The Sentient World Observation and Response Department aka S.W.O.R.D. Our job is to keep a watchful eye on the Helios system and take care of extraterrestrial pirate threats; defending the weak all whilst promoting peace and honor across the system.
(Kind'a just me and a few mates messing about atm).
VR: Trebles R&D
Sparrow XS

An extra small aesthetic ship capable of 1400kmp with my talents. Starts to burn up at 1700 but can handle more. Comes in a metallic silver/grey tone with hot orange accents (the colors can be changed easily). Sparrow XSpace now available. BP's and tokens are available at the Workshop. Just message me in-game "Treble" or contact me on discord Treble#2588.
Rampart by SWORD

The Rampart by SWORD FREE BP! Following the Meta for a basic starter pvp ship, the Rampart is perfect for any new or experienced player looking to venture out into the pvp zone. Honeycomb is basically useless right now in Dual Universe so I made sure to use some of the lightest on the market. But if that doesn't satisfy your meta-loving ass. The honeycombless version will. BP's available soon at Trebles Ship Shop but until then you can get them here. ::pos{0,2,43.3817,93.6010,4.6514} Discord id: Treble#2588 IG: Treble
No Man's Sky Fighter: Viper

No Man's Sky inspired warp shuttle. 24 cells from Alioth to Teoma If you deploy it without the warp drive it doubles as a high-performance market runner. The stats seen here are after a max handling boost and medium pilot skills. Rare and Advanced parts have been used to make the ship, so keep that in mind before buying a BP. Also, the warp atlas seen on the cockpit xs screen no longer works. I replaced it with a simple logo. I figure you guys can get creative with it and put whatever script or image you want on there. BP's available at the "workshop". For a token just message me on discord (please allow 1-2 days to fulfill the order, thank you). Workshop location: ::pos{0,2,43.3889,93.6289,36.0748} Discord ID: Treble#2588