
Busy Bee


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The Busy Bee is a tailored autopilot mission runner.

Fly the 160kℏ Ailerons mission with a single click.

Flight time 5m 30s.

Blueprint and Parts available at ::pos{0,2,42.5925,94.4456,190.4857}

Created 2 years ago
Updated 9 months ago

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1 year ago | Edited 1 year ago


just got BP built with carbon 4kg, 2 trips so far all good, scared the shit out me first trip lol.

1 year ago


An update to below, Harv sorted out my mistake. Busy bee has been working great, i've done at least 40 missions without too much bother.

1 year ago


Can anyone help me with this, I accidentally took off before setting the paramenters. Now Im stuck in space above Haven (my home). Even though I've now edited the parameters setting all 3 co-ords to my home in single quotes, It's insisting on doing 1000km/h to alioth lol. so i've stopped it with hold but now Im stuck in space with a ship that wants only to go to Alioth and im sure its me lol

2 years ago


Just bought the BusyBee BP and I did have an issue. I loaded the mission and the screen said over mass and the buttons were greyed out. I talked to Harv and he very helpfully said that there should only be 1600L in each fuel tank. This was the issue and reducing the amount of fuel sorted everything out. 5 missions done to date and no problems at all! Very handy ship to get money in for not much work at all! Thanks Harv!

2 years ago

Thank you to the creator Harv!

2 years ago

Love this super efficient easy money-making ship! It's such a great investment, and has more than earned what I paid for it in one day. As a newbie, this was easy to operate. A couple tips: if you have your own materials, make sure you use wood or another light weight voxel. I used silicon and it added a considerable amount to the weight. Best practice is: follow what the designer specified. Also ***SUPER IMPORTANT** get your Atmospheric Engine Handling talent up to level 3, or get a friend to buff for you. Otherwise you'll have some issues flying.

2 years ago


Bought the v2 but it seems to keep crashing when landing, like the engines come on too late.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


When I initially purchased the blueprint, I had trouble with the pickup and dropoff locations working. This ship really needs Level 4 buffs to perform as you would expect and really benefits from a light honeycomb during build.

This is now working as expected, and i'm going to try 2 packages for the sake of science!

2 years ago

Astral Logistics

used the new version and had no issues with crashes works great

2 years ago

Distinct Mint

[Updated Review] After receiving the updated script from Harv777 (a very easy interaction), which allows the setting of pickup, dropoff and home locations, and orbital hop height, I ran 14 consecutive missions with no problems. This level of customisation has made all the difference, and the Busy Bee is now a functional, reliable and efficient mission runner. (Of course it also works for other missions beyond Ailerons, and general fast location hopping.)

Make sure to set locations that are spaced out from any other Bees that you see around you.


2 years ago


Works well. Make sure you have enough piloting skills or you may have issues landing or carrying the mission payload. No issues with collisions as i seem to land in a different area than other "bees". Overall a pretty good ship

2 years ago


Got my script update from Harv777 on my custom Bee (mostly decorative) and its working perfectly so far! Since missions are the only money faucet in game now, this ship does that faucet very well. No issues with crashing and I can set custom pickup/drop and altitude.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


How did you do that @Grabby?

2 years ago


I had my Script updated today, I set custom Pickup / Drop destinations and my personal Altitude, it worked much better. I ran 8 loops and had no issues at all.
Hoping for more accuracy in some later release.

Thank you for keeping up the work!

2 years ago


Still crashing today, time to get the Busy bee back... a monster of time wasted. And once fully repaired, I finally take off again after several hours, and I hit someone 30s after taking off... this time I have elements impossible to repair because I hit so often.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago

Distinct Mint

The ship works as advertised and is fuel efficient. However, it's difficult to recommend as there is a high chance of a direct collision with another Busy Bee user. Since purchase, I made 4 runs before colliding and having my ship destroyed. I've not even made back 1/2 the BP cost before having to make full repairs. Currently this is a bad investment of quanta and time.

The only lua options are to set a home base destination, and there is no control over flight trajectory.

My collision was mid-way between pickup/delivery, at maximum 5km height. So even given a unique pickup starting position, there was still a collision. It seems likely that unique pickup/dropoff points won't solve this problem. The flight trajectory itself needs to be either randomised e.g. by player ID number so that each player has their own unique trajectory.

So avoid currently, until fixed.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


I hope in the next version

2 years ago


110% agree "It should be possible to adjust the "departure" and "arrival"."

2 years ago


Too many people on the same path, it's a shame we collide a lot! It should be possible to adjust the "departure" and "arrival".

2 years ago


@Grabby it will be too heavy and the buttons will not work. I have level five placement on fuel tanks and with them full it said to heavy with one package.

2 years ago


@NThanel grab the coordinates you want it to land at then edit LUA parameters and replace the ones that are in there but make sure the cords are in single quotes.

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


Hello, has anyone tried 2x Aileron packages?
UPDATE: I worked it out, now running 2 at a time on this despite the LUA being locked to allow only one, Huzzah

2 years ago


Just got this and I love, Though I dont know how to use the lua to change the home button =(

2 years ago | Edited 2 years ago


This mission ship is awesome I love it so much.

2 years ago

Thank you!
I will wait for your next models.

2 years ago

Jane Caffeinepowered Doe

Never got money for using a space rollercoaster, it's so fun. Thanks for this :-)

2 years ago


just amazing what you can do with lua :D
just press a button and off you go :)
earn money quickly and easily and do other things at the same time

2 years ago


Bought a couple of these and worked as advertised. I had a problem right after I deployed them, but Harv came to my base and fixed me up quick. Great service and big money maker!

2 years ago


Once you get used to it flying sideways and/or upside down it is a fun and very easy way to do the 180k mission.
It even has a home button to return you to your base (well it does if you remember to change the waypoint in the lua parameters before you press it) when you feel like a change. Very eco on fuel usage as well.



Dry Weight:

31 t

Cargo Space:

16 kL


Cargo Lift:

20 t

Max Speed:

5,000 km/h

  • Core
    • XS

  • Env
    • Atmosphere
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint

  • Role
    • Courier