
Empress Nihilus AES 03


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The EMPRESS NIHILUS AES 03, manufactured with great precision to be a multi-task ship and great 1st person experience. With vertical space engines to help you land safely on moons and which will save many of your lives upon returning to the atmosphere. Still reentry speed to high? Modern tech helps the ship from not burning too fast. The ship contains: warp drive, shield generator, 10 basic container S, elevator entrance/exit, bed, resurrection pod, Surrogate VR station, weaponry, multi-radar functionality and more.

Please visit our showroom on Alioth. Location ::pos{0,2,38.1670,99.6339,953.7206}
Be careful, the showroom is on a glass platform and it might take some time to load
when you land there, so land carefully and take your time.

Feel free to ask me questions about the ship.

NOTE (!)
In the second version of this ship, of course there are made improvements. Especially to the heat shield. Please leave the relays on the outside of the ship in place. The are part of the heat shield and when they are destroyed, just leave them like that and it will help protect the ship from heat damage.

The EMPRESS NIHILUS AES 03, not much improved, but I did move around all the elements in the back of the ship because they sometimes caused elements to collide when deploying the blueprint. New blueprints are now put in the dispenser. If you had the problem with collisions you can contact me and I will come to check the collisions in your EMPRESS NIHILUS. Those who can show me this, will receive a new blueprint.

Created 2 years ago
Updated 5 months ago

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2 years ago


Truly stunning to look at. Went to see it today.

2 years ago


I love this ship! It's truly got an iconic silhouette.

2 years ago


Blueprint copies in the dispenser have been replaced by new copies of the second (!) version of this ship. See description for more info.

2 years ago


@LunaticLordXL, thank you for your comments. I appreciate the input. The problem of colliding elements is something I have not experienced with this ship, so I don't understand why this is happening to your copy. The 70 relays are part of an experimental heat shield (which is working) initially devised by Seawing. In the second version of this ship this shield will even be improved. The gun is just cosmetic, I do realize you won't take this ship to pvp space. The gunner seat and the ammo container are in place, but I did not implement any script. This is for the owner to take of. All plugs were used on the seat, so this is why there is a second command seat with the space radar attached, but I will see if I can get this fixed in a second version of the ship.

2 years ago


I did purchase one of these BPs. The voxel work is beautiful, I did find 4 colliding elements, Wing M in the rear of the ship. I'll see if a buddy of mine can fix them. Please take the rest of this as constructive criticism. Drop the 70 relays and only use them for actual purpose, not aesthetics, it adds an additional 620 kg of weight to the ship. The military engines are overkill, you'll never take this ship into a pvp zone with only one small gun. The ship has a warp drive. Inside the ship, Gunner seat doesn't work. I don't know if there is a custom script or if it's just bugged. I would guess the avg player is going to fly this ship solo and will probably just remove one of the two command chairs and link both radars. Interior is pretty to look at, but maybe make a barebone version of the ship for the interior. I'm happy to have added this to my collection, but I don't see myself flying anytime soon. You did a great job with the design, it's really cool looking.

2 years ago


Swwweeet ship!

2 years ago


Love it! Looks very clean!

2 years ago


Rad design, very interesting shape.



Dry Weight:

292 t

Cargo Space:

104 kL


Cargo Lift:

500 t

Max Speed:

1,172 km/h

Atmo Hover:

27.5 MN

Sustentation Speed:

172 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

9.21 MN

Atmo Brake:

27 MN

Wing Lift:

35.9 MN

Atmo Fuel:

2.56 kL


Space Thrust:

13.8 MN

Space Brake:

24.9 MN

Space Hover:

33.04 MN

Space Fuel:

5.12 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier
    • Racer

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Radar
    • Weapons
    • Warp
    • Shield