Warp Cell Factory Ground & Space
VR "VO Factory Sales"
We are also located at the Alioth Exchange in the Red Isle
----Please be sure to add 5 liters of Catalyst 3 in container it labeled for at the initial start. After that it will produce its own!----
Warp Cell Factory will produce around 288 warp cells a day with no talents. Boosted will produce up to 355 a day depending on your talents. This Factory is Available On Ground and Space!!
For anyone that wants the BP. Everything is labeled for easy setup!
We have several other factories to choose from and some are in space versions. We also have LUA Scripts and Mining Rigs by Credence!
VR: VO Factory Sales
Located on Alioth ::pos{0,2,26.8385,76.5585,0.9775}
We also have a Discord as we provide details on our factories and notify everyone as new ones are built and ready to sale along with additional information and available to answer any questions
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Are there any instructions? I took down two of my running small Warp Cell factories and put up this M Space Core version and can not get it to run. I even put items in the Ore and Pure containers. Nothing runs.
Thank you Nisel!!! I have had really good feedback on my factories and i very glad that ppl get the option to purchase these and not have to stress the work that is behind it.
I need to add this in for the Warp Cell Factory- You will need to Add x5 Liters of Catalyst 3 in the container labeled for it just for the initial start after it starts it will make its own!
love the concealment and display of the interior, It eliminates a lot of mess and clutter. So far fairly well explained inside with the signs. Still setting up the process inside, short a bit of ore, but everything seems to be connected correcly which I know alone is a hassle. Loving it so far. If It works as intended and described, I will update here and plan on buying more! (Well I already bough the fuel, and container ones to be honest :-)
Veqlargh, i have not paid attention to the raw ore i put in and it uses. I added in 180 kl of each ore at the beginning and i might top it off once a week. Tier 1 gets used more than T2 and T3. I am steady at building new factories that i dont keep up with the raw ore used. I will try and pay attention to it
Thanks Atruskage!!
what resources are requires to feed this on a daily basis? roughly.
worth every single dime.....bought the BP a few days ago and this setup just keeps the cells flowing as long as you feed it. Customer response was great and helpful thanks @the Omega28. I will be buying more factory kits from you in the future.
Thanks for all interests in my factories. As of this moment i will have a fuel and Container factory for ground and space made available very soon
I respond way faster on discord if anyone has any questions. I do not get notifications when someone applies comments here on DU Creators and sorry for any late responses
ReconDo17 i am sorry i am just now seeing this. I was having an issue not having all rdms right. Those issues have been resolved and are available. If you DM me on discord i will discount you for your troubles
Are your factory buildings not for sale? I came all the way to buy them and can't as it says "Action Forbidden"
- ✓ M
Env- ✓ Ground
- ✓ Space
Sold As- ✓ Blueprint
Role- ✓ Factory