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Destiny One

Loaded Industries (NEW LOCATION)


Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

Loaded Industries presents Destiny One medium hauler if your looking for a new stylish daily runner i hope we have you covered with this new original design by loaded, 3kt hauler with 6 large containers, fitted with all advanced engines, medium shield, warp drive etc everything you would expect, very easy to fly and very agile to move around, full interior design, blue print only no tokens as of yet, any question please message me on discord. stats shown are with lvl 5 talent buffs applied and some pilot skills, as i dont have a character with no skill at all no more, if you are a skilled pilot with pilot skills you will push 4kt of alioth you can view in VR search for loaded industries and you find the ship located on the open air showroom space with dispenser ::pos{0,2,37.6266,109.2195,-51.3445}

BP: 6 Mħ




Space Thrust: 319 MN

Nautilus Freighter A Large Bio Mechanoid creature .Living and thriving in the Vastness of space . These Passive creatures are easily captured and fitted with armor plates . There Huge open interior body's fitted with large numbers of containers . Although Nautiloid are a Primarily a space organism its installed armor allows it to enter planet atmosphere's . Found to only be the 3rd Largest Bio Mechanoid in the New Verse with its fast growth rate and passive nature the Nautilus fills out a bulk of the Nemesis fleets . the Military versions packed with heavy armaments and a very thick shells Description WIP

BP: 30 Mħ

The Falcon



Cargo Space: 1,344 kL

Cargo ship made for mining asteroids comes without AGG standard has an EZ install room for one

BP: 45 Mħ


Smilin' Bazzy's Used Shipyard


Space Thrust: 24.7 MN

Magnate is an exploration frigate of Royal Khanid shipyard designed for comfort and opulence to those who can aford it. Find out what it feels like to a be amarrian tyrant prowling subjudgated starsystem. Rub your starving vassals' nose in your outrageous wealth while they're surviving on pittance of 160K alioth missions. Make Helios great again.

BP: 5 Mħ

Gray Runner Basic

Super Powerful Pro Army


Space Thrust: 12.1 MN

The Gray Runner is designed as a single seater for the new PvE Mission in patch 1.4. You can finish multiple runs of the mission difficulty “easy” and with the Rare Precision Cannon S you are able to quickly kill your enemy. A shield vent should not be necessary. This version contains Basic Engines, but for more fun we are recommending Safe Engines. Note: PVP talents are not saved in blueprints, so you will not be able to use the weapons after deploying the BP. You need capacity handling talents in order to use all Cannons, let us know when you need them. Comes with SleimHUD preinstalled. Manual available at Github https://github.com/sleim22/Sleim-Hud/blob/main/README.md Blueprint Dispensers available at: SPPA Alioth Showroom ::pos{0,2,34.3420,111.0227,0.5870} Surrogate: SPPA Alioth Shop

BP: 1.5 Mħ

ETA Heavy Freighter Mk2

Elite Transport Associates Ship Works


Cargo Lift: 8,000 t

ETA Heavy Freighter BP's FE- Freight Engine's ME- Maneuver Engine's ML- Military Engine's SE -Safe Engine's Custom engine configs on request Token 100 million as shown This Freighter is built for the space trucker. With its industrial design easy maintenance and heavy duty feel. This ship focuses on fuel economic as well as its first person piloting. Ship comes Equip with: Anti gravity. 12 Adv Freight Atmosphere L Engines or engines of your choice. 2 Adv Maneuver Space XL Engines or engines of your choice. 4 Adv Maneuver or engines of your choice. Space for easy Space station docking. Warp Drive. Medium Shield. Albatross HUD. All ETA Ships come with LvL 5 put down skills for fuel tanks, engines, and containers. Buffs Are Free @Sepper on discord

Token: 100 Mħ
BP: 30 Mħ

B14 Airspeeder



Max Speed: 780 km/h

B14 Airspeeder, a quick transport for cruising through the city. Come Visit our showroom ::pos{0,2,38.3555,108.5520,156.5249}

BP: 50 Kħ


Stellar Forge


Cargo Lift: 1,500 t

In a joint effort with our friends at ODY we are proud to bring you the Sleek and clean light hauler. Vanguard. With room for AGG if you want to upgrade the containers to advanced optimized for more carry capacity. This ship is optimized for multiple tiers of upgrades. Tested to 1.5 kt with lvl 3 pilot. Many upgrade options available. Ask us in our discord about options. Token sales soon. BP sales at ODY Showroom ::pos{0,2,23.6496,73.9653,18.3156}

