Dual Universe Creators
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Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP
Destiny One
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.
The Falcon

Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one
USNC Frigate Paris Class

Near exact replica of the hull of a USNC Frigate Paris Class. Fully decorated interior (6 decks, 4 large store rooms, 5 smaller store rooms, hallways, additional space available to make crew accommodation (outside hallways in decks C-B). PVE edition but easily convertible to PVP ship: - Hollow space between outer hull and interior hallways/rooms allows armoring up with honeycomb where it's desired. - 4 gun predefined gun slots on front-top of ship (above the drop pod bays). Plenty space for additional guns. - Atmospheric (Alioth) compatible. In case atmospheric elements are removed, the fore stores become much more spacious and allow for larger cargo. How To Buy: - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188
GSL Terrapin - Rescue Salvage

Contact for Token availability The Terrapin by Galactic Shipyards LLC is the perfect Medium-sized Rescue and Salvage Logistics platform. With its powerful VTOL and AGG you can hover mid-air for extended periods of time whether you're below or above 1Km up to rescue ships from Mid air hangs. Utilizing nearly the full M core build width and length the top landing area is perfect to dock several small and extra small ships. Whether they are spoils of war from a PVP fight, rescues or Legitimate Salvage found while exploring; with 226Kl of Organized storage for, fuel, parts, scrap, and more you will always have the right tool for the right job. The custom Lua of the ship's Heads Up Display allows you to toggle the VTOL engines on and off to conserve fuel when they are not needed, as well as indicating the ship's pitch, roll, and bearing. With the Added remote control on the landing deck Tokens ~Ask for Availability ~ Boosts Engines, Brakes, Wings / Ailerons, Adjusters, Vert Boosters Level 5 Fuel Tanks and Cargo Containers Level 4 Capacity and Optimization The HUD is under development and I will happily upgrade* it as I add features. Current Features: ~Toggleable VTOL engine support alt +1 to enable disable ~ agg support /agg height into LUA chat ~Automatic Hover Height ~Locking brakes ~altitude hold Alt+ 2 ~Custom fuel, throttle, pitch, roll and bearing display ~ Dynamic Linking support, change out links such as radars fuel tanks etc without having to re configure the seat or remote. ~Custom color support *Planned features ~custom radar ~custom warp widget ~your suggestion(s)? VR: GSL Terrapin Demo ( Please note you may vr into it while I'm flying I've been using a lot ) *this ship is not designed as a hauler though it dose have room in engineering for at least 6 large containers as well as the ability to used docked container pods to haul with if you really need / want to
Container Pods
Dead Reckoning Shipworks

10 large container pods that can be docked to Medium and Large core ships. Container pods include a Capacity level indicator that shows room in the container hub. Dispensers active for the four variations of these pods, Large Basic X10, Uncommon optimized Large x10, Advanced optimized large x10 and Rare optimized large x10. Blueprints are Available at Dead Reckoning Shipworks VR= Dead Reckoning ship sales.
Sand Raptor Mk1 (Compactible)
Creator (Dune Dwellers)

Legend has it that the Dune Dwellers of Haven use compactible mechs to transport themselves around the planet. These nimble crafts are light, fuel efficient, and inexpensive. Can be used in first person camera mode to calibrate mining units. (Tokens will not be made available) Featured by: - Du Creators Listings & Twitter - Landmark Explorer Twitch Channel

K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider, however mine is called Knight Industries Ten Thousand, as it can fly into space! Check it out @youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMiXeJ96emc I've always liked Knight Rider, so that was my inspiration for this build, it's built after an actual 3D model by using 3D hologram. This ship only serves as personal transport, originally i had xs container on it, but i took it off. You can remove space engines and space fuel tank and turn it into a pocket-rocket. I currently have rare military engines on it and it really flies! It can go from 0 to 500 in like 3 seconds, it's very agile and easy to control, it can do barrel rolls and death loops. if you're not bothered by the looks, you can very easily add more wings and/or engines on it, very easy to modify to fit your needs. you can easily replace hovers with vertical booster if you wanna use it only in space ..etc.
Lightwave Cargo

1st Place at Obsidian Paradox Christmas Fly In, 3,5+kT Hauler The Lightwave Cargo is a Atmo to Space Hauler, with 12 L Containers and can lift up to 7000 T from Alioth with Talents and Tuning. (Tested with 7500t most lvl 2 and 3 Skills, and lvl 4-5 Tuning) 1536 kL Cargo without Tuning with Tuning more than 2140 kL 34 Uncommon Military Atmo Engines (easy replaceable with higher Tier, with easy Snap points), 4 XL Basic Space Engines ( Easy Replaceable ) (If you change the Basic XL to Uncommon Safe or Maneuver its Easy to lift the 7500 t with a bit higher Skills) Enough Place for an Optional L-Shield 47 Retro brakes, 26 Vertical Booster, 35 Atmo Brakes, 4 L Space Fuel Tanks, 4 L Atmo Fuel Tanks... All Elements not stacked, and repairable from inside or Outside the Ship, no Elements are inside Voxels. Full Interieur with lots of details, if you need something Special on the BP contact me on DC. Visit on VR - "Lightwave - Cargo" Visit on VR - "Wombat Shop" Showroom POS: ::pos{0,27,40.9254,144.2449,35.8996}
Dragonfly MKI By BDC

