SOL Navy

[SOL] VALEN#3301 , Philo#6991 , Pyldrvr#2128
VALENSN , Philosfr , Pyldrvr
Alioth ::pos{0,2,70.7528,149.9630,7.4769} SOL Navy Driveyard (VR)

At SOL Navy Drive Yards, you will find ships that not only look cool but are designed for performance. Each of our ships strives for smooth turns, banks, and even barrel rolls, whether flying empty or with full cargo loads. Signature components like vertical space engines and landing lights come from extensive testing in space, on stations and on planets. Unless noted, each ship is designed to easily get into Alioth's orbit with a full cargo load of hematite, ensuring easy transportation of goods. Excessive air brakes ensure a safe descent back to the surface. Visit our Discord to get more information, ask about customization or provide input on what type of ship you'd like to see from us next.

SOL Navy ships come with several quality of life LUA scripts pre-loaded. Dimencia's HUD is installed on the command chairs and, depending on the ship, you will find things like SatNav, Ore Depth charts and Warp cell estimators. Additionally, each has a custom SOL OS LUA script loaded, which gives you one screen to see fuel status, cargo load and things like warp cell counts or compact-ability for ships where appropriate. Additionally, if there is any damage, SOL OS automatically switches over to show damaged components. SOL OS has several configurable parameters such as the ship name and fuel mass.