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Ground and Space versions available! Most of the space versions are beta designs and will need script updates after deployed which we will be more than happy to get those upgraded! Once the new redesigned get created in the space version you are more than welcome to get a free bp of the upgrade providing proof of the old one!

We are also located at the Alioth Exchange in the Red Isle

Why buy a big fuel factory with all fuels when you are looking to only need 2?

Each Factory produces 600kl of fuel every 24 hours and thats without having any industry talents!!

Every factory i build has everything labeled so you can buy a BP and easily set it up by yourself easily!! Once your set up just put raw ore in and wait for your fuel to come out!! Easy!!. Each factory has x10 L containers for holding raw ore and x10 L containers for holding fuel. So you can put a good chunk of ore in and it will run for a long time!

We have several other factories to choose from and some are in space versions. We also have LUA Scripts and Mining Rigs by Credence!

VR: VO Factory Sales

Located on Alioth ::pos{0,2,26.8385,76.5585,0.9775}


We also have a Discord as we provide details on our factories and notify everyone as new ones are built and ready to sale along with additional information and available to answer any questions

Created 3 years ago
Updated 1 year ago

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3 years ago


You will get a much faster response by messaging me on discord as i do not get notifications from DU Creators

VO Industries - theOmega28
  • Core
    • S

  • Env
    • Ground
    • Space

  • Sold As
    • Blueprint