BP: 5 Mħ


Stellar Forge


Cargo Lift: 1,500 t

A small core with big ambition. The Ridgeback is agile very maneuverable and capable. Tested to 1.5kt off of Alioth with good skills. Small hangar for your pocketables. VR: Stellar Forge

BP: 3 Mħ

Flatbed AG 3rd Edition

United Astral Logistics


No attributes :-(

Token Ready 8L boosted Containers AGG is included as standard The ship includes 10 Basic Atmo Engines and 2 Basic Space Engine Ls And Anti Grav The First Version And Second Version have had a lot of praise, and lots of happy buyers, this version is sure to impress and can be purchased with static containers on board or with a removable container pod with the same volume. Don't Wait, She Doesn't For token inquiries dm me on discord I recommend lifting 3kt if you're not experienced or want to play it safe

Token: 1 ħ
BP: 10 Mħ




Space Thrust: 1.24 MN

eng/fr BP ::pos{0,27,7.1673,20.1331,236.7780} AMG INDUSTIRE is proud to introduce its iconic Warp Shuttle, the Daimond Black. As efficient as it is attractive, fast and light, the Daimond Black will take you anywhere for a low cost with maximum style! This ship has a 5-seat transport version and a cargo version with two S-containers. -2 atypical military atmospheric engines -1 atypical military space engine -optimized elements -107 t -12 cells to go to Teoma. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ BP ::pos{0,27,7.1673,20.1331,236.7780} AMG INDUSTIRE est fier de vous présenter sa navette Warp emblématique, le Daimond Black. Aussi efficace que séduisante, elle est rapide et légère, le Daimond Black vous emmènera partout pour un cout réduit avec un maximum de style! Ce vaisseau a une version transport à 5 places et une version cargo avec deux conteneur S. -2 moteurs atmosphérique militaire atypique -1 moteur spatial militaire atypique -éléments optimisés -107 t -12 cellules pour aller à Teoma.

BP: 1 Mħ

AGS Meridian II



Cargo Lift: 3,000 t

The AGS Meridian II is a M core workhorse for all your general purpose needs, and it has been completely re-worked since launch. Check out the all new interior, complete with a docking bay for two racers (because who doesn't want to be involved in Race Night?). 4L and 1M containers, with additional space for scrap and cells, plus two dispensers in the lobby. This version has basic engines all round, but it's easy to install upgrades if needed. Currently only available as a BP for 3m quanta, tokens to come later. Find us about 10km east of Market 6 (showroom is still WIP, but the Meridian is usually docked there, unless I've taken it out) ::pos{0,2,34.7775,106.8452,212.9722}

BP: 3 Mħ


Smourr Designs


Cargo Lift: 150 t

The Mungo is the small workhorse you need. Fitted with a medium cargo container, two powerful atmo engines and a space engine - combined with a slim stubnose military design you will get every job done. Powerful enough to carry 300t of material in atmosphere - With medium skills. But also with low skills you can fly it easy. Can lift up to 150 tons of material from Alioth to space. Much more back to Alioth. This is our daily use transporter for all kind of small to medium supports in the organization. Pick from market, Deliver to Madis, Bring home material - All done with one ship. Atmo speed is limited to 1100 km/h, but can fly up to 1400 km/h. Available in 4 colors - Olive/military, Red, Blue and Silver. Have a look in the store - Colors examples in the showroom. Free skilling on request. Token on request - Have a look at store, we sell already built ships on the outer floor. Can be ordered with advanced safe / freight engines for saving more fuel.

BP: 2.5 Mħ

Aviva Explorer (625 T / 17G brake / 7G thrust)



Space Thrust: 47.4 MN

bonjour vaisseau de minage avec DSAT, militarisé

BP: 1 Mħ




Cargo Lift: 50 t

The Gnome is all basic engine warp shuttle. Does 15 cells to jago fully fueled and 100 warp cells in cargo. all stats are with full lvl 5 bonus but 0 pilot skills. It is made to be a cheap but still easy to fly warp shuttle. And with only Medium elements easy to make. And it can even take a full load of ore of alioth. for more info or token contact vanherck#7572 on discord

Token: 7 Mħ
BP: 500 Kħ
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