have everything with you to deploy your Outpost. It should handle around 600t-1kt Materials for your Outposts depending on your piloting Skills. Small Atmo Engines on the side and in the front are making sure you are able to manveuer your Ship to the perfect spot to scan 3 tiles at once. It has T2 Maneuver Engines for longer scan sessions without refuelling and faster warmup times for your engines. The Trinity-C is the Cargo Version. I thought it would be a good idea to do a Cargo Only version because there might be ppl that tend to use the trinity for cargo. The Trinity-S3 isnt made for taking large loads with it, just enough to deploy some Outposts. So here is the Trinity-C with some more Containers on it and Atmo Engines Swapped to Full T2 Military Engines to give you some extra Lift Capacity. All Stats listed here are for the Trinity-S3 Version. msg me on discord if you are interested in the stats of the Trinity-C --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Arrow - Light Transport
RCG Corporation

Need a fast, maneuverable S core for getting around the planet and to the markets. RCG along with Locura are extremely excited to introduce RCGs very first S core ship. The Arrow! Everything you need and nothing you dont. Works great as a market runner, or hoping between planets. Also design to fit inside the Olympic Carrier. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Olympic Carrier - Fleet Management
RCG Corporation

The legendary Olympic Carrier now after 2 years is finally available for public purchase. It is mainly used as mining operating base. Placed at the pvp zone border (inside the safe zone) near pvp asteroids, the rascals are flying between the roids and the carrier and are loading their stuff into the carrier cargo. The Argos Role is transporting ore from the carrier to a space station. So the carrier can stay a long time in the field for the miners. Update MK3.1 Released On 3/12/2024 Hangars: - Main Hangar in the middle, mostly used for the Rascals. - Top Landing Pad for the Argo or a Trinity - Top Hangar for very small xs-core ships There are 5 Decks: A Deck: Main Hangar B Deck: AGG, Warpcore & Crew C Deck: Crew Quarters, Mess Hall, Lounge and Maintenance Entrance D Deck: Top Hangar, DSAT Access and Top Landing Pad E Deck: Bridge A usual loadout was 8x Rascal, 1x Argo, 2x PvP Meta Ship --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
The Argo - Deep Space Transporter
RCG Corporation

The Argo is a Deep Space Transporter. It has got 6 Container L and an L-Shield for superior Protection. 2 Advanced Military XL Engines & 4 Uncommon Military L Engines providing lots of thrust to get to max speed in a short time and will also make you able to fill up all the 6 containers with heavy cargo, without the loss of many thrust. It is perfect for hauling ore between a carrier and your space station. It also has a warp core and a small Hangar in the front for a small hybrid XS flyer. Thanks to RobRocketpants the Argo comes with his great Fox Status Report Script. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Cargocrok Multi Role
RCG Corporation

Looking for a ship to run Thades/Madis XL Missions? Take a look at the Cargocrok! The Cargocrok flys great and has plenty of Space for all your Stuff. Need to scan some Territory Tiles? Put up to 3 territory Scanner inside and start scanning! The Techbay in the front part of the Cargocrok has Space for up to 5 more Container L or an AGG S if you need to carry some more heavy stuff. It is tested with 4kt from Alioth and up to 6kt from Madis! (Anyway i would advertise it with 3.6kt max load. 4kt is possible if you really now what youre doing) This Ship comes with all T1 Engines for easy build everyone can afford. Feel free to upgrade anytime to T2 or higher engines if you need more lift. If you need help placing the engines, contact me anytime :) Connect to our VR and check it out: RCG Showroom --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Rascal - cheap and fast
RCG Corporation

Need a fast and cheap Space Shuttle? Fly to Asteroids in the PvP Zone with the Rascal and ninja some Ore! Its has a max Speed of 48500kmh to outrun any usual PvP Meta Ship chasing you and a very small cross section of only 25,6m³ makes you even very hard to hit while accelerating! A Rare Capacity Shield Generator S will buy you some time to accelerate as well. This Ship is ideal for starting from a Mothership at the PvP Zone Border. I would suggest the ideal load for this Ship would be 140t, wich would be for example around 40kL of Chromite. Dont fly alone, there are 2 additional seats where your friends can take place. If things go bad and you still get shot, its not a big deal because of the cheap building costs. All Elements are available on the market for under 1.8m Quanta. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base
Pillar of Democracy
RCG Corporation

FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY!!!! For Helldivers fans! Own your own ship for liberation in DU. Spots pre made for 3 Hadron elevators. More of a space only ship with enough atmo to move around if you need. --- Discord --- https://discord.gg/KcafbTSwMp --- Buy Locations --- Alioth M6 Location @ (::pos{0,2,38.8365,100.5709,256.7325}) RCG Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,-54.7124,-48.7342,157.2570}) Locura Haven Location @ (::pos{0,27,10.3966,-117.6575,142.6387}) --- VR Locations -- VR Location: Locura DIS10 Mobile Store VR Location: RCG Showroom VR Location: Locura Alpha Base