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"Valdez V2" Built as a Serious hauling Vessel.

The ship has been created as a no-nonsense purpose-built work ship.
There are no Deco elements, there are no fancy board rooms or lighting elements and plants and frilly things.
Very easy to deploy with alternate color choices.
The total element count is 512 as delivered.
The Valdez uses 18 Advanced Optimized L containers for Cargo and 2 Advanced Optimized M containers for Scrap & Warp Cells.
There are 24 Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines & 4 Advanced Safe Space Engines. It has been tested leaving Sanctuary with 10kt of Cargo (12.6 kt total ship mass). It will surely lift more from a 1g planet but 10kt it what it is being rated at.

This is not a build for the Novice player, due to the expense of the elements, however it will fly well in the hands of any pilot.

- AGG and Warp drive are built in.
- ALL elements on the ship that can be boosted, are boosted to level 5 NON PvP skills.
- All listed attributes were taken while in VR so they reflect zero pilot skills, and the ship was dry and empty. (Free post purchase element boosts can be accommodated)

- 2 Command chairs, one with Archegeo HUD and one with Default HUD.
- Atmospheric and Space radars included.
- Atmospheric Brakes have been located to be compatible with the potential future brake changes.
- Advanced Optimised Containers have been used to reduce weight and increase capacity
- Includes "Shipinfo" LUA screens by Astco/Krengus

Ship Showroom is being Moved!

Tokens Sales: NA At this time.

A large amount of credit goes to "Astelteyn" for the Hull inspiration.

Build Sheet >>

Created 1 year ago
Updated 1 year ago

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1 year ago


It's a Grabby ship, and a beautiful ship!
If you've never flown one of Grabby's creations, you are missing out on what real engineering in this game can do. Smooth flight, every element and voxel has it's use. Saying it's balanced would be an understatement.

Do yourself a favor, buy this ship, and every other ship Grabby makes. You won't be disappointed! Every fleet should have a few IMO.

Grabby LaToosh


Dry Weight:

2,020,000 t

Cargo Space:

6,165,120 kL


Cargo Lift:

10,000 t

Max Speed:

22,930 km/h

Atmo Hover:

166 MN

Sustentation Speed:

173 km/h

Atmo Thrust:

120 MN

Atmo Brake:

880 MN

Wing Lift:

165 MN

Atmo Fuel:

76,800 kL


Space Thrust:

125 MN

Space Brake:

196 MN

Space Hover:

165.89 MN

Space Fuel:

104,000 kL

  • Core
    • M

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Carrier

  • Features
    • AntiGrav
    • Radar
    • Warp