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Here's the big one! Whether you waited for it or not, now it's available: The Belovator XL with 25kt of lifting capability from Alioth, without pilot skills! This Behemoth will brute force it's 20 expanded XXL containers to space with 200 advanced military atmo L and 24 advanced safe space XL engines. A well skilled pilot can easily lift more than 30kt from Alioth. If you plan to use it on a low-G planet there is plenty of space inside to fit 20 more expanded XXL containers.

The Belovator is a lightweight shaftless space elevator that flies along a gravity line to transport your cargo and players into space. You can comfortably transport your assets from the planet surface to a space station without having to rely on an annoying AGG tower with an hour-long ascend or fiddly autopilot ships. Load up with cargo, select the target floor, wait, dock - unload!

Belovator XL:

- 25 kilotonnes of cargo lift from the surface of Alioth without any piloting skills/talents
- 20x Expanded Basic Container XXL
- 200x Advanced Military Atmo Engine L
- 24x Advanced Safe Space Engine XL
- 8x Advanced Freight Space Engine XL
- 20x Advanced Maneuver Atmo Engine L
- 12x Advanced Safe Space Engine L
- L Core

Stats are for unskilled pilots, cargo lift depends heavily on pilot skills. The lifting capability improves dramatically for a pilot with just lvl 2+ talents on atmo engines.

The configuration of the elevator is done via Lua parameters and is limited to a few parameters to keep the complexity simple. Control of the elevator via touchscreen and/or HUD with very few buttons.

Blueprint Dispensers available at:

SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3389,111.0206,0.6303}
Alioth Exchange (Red Hall) ::pos{0,0,-18725.1095,113457.2829,-74341.0124}

You can also take a look at our space elevators at our WIP Showroom on Alioth.
Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Shop

If you want to test one of the Belovators in advance, contact us in Discord and we will give you access.

If you have any questions or need support, feel free to join our Support Discord. There we provide a FAQ, how to set up your Belovator properly and how to place a spacecore with correct alignment to the elevator.

Created 1 year ago
Updated 11 months ago

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Super Powerful Pro Army
Belorion#3127 / Andri#8273
Belorion, CaPe19
SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3389,111.0206,0.6303} - Alioth Exchange - Red Hall ::pos{0,0,-18726.0240,113459.4703,-74351.8618}


Cargo Space:

15,360 kL


Cargo Lift:

25,000 t

  • Core
    • L

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space
    • Ground

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Hauler
    • Courier
    • Carrier