Dual Universe Creators
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Walter Penumbra

Battle ready Export just fill ammo and fuel and go blast it. 3 Seater: Laser mixed with Stasis 2 Seats and one Missile Seat. This is a myDU Export the original is a Star Trek Online Klingon Ship from the New Dyson Bundle Direct to blueprint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k7agUYlL19eI8C1WIVqAZD9lvLvvWLjD/view?usp=sharing
UNSC Pelican

NEW LOCATION ON ALIOTH ::pos{0,2,39.3165,100.6868,175.0857} VR - Kyo Ship Shop A Pelican from the game Halo. Modified to work in Dual Universe. I have hauled 1000 tons so far without issue. 1 L container, the 8 xs containers are mainly to complete the look but they are linked to the hub. Took about a month of voxel shaping with two people working on it. Has all the toys. Ress node, VR station, warp drive, it has engines facing down, and up for maneuvering in space and both types of radar. VR to Kyo UNSC to check it out.
VF-1 Valkyrie (free Tokens or BP))

Free buffed Token or BP, DRM free too! Just an all around fun ship to fly in atmo and space. Was built as a fun toy to own. Great visuals in space! Flies like a dream! Hit me up in discord or in game if you want one! It is a featured racer is DU Racing's Top Gun event held the first Saturday of every month. All the stats are great and the space, especially the atmo brakes are ridiculous! Latest version 5.0 comes with 2 medium rare military atmo engines, 2 medium rare military space engines, 2 small rocket engines, resnode, xs container, Seawings heat shielding, DU racing lua, programmed with several races starting at Star Watch Naval Air Station, and a downward thruster for space station landings, atmo and space radar, Arch Hud installed (only works if you have it on your pc), otherwise you need to install your own hud or switch back to default. Based off of Robotech VF-1 Valkyrie. Great reviews! Tokens are available as fast as I can make and buff them! Over 50 have been built so far and that number keeps going up! They are pretty popular! Watch a video on it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L3f7R2IB-I&t=7s
Flatbed AG 3rd Edition
United Astral Logistics

Token Ready 8L boosted Containers AGG is included as standard The ship includes 10 Basic Atmo Engines and 2 Basic Space Engine Ls And Anti Grav The First Version And Second Version have had a lot of praise, and lots of happy buyers, this version is sure to impress and can be purchased with static containers on board or with a removable container pod with the same volume. Don't Wait, She Doesn't For token inquiries dm me on discord I recommend lifting 3kt if you're not experienced or want to play it safe
Southern Cross High Guard

Inspired by the Star Wars Venator Class Star Destroyer. with AGG and 20 large Containers and a Large Shield. This space only freighter will deliver in style. Not currently optimized but wouldn't take much brake or adjuster additions to suit your weight requirements. Sold as a BP on request. DM me in Discord to get a copy or arrange an inspection in VR or in person.

Dragonster dragon - L size huge flying dragon. -Atmo, Space, Warp Drive Ask for token price contact in game : LordSaygon discord: LordSaygon#5819 twitch : LordSaygon
Gaia (Free and No DRM)

A free XS hybrid ship to get you out of trouble if you need it. Yep it's free, no there isn't any DRM. Dispensers with BP and all required parts now available on Starlantis. ::pos{0,0,-999977.8712,593168.6796,-1418865.8473} Also comes with fuel and some scrap.
Swift II

Slow. Unaffordable. Boring. These words don't describe this ship - they describe you without it! VISIT THE SHOWROOM AT ::pos{0,27,60.0132,-102.3671,267.0157} BUY IT NOW! GIVE ME YOUR DAMNED MONEY! I'LL PRISE IT FROM YOUR COLD DEAD HANDS YOU MISE...
Manta IX