The DragonFly MK1 Modeled from STAR CITIZENS DRAKEs Dragonfly. This hybrid is perfect for light market runs. This lil guy cruises @ 1700 kph with 5% atmo and 1300 kph on ground level. Will travel and work well on a Moon. Come grab ya one. VR Station name "BooNDocK Customs" @ Infinity Corporation Spaceport ::pos{0,2,7.8000,80.4210,89.9976} ****OR**** VR Station name "BooNDocK Main Showroom" ::pos{0,2,-25.9879,106.3613,5.8710} IGN: xSKeeVx OR Discord: Skeev#3940 IGN: Bananer OR Discord: Bananer#0773 (SHOP PARTNER) Contact me for possible trades in partial payment. Willing to Barter ORE's, Component's OR Quanta.
Omen Mk2
Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard

Re-imagination of arguably one of most iconinc Eve Cruisers, Omen is embodiment of Amarr doctrine, ready to serve on the holy crusade accross the stars Changes in update to mk2 -slightly widened hull to allow smoother curvature along the centerline and accomodate wider selection of modules -reworked front engine pylons and nacells -baseline cargohold increased to 1ML compared to original 280kl. -significatly increased thrust, lift and braking force and maneuverability - upgraded from M shield to L -CSS capacity increased to 35.7M -updated exterior decals and interior -can accomodate AGG along along with up to 6-12 additional M containers in front section of the hull AGG 0.0 -40.5 1.5 AGG Pulsors from 0.0 -92 17.5 to 0.0 -72.5 17.5 add M containers 0.0 82.4 7.0 to 0.0 -2 7.0)
Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)

50% off blueprint price at the moment on dispenser loaded industries presents Inquisitor, a medium ship 5kt cargo weight, 1920 KL of cargo space, full detailed interior throughout the ship, fitted with large shield for extra protection running missions etc, DSAT can be fitted on request, all the added extra you would normally find on my ships, comes fitted with 12 advanced large military engines 4 advanced large space engines and 2 XL uncommon military engines, future proof build with brakes compliant with what was on the pts with the changes coming, blueprints can be purchased at the location from dispenser can be viewed in VR search loaded industries showroom, tokens come with everything boosted to lvl 5 on all elements, any question please message me on discord
Captains Customs - Ship Sales

“Prowler goes prrrrrrrrrrr!” These were the first words that the shipwrights of Captains Customs heard when they pried the doors open to Captain Miller’s inner sanctum. He had been in there for 10 days straight… What they found inside was enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most hardened criminal psychologist. Wall to wall pictures of engines and drafting plans of a new form of space ship… one that was …over-powered, aggressive…. Bestial. The Prowler was born! Some say it’s a giant space motorcycle. Some say it's an oversized bank of engines with a cockpit mounted on top. Others still think that Captain Miller has “collected” the genetic code of a space Jaguar to grow this ship… All we know for sure is that this ship is a monster! Indeed the engineers speak about it in hushed tones… and share stories of interns going missing after being sent to clean Captain’s first Prowler… With 40 Large Advanced Military Atmospheric Engines churning out 259MN of thrust, the power of the prowler is unrivaled. Capable of muscling 18KT in orbit, the Prowler is more than just a show pony. The Prowler is Captain Miller’s baby and he’s willing to share it with you. Eager actually! Desperate?... Look, frankly, the wrongful death lawsuits from the interns are piling up and people have stopped applying! So stop delaying, release your inner beast and buy a Prowler today. Come see us in person at Captain’s showroom 12km Southwest of Alioth Market 16 ::pos{0,2,19.3636,110.1164,13.5872} or visit Captain’s Customs Ship Showroom in VR Ask about token prices! Markets are changing fast. Captain’s Customs – The quality justifies the quanta-ty!
Star Discovery MK1

The Star Discovery perfectly stands for you if you are starting playing DU. This ship is dedicated to new players who wants to start to mine asteroid on safe zone exclusively as fast as possible in the game. Easy to build based on the blueprint as the required elements and materials are cheap, don't hesitate, this ship for a reasonable price will boost your capacity to make money! He is equipped with a single L container and an integrated DSAT. He can without any problem get in / out Alioth or Haven atmosphere at full cargo capacity in auto pilot mode. Scripts equiped: - Arch hud from Archeago - Ship info script from Krengus. Specification : 4 L basic atmo engine + 2M atmo basic engine 2 L basic space engine +4M space basic engine For BP come to see me on Haven @ ::pos{2,27,27.7968,346.8901,40.2505} or contact me on discord JamesWydee (james78650)#9448 Come to see ship by VR @ Wydee_ShowRoom