
Black Icarus (supersonic)


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Black Icarus is my first supersonic heat-resistant ship build, it's cheap to make, but packs a punch! It's designed as fast travel ship as it can do 3000+km/h in atmosphere without taking heat damage. It uses specialized heat shield to prevent heat damage, see it in action on youtube:

This ship is good for running your daily errands quickly! It has enough cargo capactiy and lift to be able to carry stuff from/to markets and you can also do some surface mining. it takes 30-60 minutes to fill the cargo with ore when surface mining (depending on areas and talents) and that's something that most people are willing to do and this ship is perfect for those runs, it can circle entire alioth in under 10 minutes.

It's not perfect as this was my first supersonic ship and you might break a wing or brake here and there, but just take it easy and you'll be fine. making sudden / sharp turns while going supersonic can cause more damage, so when going supersonic, keep it as steady as possible.

I highly recommend custom hud with altitude hold capabilites, because it's most effective at about 1-2% atmo, you can keep throttle at about 10% and it will go 3000+ easily, while barely spending any fuel. I used this ship for my daily errands for a week before i had to refuel.

It's rather cheap to build and uses all the basic parts.
NOTE - i have NOT tested cargo lift, but based on stats, it should be able to do about 1200 tons depending on talents. I think most i ever did was 700t and it didn't have any issues.

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


OK fairly correct , my comment early, is not a respond to this construct what he is selling for. My comment regards to his doings, dispencer in his base which he don`t wanna like to remove. No creator was agree to sell this on his tile or have a permission to sell this without asking

1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


@ Umbrella Corp , to your comment , claerly no, but counterquestion if you maybe blind?
Walk over his base and see by your self. Then come back say i am a liar. Sorry but we have tried serverall Times to clear this on friendly way. Reaction from him was very tixic and he does not remove dispencer from his base who he sell for example chewies , my creation, loded, Ryan`s etc. That is clearly a no go. Without asking sell for his own profit. So i am also not amused about story telling about my back. And this is the result. He has long time to remove this dispencer, he has also the abbilty to react on this friendly, he don`t take his chance. Shit talking in gernerell chat is also no way.
So now i let everyone who knows was going on until he react with the right reaction and remove other creators dispencer, they not have agreed with him. In my world is this a simple question. But he does not doing this.

1 year ago


I like your other one more. the Zero Cool one. cool name and works better, I bought this one and some elements broke, but ZC one keeps together fine when flying fast in atmo

1 year ago


are you two dumb in head or something (daddyshark and mcxerxes)? Sethioz has a video on building this ship on his youtube. how can he steal if you can literally see the process on him building it?

Sethioz makes best builds ever, he has been playing building games for over 10 years and he has made unique stuff in every builder. saw some of his BrickRigs builds, that's absolutely stunning! how dare you call his builds ripoff? go suck eachothers dicks you dumb haters

1 year ago


Its true. His creations are ripoffs. He gets DRM free from the original players, copy/pastes onto his own constructs, then sells as his original work.

1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


Steals other Player Creations and sell as his own, trying to talk but didn`t help. Player answer very disrespectfull. Flammed Creator and other Player in DU with untrue things

I use teamspeak


Dry Weight:

248 t

Cargo Space:

89 kL


Cargo Lift:

1,200 t

Max Speed:

5,000 km/h

Atmo Hover:

12 MN

Sustentation Speed:

221 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

20 MN

Atmo Brake:

44 MN

Wing Lift:

31 MN

Atmo Fuel:

5 kL


Space Thrust:

11 MN

Space Brake:

18 MN

Space Fuel:

2.5 kL

  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space
    • Ground

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Courier
    • Racer

  • Features
    • Interior
    • Shield