Dual Universe Creators

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Voxel Sets
Lua Scripts

Walter myDU Exports

Ancient Targ


No attributes :-(

I have enjoyed DU PvP since it first implementation I share with you my constructs. Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RmOrahuOymmdQ_92bN3qh5Yib8SL8zXZ?usp=drive_link I hope you can have fun with them excuse my overuse of line tool.

BP: 1 ħ

Arcadia Albator Warforged (Multicore)

Captain Harlock


No attributes :-(

All my designs will be available at The Third Verse server The arcadia albator warforged multicore ship (Blue print release Estimated) Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2VsljnVxbw&t=82s In the 2013 CGI film adaptation, Arcadia is given its most drastic redesign yet. While superficially from a distance it still closely resembles the classic shape of the older designs, the retro World War II battleship-inspired characteristics of Leiji Matsumoto have been abandoned almost altogether for something quite dominating and alien. It is far larger at double the size and mass, and much more ridiculously defined and grossly detailed, to the point that the skull-and-crossbones feature a lower jaw, hollow eye sockets, and a spinal vertebrae-like structure extending from it across the middle of the forecastle. Ominous red lighting emits from the underside layers and various holes and vents of the ship, including the eye sockets. Instead of three turrets, there are three rings encircling the hull of the vessel mounted with four cannon turrets each, capable of moving along the circumference to cover up any blind spots. There are three "masts", the last of which a Jolly Roger flag is usually flown from. In the place of wings, there are four bony harpoon-like protrusions that point forwards, with the top two being longer and skinnier than the bottom two. More protrusions jut out towards the stern of the ship, with two culminating in hook shapes, and one resembling a short bony tail. The middle of the ship is seemingly built around a large spherical mass. The vessel has an overall rocky or bony texture across the whole body, with some parts looking as if they were warped or fused onto the ship. Perhaps most interestingly of all, this depiction manages to still retain a semblance of the original bridge and superstructure, even the shape of the wood-like galleon stern remains intact. It is now powered with dark matter engines that are hexagonal in shape. The ship is in work in progress

BP: 1 ħ

Aphelia's Lost Ships ( DRM Free)

Shadow Union


No attributes :-(

Looking to add to your space wreck collection? Then cast your eyes on these. We have the Bullet, Stiletto, Pigmy, Hydra, and Halea XS ships. The Condor S core, and The Argos M core Ship. (Aug 2023) updated and added the DRM Free Copies of the Kepler, Clydesdale, and Shuruken. (FEB 2023) Now Adding the Kepler, Clydesdale, and what we believe is the Shuruken the vertical s Core they currently have DRM protection Some are space only, Some are ATMO only, and or hybrid so look closely. prices start at 100k and go up to 2.5mil based on rarity and size, all are DRM-FREE. VR@ Shadow Union Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,45.8939,92.0647,15.9195} poc tracen#3479 We are looking to add more to the fleet! contact in Discord: tracen#3479 if you can help out, let's work a deal.

BP: 1 ħ

Haulk [Free Blueprint]



Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

I decided to made all my blueprints free, because I'm not really interested in making credits in game. So here you go, guys. "HAULK" is simple, but powerful and reliable work horse. Great and affordable solution for atmospheric cargo hauling. It get the job done. It can lift more than 1000 t, but I'm not guarantee safe landing if you excessed that limit. It have a VR Station, Resurrection Pod, Remote Controller, ECU and Radar on board. Characteristics are with my skills applied. I can buff your ship for free if you have lower skills. Promo video: https://youtu.be/ssqeNyQYwdE Check out the HAULK through VR "SquareBunny HAULK". You can find dispenser here ::pos{0,2,27.2569,116.8672,114.5502} Or you can message me at discord SquareBunny#3589 and I will deliver blueprint to you if you on Alioth.

BP: 1 ħ

Stinger [FREE BP]



Atmo Thrust: 1.12 MN

What to be the coolest guy on the block? If so - Stinger is that you need. Made of carbon fiber it's fast, lightweight, cool looking and you can just put it in your pocket and take it anywhere! Characteristics are with my skills applied. I can buff your ship for free if you have lower skills. Now I also have upgraded version with space engines. I don't have a dispenser at the moment. Please message me in discord if you want to purchase. Or you can message me at discord SquareBunny#3589 and I will deliver blueprint to you if you on Alioth.

BP: 1 ħ

Starline XS Warp Shuttle [Free Blueprint]



Space Thrust: 3.73 MN

I decided to made all my blueprints free, because I'm not really interested in making credits in game. So here you go, guys. You are busy man and you need to get from point A to point B as fast as possible? Starline XS warp shuttle is what you need. Maybe it isn't handling as a racing ship, but it's fast in straight line and will get to to your destination in no time. Although military engines it's cheap, usually it's not a problem for succeseful novean which this vehicle is made for. VR SquareBunny Workshop (Don't buy BP in VR! You will loose it!) Dispenser location at Haven ::pos{0,27,-84.8597,76.6146,375.0862} I can deliver blueprint to Alioth. Just message me at Discord. Discord: SquareBunny#3589

BP: 1 ħ

EVENT + EVENT Pod [Free Blueprint]



Cargo Lift: 9,000 t

I decided to made all my blueprints free, because I'm not really interested in making credits in game. So here you go, guys. "EVENT" is a anti-gravity based cargo hauler. Your perfect choice for mission runs and to haul your personal cargo from one planet to another or on the same planet. It can lift around 3 kT without AGG at Alioth and as many as you can fit with AGG enabled. And "EVENT" have enough atmo-brakes to safely brake-land you in pretty much any scenario. It have a docking pad for XS ship so you can easily go down to the market and back. And you will receive free blueprint of small XS pod shuttle for this purpose which you can see on screenshots. You can get in in dispenser or just by message me in discord and I will deliver in to you if you on Alioth. Characteristics is with my skills applied. If you have lower skills message me in discord and I will buff your EVENT for free. I don't have a dispenser at the moment. Please message me in discord if you want to purchase. VR: SquareBunny [ EVENT ] Dispenser location at Haven ::pos{0,27,-84.8597,76.6146,375.0862} I can deliver blueprint to Alioth. Just message me at Discord. Discord: SquareBunny#3589

BP: 1 ħ

Lucky Charm [Freighter One]



Max Speed: 1,789 km/h

Vaisseau Cargo XS au look Aliéné. Un petit Bijoux 5 places qui en plus d'avoir une grande maniabilité est très rapide même chargé a bloque. Il dispose d'une aile de rangement accessible sur son coté droit (Photo N°6), dans lequel vous pouvez y placer d'autres conteneur par exemple (10 XS) ou un 2em réservoir a Fuel M. Ou tout changer pour en faire un Vaisseau Hybride, à vous de voir. Merci de ne pas l'Acheter en VR !! Station VR: Lucky Charm Inc. ::pos{0,27,19.9727,-52.3522,2.4171} IG : LeThadOs Vaisseau Gratuit mais Limité a 1 par Joueur. Remaque : Chaque élément du vaisseau a était placé sur la base d'un voxel carré. Vous pouvez facilement déplacer et replacer voir changer Moteur/Réservoir et cie. Seul le conteneur basique S intérieur de gauche peut poser un soucis a cause des Relais xs. Ils vous suffira juste de les déplacer le temps de la manipulation. En vous souhaitant une Bonne Continuation !!

BP: 1 ħ




Atmo Thrust: 0.711 MN

Compact, fast and stylish pocket ship. Now you can get in free of charge. Have your fun. I relocated my workshop to Haven. At the moment dispensers also there. Later I will put dispensers on Alioth also. I fly to Alioth very frequently so you can also ask me to grab one for you. And don't forget to ask me to buff your new cool ship :) Location ::pos{0,27,-84.8598,76.6429,375.0721} VR SquareBunny Workshop (Don't take BP in VR! You will loose it!) Land on the roof of the workshop or take the elevator.

BP: 1 ħ

VF-1 Valkyrie (free Tokens or BP))



No attributes :-(

Free buffed Token or BP, DRM free too! Just an all around fun ship to fly in atmo and space. Was built as a fun toy to own. Great visuals in space! Flies like a dream! Hit me up in discord or in game if you want one! It is a featured racer is DU Racing's Top Gun event held the first Saturday of every month. All the stats are great and the space, especially the atmo brakes are ridiculous! Latest version 5.0 comes with 2 medium rare military atmo engines, 2 medium rare military space engines, 2 small rocket engines, resnode, xs container, Seawings heat shielding, DU racing lua, programmed with several races starting at Star Watch Naval Air Station, and a downward thruster for space station landings, atmo and space radar, Arch Hud installed (only works if you have it on your pc), otherwise you need to install your own hud or switch back to default. Based off of Robotech VF-1 Valkyrie. Great reviews! Tokens are available as fast as I can make and buff them! Over 50 have been built so far and that number keeps going up! They are pretty popular! Watch a video on it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L3f7R2IB-I&t=7s

Token: 1 ħ
BP: 1 ħ

Rampart by SWORD



Space Thrust: 32.8 MN

The Rampart by SWORD FREE BP! Following the Meta for a basic starter pvp ship, the Rampart is perfect for any new or experienced player looking to venture out into the pvp zone. Honeycomb is basically useless right now in Dual Universe so I made sure to use some of the lightest on the market. But if that doesn't satisfy your meta-loving ass. The honeycombless version will. BP's available soon at Trebles Ship Shop but until then you can get them here. ::pos{0,2,43.3817,93.6010,4.6514} Discord id: Treble#2588 IG: Treble

Token: 10 Mħ
BP: 1 ħ

2000 F1 - PVR's Official Racer

Tony's Shop


Dry Weight: 3.14 t


BP: 1 ħ

Hover Quad

Captain Harlock


Cargo Lift: 0 t

--DU creators website is very bad i got hacked do not trust it-- All likes removed from my ships Introducing the Hover Quad. Inspired by the Hoverquad of Star Citizen, this atmospheric personal transport can both hover, fly and glide in the atmosphere. --Updated to MK3 and now is compactable! Special thanks to amazing Ryan Pryde we make a fine polishing to the hoverbike and now you can have it as a pocket. Also it comes with a multicolor kit separate bluprint with no DRMs that you can choose whatever color you like or even make your custom ones! The voxel work was all handcrafted using the Vertex Precision Tool (VPT) and comes with all basic engines, making it cheap and easy to build. // For any information or Token request contact me on discord Captain Harlock#8115 - FinalX#2672 or RyanPryde#8917 - Midacre#3312 // New 1.4.16_x version updates to lua to work with current version Arch hud updated Free blueprint All the elements are buffed with LvL 5 talents! VR: Kosmos Public DSAT Showroom Dispensers : Alioth Exchange Green hall 7 Alioth Kosmos HQ Location ::pos{0,2,2.8943,105.4507,53.0078}

BP: 1 ħ




Cargo Lift: 1,000 t

FREE BP at ::pos{0,27,6.1338,-119.2199,39.8771} - S core hauler - 2 L containers - Lifts 800t+ off Alioth (up to 2kt with good piloting talents and t4 military engines) - Warp drive - Space and atmo radars - side and downwards engines for easy parking on space stations I suggest replacing aluminium with carbon fiber on deployment to reduce voxel weight and increase ship's performance Stats listed with handling talents, but without piloting talents, on basic elements.

BP: 1 ħ

Dot Metis

Dot Hack


Max Speed: 830 km/h

Dot Metis is first series of Dot Interplanetary of ships that is being introduce after the release. Dot Metis is a pocketable ship with an over engineered wing left. Come and pick up your ship today. Free BP. Update: All ships come with T5 buffs, just message me in discord to find a time.

BP: 1 ħ
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