Just dabbling with LUA and ships.
Tiny Warp Cell Fuel Factory

Tiny Warp Cell Fuel Factory (TWCFF) Need warp cells? Or maybe just some fuel? Setup this easy to use warp cell, atmo fuel, and space fuel factory. With base skills it will produce ~74 warp cells a day and at 3's it will produce ~90 warp cells per day. Perfect to keep your warp shuttles fueled! To change how much gets produced merely click the up and down arrows on the screen. Fuels go up/down in increments of 1000, and warp cells in increments of 25. You will find everything you need in one container hub. Feed the ores and schematics there (make sure to mark it as the schematics container) and the output of fuel and warp cells will be found there too. I like to keep it organized (see picture) to make it look very nice as well. Unlike the Tiny Factory, the TWCFF does not require a constant presence! This factory works just like any other industry. When you deploy this factory and start the board up front that controls the screen, it will auto configure all of the industries for you so you won't need to go in and figure out what maintains you need to set each industry at. Very convenient! Only thing you will need to do is add 3L of Catalyst 3, included with the blueprint, to a container hub under the info button in the "server room". The server room contains the programming boards that will setup your industries for the first time. You will rarely need to go in there. Dispenser Location, Haven: ::pos{0,27,-14.3128,30.9315,9.6166}
Tiny Factory

Market too far to go buy stuff? Industry line too obnoxious to setup for a few knock off items? Then this is the solution for you! The Tiny Factory will handle the industry lines for you. Just tell it what you want, turn it on, make sure it has ores and schematics, and it'll handle the rest! This Tiny Factory in a box, composed of only 20 industry units, can make any Basic, Uncommon, or Advanced item that can be produced by the XS, S, M, or L Assembly Line. Everything you need to know can be found here: https://github.com/squizzlabs/du-tiny-factory Discord: Still have questions? Ask here! https://discord.com/channels/760240626942869546/1078009204792631437/ If you can't join that you might have to join this Discord server first: https://discord.gg/CM2zWVPFFa Dispenser Location, Haven: ::pos{0,27,-14.3128,30.9315,9.6166} DRM FREE! Play with the code, break it, improve it, have fun!