You've seen it. You want it. NOW YOU CAN BUY IT! YES FRIENDS! The Manta IX - Helios' premier go-it-alone courier has everything YOU need to make life easy, comfortable and affordable! Featuring never seen before voxelmancy qualities such as windowframes and pointless little gold hexagons on the walls, this advanced military component powered personal paradise will make you the envy of your friends! And if not, then who needs them when the Manta IX has everything you need to do without the churlish little buggers?! No warp drive? No problem! The Manta IX blueprint comes with an advanced xs shield generator as standard along with a couple of railguns to beat off those pesky ne'er-do-wells. And if that's not enough, the two rocket boosters will see you out of harm's way in no time! So what are you waiting for? Don't delay! Buy your blueprint today! Buy! BUY! BUY IT NOW. BUY IT DAMN YOUR EYES! VISIT THE SHOWROOM THIS VERY INSTANT: ::pos{0,27,60.0132,-102.3671,267.0157}
ISEKAI Courier

Atmospheric hauler/courier. Great starter ship for missions, or hauling ore. Cheap/Easy to build. All honeycomb materials used can be made using nanocrafter. With zero pilot skills I have had this ship will take a full load of ore. (Around 100t). Fast with great manoeuvrability even while loaded. Can be upgraded for space flight. Sold as Blueprint only on Alioth at my location ::pos{0,2,-19.7467,125.9551,79.7045}

A spaceship for ride into the PVP zone and digging asteroids. Can drive away the opponent. Can protect itself from a single pirate. A ship with pumped fuel tanks and guns. One of the features of the ship is that you can get to the pilot's seat from the interior. When exiting the cockpit, in this case you get inside the ship, from where the landing in the cockpit was performed. The main chair is the - "Gunner", where the screen is located. With it, the control of the ship in solo and the ability to shoot. Speed 44k, with full tanks Type in VR "Tachi" and come to our store!
Pocket Ball

Need some Nostalgia fueled flight? Try the Pocket Ball by Stormsteel! This vanity pocket ship is a beautiful edition to any collection. Although it's basic small engines keep it rather slow, the Pocket Ball handles beautifully and makes for a comfortable joyride. Consider upgrading the engines to give it a little more speed! The Blueprint will default deploy with Polished Red Steel to create the classic look. The Pocket Ball is also available in more premium looks. The Great and Ultra Ball BPs are 100,000 quanta. The Master Ball BP is 150,000 quanta. Stormsteel Guarantee: All Stormsteel ships come with max boosts to all piloting elements. When you buy a Stormsteel ship, you can always bring it back for updated Boosts if you add or move elements around and need them re boosted. VR to "Stormhold" to see the Pocket Ball in person. Blueprints can be purchased via Dispenser at ::pos{0,2,51.3456,99.1264,-0.0000} Tokens are available! Please contact Stormsteel#9179 on Discord to place a token order. Custom Colors can be done with T1 Honeycomb
Height Worker

A simple height worker that takes you up. Handy to: - Reach the top of your sky rise buildings - Bring your friends and your friends from the ground to your AGG ship - Recover your ships after you crashed them into a space tower - Take nice aerial pictures of your creations How To Buy: - Contact me on discord: taishiryu#6188
Compact Tie Atmo
SNS Sentinels

Build by Knight-Sevy#6239 The TIE Fighter, was an starfighter that was part of the TIE line manufactured the shipbuilding industrie of Sentinels. It is built in such a way as to be as close as possible to the real scale while adding the "DU" dough and as details as possible. Real cockpit and accessible through a hatch at the top. Sold with 200 l of fuel BP dispenser located on Moon 4 at - ::pos{0,22,-24.0681,158.4720,64.3307} To view in person, visit VR: " SNS Showroom Public DSAT" All Star Wars fans should at least own one ! https://youtu.be/g9l4cbuoh7w No talent max stats : 2.52g MAX THRUST 11g BRAKE FORCE 11.7g Airfoils 25.6m² Frontal cross section

the pocketJet is a collapsible pocket speeder that can reach 2000 kmph fast it is extremely maneuverable and lightening quick Dispenser Location: ::pos{0,2,53.8853,90.0610,40.1033} msg Gearss for buffs