Shadow Union
Shadow Union a small group of players looking to leave their mark in the universe.
Citadel of Doom
Shadow Union

From the mind of our long-term Shadow Union member, Legate, and all-around good guy hailing from the South of London may I present Alethion's "CITADEL OF DOOM". Put a factory in it, put a showroom in it, try to summon Skeletor for the ashes in there, come on down, and pick yours up today. not guaranteed to summon Skeletor, or any other, devil, demon, wraith, specter, phantasm, ghoul, spector, spooks, or ghosts. From this dimension or any others. Good day. ::pos{0,2,45.8846,92.0773,15.9071} Vr/ is Shadow Union Alioth Showroom 26km north of Market 6
Aphelia's Lost Ships ( DRM Free)
Shadow Union

Looking to add to your space wreck collection? Then cast your eyes on these. We have the Bullet, Stiletto, Pigmy, Hydra, and Halea XS ships. The Condor S core, and The Argos M core Ship. (Aug 2023) updated and added the DRM Free Copies of the Kepler, Clydesdale, and Shuruken. (FEB 2023) Now Adding the Kepler, Clydesdale, and what we believe is the Shuruken the vertical s Core they currently have DRM protection Some are space only, Some are ATMO only, and or hybrid so look closely. prices start at 100k and go up to 2.5mil based on rarity and size, all are DRM-FREE. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195} poc tracen#3479 We are looking to add more to the fleet! contact in Discord: tracen#3479 if you can help out, let's work a deal.
SS Samuel Jackson
Shadow Union

Single L container warp hauler, market runner, surface ore collection, mining unit collection, daily driver. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195}
Quantum of Solace MK4 (Space Only)
Shadow Union

Shadow Union's newest ship, A sleek roid runner (SPACE ONLY) configuration, for running to the depths of space to find your Pyrite, Kolbeckite, And Ilmenite bringing back a solid 900 tons and 240kl safely back to your station. Fitted with a Rare Capacitor Shield Generator with 5 750 000 million in shield hitpoints and 11.3 g of space trust, and adding more engs. more breaks, and RocketsSS!!! for when it's time to run. fly safe out there. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom for blueprint ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195}
Mini Bronco
Shadow Union

Coming back from Beta!!! Mini Bronco is the companion to the M core Bronco MK2. Something a little smaller for your day-to-day hauling. Somewhat Sleek but nothing fancy, just an everyday workhorse. In and out of 1G full of pure iron with t1 engines. Preloaded with mass/cargo scrips. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195}
Bronco MK2
Shadow Union

Back from beta with stylish updates Functional style hauler. Only using Tier one engines. Capable of leaving Alioth with 5kt with a skilled pilot's hands, recommended to only use 3-4kt. Somewhat Sleek but nothing fancy, just an everyday workhorse VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195} Engine & Airfoil list : 10 Basic atmospheric engine L 8 Flat Hover Engine L 24 Wing M 2 Stabilizer L 4 Stabilizer M 3 Compact Aileron M 4 Aileron S 2 Basic space engine XL 10 Vertical Booster L 1 Warp drive L
Large Hanger
Shadow Union

Large Hanger Pick your accent color or Luminescent color glass of your choice when you deploy your hanger. Build Comes Standard with Blue Luminescent Glass. The build is sized to accommodate the XL Gates when you are ready to add hanger doors, admire the magnetic gantry cranes. location: ::pos{0,2,5.1035,163.8590,28.5577} POC: Puunene#4859 VR: Puunene Hangers
Quantum of Solace MK3
Shadow Union

Shadow Union's newest ship, A sleek roid runner in this configuration, for running to the depths of space to find your Pyrite, Kolbeckite, And Ilmenite bringing back a solid 900 tons and 240kl safely back into alioth atmo. Fitted with a Rare Capacitor Shield Generator with 5 750 000 million in shield hitpoints and 4.74g of space trust, for when it's time to run. fly safe out there. VR@ Shadow Union Shipyard to view the ships.
Spirit of Bentheim
Shadow Union

Versatile, Flexible, and Luxurious are only a few words that come to mind. Offering great styling and practicality. Being able to outfit a DSAT and M-size shields for your deep space roid runs while doing it in style and class. Or if container space is needed for your latest hauling mission. The Spirit of Bentheim is your one-stop shop of style and class while getting the job done. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom